I need help with this!!

lift or die

Ok so I been watching what i'm eating to trying and cut up... but I dont want to lose all my mass and I heard if you wanna get your biggest you need to eat everything in sight and I did this and I did get big... So should I start eating more in order to get bigger???


New member
figure out your calories for maintanance, and then go 300-500 calories/day over that level. This is a leaner diet then your typical bulking diet, but will still allow you to increase in size a bit. I would also recommend HIIT training, to burn some fat without really losing muscle.


New member
I've posted this a few times, but here is a way to calculate your suggested caloric intake. As i said before, aim to go about 300-500 cals over this level. Also make sure you are getting the right amount of fats/carbs/protiens, and try to get these from healthy sources. There are lots of posts in the bulking/nutrition forums which suggest potential diets.

Calculating Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Take body weight X 10
 Ex. 130 x 10 cal/lb = 1300 calories
Factor in activity level
 Sedentary: 20% (sitting most of day)
 Lightly Active: 30% (walking; daily chores)
 Moderately Active: 40% (Constantly moving; daily exercise)
 Very Active: 50% (heavy exercise for prolonged periods)
 Ex. 1300 cal X .30 = 390
Add your BMR and calories burned during activity:
 1300 + 390 = 1690 calories
Factor in calories used during digestion (10%)
 1690 X .10 = 169
Add together BMR/activity calories & calories needed for digestion
 1690 + 169 = 1859 calories needed to support basic needs

Calculating Protein Requirements
 12-15% of total caloric intake should be from protein
 1g protein = 4 calories
 15% intake for a 2000 diet
 0.15 x 2000 = 300 kcal
 Divide this by 4 calories/g
 300 / 4 = 75 grams of protein/day

Calculating Fat Requirements
 20% total daily calories from fat
 1g fat = 9 calories
 20% fat intake for a 2000 calorie diet
 0.20 x 2000 = 400 kcal
 Divide this by 9 calories/g fat
 400/ 9 = 45

Calculating Carbohydrate Requirements
 1g CHO = 4 calories
 60% target CHO intake for a 2,000 calorie diet
.60 x 2000 = 1200 CHO calories
 Divide this by 4 calories/gram
 1200/4 = 300 g CHO /day

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