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  1. HgH problems

    Hello Guys, My respects to everybody who comes here to help others. I appreciate all the knowledge given. I have just recently gotten my hgh vials obviously not pharma. But the powder rolled up all together in ball. I wonder if it is still good to use, should i just get rid of it? Please advice...
  2. Some enhancers

    Hello guys, I've been lifting for about 5 or 6 years 3 years of crossfit. About 6 month ago I set my mind to loose some weight and get better at crossfit. I know most people don't believe in crossfit or don't like it, but I like it and it's fun for me. With that being said, I've lost over...
  3. ECA stack + cardarine (gw501516) log, cutting cycle

    This log is about an over the counter ECA stack and also cardarine, I won't be mentioning names of brands since I'm not endorsing any company. Stats before cycle: Weight: 164 Bf: 15-16% I have run the ECA stack twice before, the first time I did it for 4 weeks ago lost about 15 lbs. Took 2...
  4. What body fat percentage?

    Hey guys just wanted some of your well valued knowledge hoping you can guide to my goal of 10% bf I'm trying to figure the bf% I currently am, but every method tells me something different hoping you guys can help me. My goals is to be 10% I'm currently just taking proteins shakes when I...
  5. Eca stack pause

    Hello guys, Before hand, i' d like to thank you for taking some of your valuable time to read this. Start up weight: 179 lbs Current weight: 162 lbs Bf: 13% I ran an ECA stack for 4 weeks for the first time, and I lost around 10 lbs. Then I stopped for 2 weeks and lost another 5 lbs...