Rebound XT, StimX, Retain2, and Superdrol Reviews

Force of Green

Force of Green

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Hello there! With all my experience trying supplements, I figure I'll go around to some sections and write a brief summary/review on the products I've used and what my thoughts, feelings, and results are or were from the products whether they be good or bad. Consumers should be able to read good, non-biased reviews from reviewers who aren't trying to kiss ass or get free products.


Rebound XT: I love this product that is licensed by Designer Supps. It's a great aromatase inhibitor and preferentially, I would use it for on cycle use only. To keep aromatase under control and at optimal levels, I would take 1 cap with breakfast and 1 with dinner if I were using an aromatizing compound and this does the trick to keep estrogen at bay. As far as post cycle therapy, I don't find any good use for it, though some have had success with it.

Retain 2: This product was one that I enjoyed VERY much, though it's effects were pretty much solely that of Relora. It had miniscule amounts of b-triol and 7-keto and I got the same results from Retain 2 that I did with the identical dose of Relora.

Stimulant X: I used the first version and I can see why it's not something to use all the time. It put me in fight or flight mode for pretty much the entire day and night. After about 4 days, I came down with some pretty bad illness and my body was hating me. My CNS felt like hell too. But, as far as this product, I think it would be good for druggies. I think it'd be good to have before going clubbing and drinking, or waking up the next morning with a hangover. I don't know about version 2, so... it may be good?

Superdrol: I'm not going to say much about it and I'm not sure why people are still using this stuff.


I too used the original and freakin loved the stuff, in fact I would buy some if anybody has a bottle of the original lol. I would actually be interested in someone posting a review of the new version compared to the original if they ever used it years ago.. I am contemplating ordering v2.o and need some opinions

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