can't decide which cycle to run!



New member
Sorry for the book I'm about to write guys!

So I'm in a bit of a dilemma with which cycle to do. I was lucky enough to anticipate the bad news of this week and stocked up on 3 bottles of h-drol and 1 of x-tren, yayyy.

I'm 23, and have been lifting pretty consistently for some years now and this will be my third cylce using h-drol. I'm about 242lbs and 6'1, but my weight was recently out of hand and I went from 275 to 242 in the last 3 months.

My dilemma is that I've been planning my cycle for November for quite some time now and had intended on cycling around 230 which I can definitely hit by then. However, now that I see myself at 240 again, I think I want to save that bottle of x-tren for once I'm down to like 210-220 so I can pack on some more muscle, but I'm leaving the country in January and wanted to look good for my vacation, so the November cycle is happening whether or not I'm at the weight I want to be at.

This cycles intention is to cut up while still packing on some muscle, which h-drol has done for me before. I was just wondering if you guys think I should use the x-tren on a cut along with the hdrol over a 6 week cycle going like this.

hdrol - 50,75,75,75,75,75
xtren - 0,0,90,90,90,90

OR should I just run another 4 week hdrol cycle of

hdrol - 50,75,75,75

just so I can cut up some more, and then save my x-tren and left over h-drol for around March when I'll be even leaner to start with.

I don't care if my weight goes up or down on cycle, but I want to help myself lean out/cut fat while packing on some good muscle, and then leaving me a month for my PCT to drop some more fat ya know? I'd love to be at 210-220 by year end, but understand my cycle may not allow that.

So which cycle do you guys think I should run if those are my goals? either way I'll probably run a cycle in November, and then again in March, it's just a matter of which one is the most beneficial at this time.

Thanks for the help guys, and sorry for the book.

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