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  1. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 12 1 day without cheating. 1772 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  2. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 11 0 day without cheating. ~2500 calories consumed. Today was a false start. I had no groceries for my prepared meals and I had to eat whatever I could find. No cardio either!
  3. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 10 0 day without cheating. ~2500 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run Again I broke discipline because I hadn't bought the proper foods. This is a problem I need to get on top of because I find once I begin to break discipline it's very difficult to renew my...
  4. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 9 1 day without cheating. ~1800 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  5. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 9 0 days without cheating. ~3000 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run I broke dieting discipline again today. I couldn't sleep and felt I needed to eat something. It's really unacceptable and I am renewing my commitment today. I have to motivate myself to put...
  6. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 8 1 days without cheating. 1655 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  7. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 7 0 days without cheating. ~2500 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run I broke dieting discipline today and consumed too much bread because I didn't feel like cooking.
  8. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 6 6 days without cheating. 2096 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  9. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 5 5 days without cheating. 1800 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  10. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 4 4 days without cheating. 1775 calories consumed. 134 calories burned. Cardio: 30 minutes walk
  11. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 3 3 days without cheating. 1877 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  12. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 2 2 days without cheating. 1775 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  13. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    Thanks for the comment. It's good advice! I think I can handle ham sandwiches for lunch every day but dinner tends to get a little tiresome. Perhaps I can work out a different dinner menu to keep things going.
  14. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    DAY 1 1 day without cheating. 1775 calories consumed. 287 calories burned. Cardio: 15 minutes run
  15. Space

    Space's Diet Journal

    I am starting a new diet journal after 4 weeks break. Again my goal is to maintain strict dieting discipline and to lose at least 10 pounds over the next 8 weeks. My current stats are 5'10" and 176 pounds, estimated BF ~ 18%. I plan to eat ~ 1800 calories a day divided between 5 meals with a...
  16. Space

    Space's No Cheat Marathon

    Well it seems I have lost approximately 10 pounds so far. It's difficult to tell for certain because of fluid fluctuations and gut contents, but I have consistently lost 2.5 pounds a week since I started. As far as cardio is concerned I do the walk in the morning after breakfast and the run at...
  17. Space

    Space's No Cheat Marathon

    DAY 33 4 days without cheating. Calories consumed 2096 Calories burnt 484 Cardio: 40 minutes walk 15 minutes run Weights: Bench Press 165x102 Bicep Curl 44x12 Dumbbell Military Press 38.5x11 Lat Pull Down 121x12 Tricep Pushdown 121x10 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 22x12 Forearm Curl 44x10 Dips 16...
  18. Space

    Space's No Cheat Marathon

    DAY 32 3 day without cheating. Calories consumed 2096 Calories burnt 1740 Cardio: 300 minutes walk 15 minutes run
  19. Space

    Space's No Cheat Marathon

    DAY 31 2 days without cheating. Calories consumed 2096 Calories burnt 726 Cardio: 90 minutes walk 15 minutes run Weights: Bench Press 165x12 Bicep Curl 44x13 Dumbbell Military Press 38.5x13 Lat Pull Down 121x13 Tricep Pushdown 121x10 Dumbbell Lateral Raise 22x12 Forearm Curl 44x10 Dips 16...
  20. Space

    Space's No Cheat Marathon

    DAY 30 1 day without cheating. Calories consumed 2096 Calories burnt 1595 Cardio: 270 minutes walk 15 minutes run First day back on diet. Cardio was a breeze today, most likely due to being on a full tank after 2 days of indulgence.