BioCor Creatine Monohydrate



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BioCor Nutrition Creatine Monohydrate (500 grams): Discount Creatine Monohydrate Supplements

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally in vertebrates and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body, primarily muscle. This is achieved by increasing the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Creatine was identified in 1832 when Michel Eugène Chevreul discovered it as a component of skeletal muscle.

Creatine, when either synthesized by the body or consumed through meats or supplementation, is readily absorbed through the small intestine and delivered by the bloodstream and stored in muscles where creatine begins to exert its many benefits. Creatine is stored in human body as a compound known as “phosphocreatine”, which further works as a reservoir of phosphate.

Phosphocreatine is a substance that stores energy in the muscular tissues and provides energy for the muscular contractions. Phosphate produced from creatine is needed for regenerating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecules, which is the main fuel for your body during high intensity situations like weightlifting or other sports.

During muscle contraction, ATP loses a phosphate molecule to create energy and gets converted to adenosine di phosphate (ADP). Now in order to produce more energy ADP must be converted back to ATP. Now when ATP is depleted, creatine acts as a source of phosphate and converts the ADP molecule to ATP molecule. The more creatine is available to the body, the faster the body can produce ATP molecules, so that more and more energy is available for the muscle contractions. This is how creatine acts as a great energy source for short bursts of exercise such as sprinting, bodybuilding and other athletic activities.

These increased amounts of creatine also slow the possibility of fatigue, aiding in the athletic performance of endurance athletes as well as sprinters or weightlifters. And what has ling been postulated has finally been proven in the lab: Creatine helps in the synthesis of protein, which further promotes muscle growth and development. So with creatine supplementation, we get larger, more powerful muscles that are able to handle a greater workload for a longer period of time. But is there any downside?
It was first thought that creatine supplementation was simply producing excess water retention in the muscles, thereby allowing a temporary increase in muscle strength with the possibility of muscle cramping or dehydration occurring. However, it has clearly been shown that creatine does not induce dehydration or excess cramping. In fact, creatine is now the most widely studied dietary supplement of all time and its safety profile is described as being beyond repute.

Further demonstrating the safety profile of creatine, new research has begun to supplement the elderly, feeble and disease ridden with creatine in hopes of improving quality of life through increased muscle mass, anti-oxidant capability and nerve regeneration and improvement. So far, the research has been extremely promising.

If you were asked to create a perfect sports supplement, creatine monohydrate would be the blueprint. It has been proven in the real world for nearly two decades and more and more positive research keeps coming in regarding efficiency and safety. It is no winder that it is the single most popular sports nutrient used today.


Wallimann, T; Wyss, M; Brdiczka, D; Nicolay, K; Eppenberger, HM. ”Intracellular compartmentation, structure and function of creatine kinase isoenzymes in tissues with high and fluctuating energy demands: the ‘phosphocreatine circuit’ for cellular energy homeostasis”. The Biochemical journal 281 (Pt 1): 21–40. PMC 1130636.PMID 1731757.

“International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: creatine supplementation and exercise”. jissn. Retrieved 19 January 2012.
Bemben MG, Lamont HS (2005). “Creatine supplementation and exercise performance: recent findings”. Sports Medicine 35 (2): 107–25. PMID 15707376.

McMorris T, Mielcarz G, Harris RC, Swain JP, Howard A (September 2007). “Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals”. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition 14 (5): 517–28. doi:10.1080/13825580600788100. PMID 17828627.

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