Search results

  1. rabican

    Iconogenin vs Ultra Eleven

    Hi all, I'm interested in running either Iconogenin or Ultra Eleven. Do either require a PCT for a single bottle dose (1 month I believe)? Would it be best to use with sustain alpha as a "PCT" or is this not needed? Any sides from these? Thanks!
  2. rabican

    Planning 2nd Hdrol cycle...a few questions

    Hello guys, i ran a cycle of Hdrol 50mg for 4 weeks exactly a year ago with great results (when i was 25yrs, now im 26), im planning on starting a 2nd cycle very soon and would like people to review it. My main question is...should i buy a SERM. If so should i get torem or nolva and what...
  3. rabican

    PCT questions (hdrol (lasek + serm)

    Hello, I have a few questions about my future cycles pct. I ran a CEL hdrol cycle last summer, 4 weeks @ 50mg with sustain (TD) and PCS as my PCT which seemed to work great, gained 14lbs, after pct I kept 9 months later. That being said im planning on running another cycle in June and would...
  4. rabican

    No rear license plate in CA?

    Im on vacation in CA this past week and iv noticed cars with no rear or front license plates on their car. I dont understand first i saw one or two and thought maybe they just bought the car...since then iv noticed maybe 5 diff cars every day so this couldnt be the case. *no the...
  5. rabican

    Sustain + rash...

    Hey guys, i finished a 4week 50mg hdrol cycle with sustain as pct. i have about 3 days left in pct (in 3rd week) and iv noticed a rash on all the areas i apply sustain. I thought this was weird bc i havent had any issues until now. My balls are on fire, they itch like crazy (i apply 1 pump to...
  6. rabican

    This guy is crazy strong! lamborghini vs man

    Dailymotion - Trattiene una Lamborghini a tutto gas!, un video di virginiawoolf. trattiene, auto, motori, numeri, lamborghini
  7. rabican

    incredibly slimming down (this is NOT me)

    Incredibly slimming down (27 pics) » - In fun we trust! Pictures, photos, videos, flash, games, celebs, hot stuff i just saw this link and had to share lol! mb it will inspire someone ;) peace
  8. rabican

    Extreme shoulder pain during beching last night...

    Last night I was doing my max bench and as i went down I felt a click and I barely got the weight back up, I did 1 more rep (in allot of pain) then this point I knew I hurt my shoulder but I thought it would go away shortly...I rubbed it for a minute then moved on. I started to do...
  9. rabican

    Weight lifting inspired desktop wallpaper request

    Does anyone have hardcore bodybuilding wallpapers? Post them up. thanks.
  10. rabican

    Greatest product ever! ;) (bodybuilding related)

    LIFT & SHAKE haha :bb3:
  11. rabican

    Vitamin C About to be Made Illegal in Canada!?

    What if, just for taking vitamin C, you could be thrown in jail for up to 2 years and fined up to $5,000,000? That scenario could very well soon become a reality in Canada. The Canadian Government is trying to pass a bill known as Bill C51. According to some interpretations of the bill, it...
  12. rabican

    Strange pain/pressure in my chest...

    The last 2 days iv had this weird pressure in my chest, if i take deeper breaths, it goes away slightly but then comes right was really annoying me last night so i had 2 glasses of wine which took my mind off the feeling and helped. Iv never really had anything like this before and im...
  13. rabican

    Best BCAA mix...?

    Iv been taking xtend for a month or two and im happy with it but i dislike how xtend has aspartame in it. I was thinking of ways to decrease the aspartame or get ride of it all together. I was thinking either: a) bulk BCAA powder + xtend (to reduce the aspartame) or b) bulk BCAA powder + NOW...
  14. rabican

    GMO in dextros/maltrodextros/WMS ?

    I was curious if the corn used is GMO... iv been reading bad things lately about GMO :(
  15. rabican

    Real world Hollywood - gyno?

    first off im going to say i do not watch this show, my gf does. So my gf turned it on the other night and one of the cast members gets my attention bc hes jacked. His names joey, the funny thing about the guy is hes SUPER emotional (crying, etc) and thinks hes really hardcore. The guy wore a...
  16. rabican

    Taking xtend over night...Q

    Recently i started taking Xtend during the night (id mix it up and sip on it all night, anything left id finish off when i woke up). I got the idea in another thread on this topic... iv only done this 2 times but iv noticed my sleep was not good, i woke up allot and it was very light...
  17. rabican

    Best PWO shake combo?

    Title says it all, explain if you would like! ;) thanks 4 voting.
  18. rabican

    quick ZMA question

    My question is about when i should take ZMA at night. I usually get done lifting @ 9pm, i drink my PWO shake from 9-10pm then i eat at 10:30pm. I usually try to go to bed at 11:00-11:15. Currently iv been taking my ZMA @ 11pm, basically 5min before i get in bed. I was considering taking it...
  19. rabican


    Hello all, i took a 5week break about 2 months ago because i kept getting sick. Since then iv been lifting hard 4-5times a week and iv developed a bad wrist pain. I do IT work for a living and this sometimes gives me slight wrist pain but never this bad. During the day it doesn't hurt but at...
  20. rabican

    Has anyone used StemEnhance?

    Has anyone used or heard of StemEnhance? The supplement is cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)(the extract of algae from Oregon) used for stem cell enhancement. It claims to stimulate or enhance the stem cells you have already manufactured in your bone marrow and then stimulate the...