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  1. Am I missing any SUPPS?

    Ok, so have decided I am going to stay away from the AAS, after losing so much after cycle, ect. I just wanna keep it natty! However, is there any supplement, I am missing? I know there are TONS of supps that dont do ****. The only things I take are: Daily V Fish Oil Whey Creatine Mono...
  2. Is 2 SETS enough?

    So, if I am on a "Muscle a day" split, so I am hitting each muscle with multiple excersises, is 2 sets for some enough? I know this is a beat to death subject. Some say you need ATLEAST 3 sets per excersise, some say for bodybuilding/hypertrophy do 4+ and on the opposite side, such as Dorian...

    Ok, so really started looking into "proven" routines, as I always just come up with my own. However, after researching DC for hours upon hours, it seems WAY confussing! Anyone got a layout in which they follow? Seems like with all the "science" it would take the fun outta it! I mean, Rest Pause...
  4. OFF DAY Nutrition?

    Ill make it simple as I can, I lift 3x a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Currently bulking, (4500 cals a day). Now, this is where im confussed, should I keep the cals that high on OFF days? I hear mixed opinions, some say to LOWER them since your not lifting to help minimize fat gain...
  5. Time of day to get TEST LEVELS checked?

    Ok, so is there an optimal time to get levels checked? Also, should I avoid lifting PRE blood work? Last time I got work done, my levels were LOW LOW LOW, and it was directly after lifting. I didnt know if this could have a negative (or positive) impact on levels. I just wanna make sure I am...
  6. BULKING macros on OFF days?

    Ok, so I took a few weeks off from lifting just to get a break and recover, I am back at it, but going to do a 3 DAY split instead of 4 or 5 (I am a frim believer you grow when resting) so I want more time to GROW! Anyways, I will be consuming about 4500 cals on workout days W,W,F constisting...
  7. 5000+ calories, NO GAIN!? HELP

    Ill make this as short as possilbe. Im 23, 190Lbs, 5-6% Bf, Type 1 Diabetic. Been lifting 4-5 Years. Anyways, just came off a cycle (test/tren) it shut me down HARD! Its been 3 months since coming off PCT. (still shutdown as of a few weeks ago). I curently am eating 5k cals a day on lifting...
  8. LANTUS and IGF receptors?

    Ill make this as short as possible, from what I read, it appears that LANTUS acts like IGF, and actually binds to IGF receptors. So, in laymens terms, is this GOOD or BAD? If it binds to Receptors, does that mean IGF its self (If injected ie: IGF DES or LR3) would be less usable? Do to lantus...
  9. 4 Month POST cycle, STILL LOW!

    Ok, did a test/tren/dbol cycle, got blood work done dirrectly after cycle which were as follows: Total test: 1252..........285-900 HIGH Free test: 503............50-247 HIGH % Free: 4.0................1.8-3.2 HIGH SBG: 4.......................10-74 LOW FSH: 0.5...........1.4-18.1 LOW LH...
  10. Carbs at Breakfast or NO?

    Ok, I have always made the bulk of my carbs at breakfast, pre, and post workout. However (and I know everyone will have a different opinion since it relates to carbs), I READ THAT HIGH CARBS AT BREAKFAST is BAD, due to it lowering levels of GH "growth hormone" when it is at its highest first...
  11. Is it POSSIBLE I NEED 5k+ Cals?

    Ok, currently, 200lbs, 8%ish BF, maybe a bit lower, I am trying to bulk, and even at 4500, I cant BUDGE the scale, according to all of those calculators ect. I SHOULD (In theory) bulk at more like 3700-4000 cals. This is DEF not true. All of the formulas say the same thing. Is it possible I need...
  12. I NEVER get SORE?

    Like it says, I see/hear of alot of people at my gym, and in general are sore a day or two after a good lifting session, however, I NEVER feel sore! The other day, I did like 30+ Sets on shoulder day, in attempt to get that "sore" feeling, and still...NOTHING Is this bad? Good?
  13. DEADS: Begining or End?

    I always thought doing a big lift (compound) like Deads, should be done at the begining of the workout on back day, but I see alot of Bodybuilders are doing them at the end? Fill me in!
  14. 5 day a week questions...

    Simply put, I see alot of guys do 5 day a week routines, but taking WEDNESDAY off, and SAT or SUN. Is this better than just going 5 days straight, and taking the weekend off? Either way you get 2 recovery days, but is there an advantage to spliting them up? Ie: Monday: LIFT Tuesday: LIFT...
  15. Macro Ratios, Seems HIGH HGIH HIGH!?

    Ok, so alot of people seem to follow the ol' ratio of 40-40-20, now I can see this working on a 3k calorie diet or less, but what about for those of us BULKING!? I require atleast 5k calories to bulk, which if following this ratio, would give me 500carbs, and 500protein? Now, I know protien is...
  16. Any advanced guys use 3x week splits?

    Just wondering if any "advanced" lifters still used 3x a week splits. Ie: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Or even fullbody routines? I know when I started lifting I always did 3x weekly splits, something like Chest/tris Legs/shoulders Back/bis. However, now days I do 5x weekly splits. BUT, I...
  17. Insulin with IGF, timing?

    If using both insulin and igf, when would be optimal times to inject? BACKGROUND, I am a type 1 diabetic, meaning evertime I eat I inject insulin (nolvalog) and problem is, I eat a good size pre workout meal, as well as post, so there is almost always a high level of circulating insulin in my...
  18. Fats PRE WO?

    Whats everyones opinions on FAT PRE WO? I generally eat oats with whey, and some PB. Didnt know if it was a good idea or not. I kinda thought it would help slow digestion and help get me through my workout? Simply put: Fats PRE WO, YES or NO?
  19. HCG Protocols? 10 day blast or not?

    Ok, so I have ran 500iu of HCG weekly, since day 1 of my test/tren cycle. I know you need to discontinue use before PCT, but should I do a "BLAST" of 500iu DAILY for the time leading up to SERM therapy (10 days)? Or just keep taking 500iu WEEKLY like I have been?
  20. HCG Protocols? 10 day blast or not?

    Ok, so I have ran 500iu of HCG weekly, since day 1 of my test/tren cycle. I know you need to discontinue use before PCT, but should I do a "BLAST" of 500iu DAILY for the time leading up to SERM therapy (10 days)? Or just keep taking 500iu WEEKLY like I have been?