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  1. Your favorite scale

    sams club or costco always have decent scales for a good price. Picked up a $20 one just the other day, keeps track of 4 different weights, lets you know how much up or down you are each time you weigh yourself. similar to this Health o Meter HDM690DQ-95 Weight Tacking Scale, Black...
  2. anyone ever buy supplements at

    true story, nutraplanet is the best at customer service, just wish they had flax seed oil in their store.
  3. anyone ever buy supplements at

    well as am I. Just at times when I do need to shop somewhere else, I'd rather not spend another $6 for shipping to buy from NP as well, it was more of a surprise that amazon had as much as they did.
  4. anyone ever buy supplements at

    I was just curious if anyone has ever looked at the selection at I was buying organic flax seed oil there, since they had the best prices I could find ($10 for 24oz NOW organic). I decided might as well see if they have everything else I need and just put it all on their site to...
  5. 4 day split

    Haven't really posted on here much anymore, but I am looking to change my routine up, mainly to a four day split that focuses on compound movements only for chest and back days, than a leg day, follow by an arms day. Haven't done this type of split before and was looking for some feed back on...
  6. The best new fat burner!

    just curious, how would you guys say this compares with HIIT cardio 3x week after lifting for 9-12minutes of interval work. not looking for a huge cut, just keeping the fat off during bulking?
  7. NP's bulk creatine monohydrate

    its been changed, thanks for it. NP is always quick on the upkeep for customers. This is why I always shop with you and have for the past 3 or so years.
  8. NP's bulk creatine monohydrate

    just curious why I can't buy the bulk 1 kilo of creatine mono anymore, says out of stock, but i can buy over a kilo of the 100g size? am I missing something?
  9. Minneapolis bridge!

    Right now it isn't making much, but If the expanded it to suburbs I think they would get much more business. It would be much easier to drive to a station by you and ride it downtown than having to drive down their and pay for parking.
  10. Minneapolis bridge!

    Well I think the light rail was a good idea for minneapolis, the only problem is it isn't very useful to a lot of people out of the cities. If they are using that money to expand the light rail out to the suburbs I would say that is good use for it. As far as more taxes, I would gladly pay...
  11. Minneapolis bridge!

    I know that it was the minnesota department of transportation that put out a report saying there was need for repairs on 35w last year in may, they were working on it this summer, we just have no idea if it was any of the things that needed working on that caused this or if it was just a freak...
  12. Christine and clen

    I've always noticed the cramps with clen, usually my muscles feel very sore and I get charlie horses in weird places on it, for example my jaw, which was VERY painful. Another thing is my endurance is shot while using it and takes time to recover after words which really sucks. How much...
  13. Minneapolis bridge! Some interesting pictures of the bridge after math.
  14. Minneapolis bridge!

    Yea I drive on that every few weeks when I head into minneapolis. As far as explosions, I highly doubt it, the bridge didn't just up and fall for no reason. They were redoing several parts of the bridge and has come out that the minnesota department of transportation did an assessment on it...
  15. How low do you squat?

    Yea that is what they mean, your legs should be parallel with the floor, so like sitting in a chair, if not lower (depending on if your knees hurt or not)
  16. How low do you squat?

    lol, people need to look at post dates to see that a thread is 2years old before they bring it back up. :)
  17. Luckiest High School Students Ever !!!

    why did you link to meinfolks which just has another link to another page... lol But interesting seeing all the teachers that like to bang their students.
  18. Ketoconazole powder

    hey thanks, pm sent
  19. I'm a druggie...

    what extract did you use? The highest I have ever gone was 10x and I start laughing really hard and have no idea whats going on for those 5minutes. I haven't tried the stuff in years, but it was definitely an experience. Like you said, it just hits you like a rock. On your second hit you...
  20. Larvae Take Up Residence on Man's Head

    that just grosses me out thinking about it. Something about larva or any kind of parasite living in me like that disgusts me.