Search results

  1. lboston

    Sick on Cycle

    Hey all, What do you folks do in the event of getting sick on cycle? During the third week of a T Cyp cycle, I got bronchitis. Haven’t worked out since Tuesday . Now, I have a stomach virus form HELL, and can’t keep anything down for the last 48 hours. Do you keep with the injection cycle...
  2. lboston

    Latest OTC Anti-E Products

    Haven't posted on here in quite some time, and I'm a bit out of touch with the latest in the supplement market. Is Erase still pretty much the standard when it comes to anti- E products? On TRT and looking for something OTC. Arimidex and I do not get along well. Every time I take it, I feel...
  3. lboston

    Best Anti- E supplement

    Haven't posted on here in quite some time, and I'm a bit out of touch with the latest in the supplement market. Is Erase still pretty much the standard when it comes to anti- E products? On TRT and looking for something OTC. Arimidex and I do not get along well...
  4. lboston

    HCG 100iu ED and Test Cyp 50mg 2x Week

    Had an appointment with Dr John Crisler (who is now with Defy Medical) via phone on Monday.... I've been on Test Cyp injections for approximately 4 or 5 years now. We've had two daughters in the last 6 or so years (one is 5 and one is 3--also had a miscarriage before our first). For two...
  5. lboston


    For those that use DHEA with their TRT protocol, what does your dosing schedule look like? Also, what effects do you notice?
  6. lboston

    HCG Monotherapy for Baby Making...

    Has anyone ever had any luck with HCG Monotherapy for TRT? I've been on Test Cyp injections for approximately 4 or 5 years now. We've had two daughters in the last 6 or so years (one is 5 and one is 3--also had a miscarriage before our first). For two pregnancies, it happened naturally, and for...
  7. lboston


    Anyone have experience with pancreatitis? I spent two days last week in the ER with it. Probably two of the worst days I've ever had health wise!
  8. lboston

    Hair Growth on TRT

    Anyone else feel like they turned in to a Wookie after starting TRT? This back hair situation is getting out of control!
  9. lboston

    4 weeks of Clomid results

    I was put on Clomid to help bring the boys back to life after being on TRT for 2 years. My wife and I are considering another baby (have 2 girls) and the fertility doc offered clomid or HCG mono therapy. I went with clomid due to the lower costs. I've been on clomid once before as a...
  10. lboston

    Free T out of range - High

    Any potential negatives for Free T to be one or two points above the reference range? Received recent bloodworm back.... Total T was 527 ng/dl Range of 348-1197 Free T was 22.50 ng/dl Range of 5-21 Estradiol 14.1 pg/ml Range of 7.6-42.6 Prolactin was 4.6 ng/dl. Range of 4-15.2...
  11. lboston

    HCG Monotherapy

    Gents, anyone ever do HCG as a standalone for TRT? Went to a new doc today that specializes in male fertility. My wife and I are interested in potentially having a third baby and the doctor has advised HCG 1500iu two times per week. Any experience out there?
  12. lboston

    Formeron anyone?

    Looking for feedback on Formeron. Anyone use as an AI?
  13. lboston

    Need deadlift advice

    Could use advice on my deadlift. It's my weakest of the "big three". Last week I was able to get 415x3, but today I could only get 405 once. It was exactly one week between training sessions. I would appreciate ant advice you all could give on deadlift programming. Is attempting to go up in...
  14. lboston

    7-keto and TRT

    Anyone ever use 7-keto DHEA in conjunction with their TRT regimen? I'm curious as what the pros/cons might be...
  15. lboston

    Best pre on the market at the moment...

    Tried... Craze, enhanced, C4, and jack3d, I have rotated through those for the past year or two. Looking to see what else is out that will aid in an explosive workout. With new products coming out each month, I'm curious to see what you everyone thinks...
  16. lboston

    Opinions on what to add to TRT

    Gents, I'm wanting to add something to my TRT dose of 40-50mg twice per week. I want something that would provide lean gains and be minimal toxicity as my liver values always run slightly on the higher side, over the reference range, in regards to ALT and AST (maybe 10 points). However, it's...
  17. lboston

    Dorian Yates style HIT training

    Anyone ever train like this? I've been doing it about 3 weeks now and not sure I'm reaping much benefit.
  18. lboston

    DS Craze...who has used it? Who likes it?

    Bought a tub of Craze to try. Been through two tubs of enhanced and feeling like I need to switch it up. What can I expect? Pros/cons?
  19. lboston

    2nd Cycle...SD pulse??

    Considering doing a second cycle. The first was about 6 months or so and was a small blast of 400mg Test Cyp for 8 weeks or so. Gained about 5 lbs, but had a great recomp effect. Went right back to my TRT dose of 100mg EW. Ordered some LGI SD-10 back some time ago and was thinking about...
  20. lboston

    When to stop a blast for bloodwork

    For those that blast and cruise...or who are on TRT and like to blast every now and again... How long before blood work would one need to stop the "blast" to reach normal TRT levels using a long ester like cyp or enth? Some guys have been discussing this in my blast thread in the anti-aging...