Recent content by smokey the bear

  1. smokey the bear

    1,4 AD cycle planning

    A trenbolone derivative like Trenadrol or M-TRN...Or possibly a DHT derivative like Prostanozol or furazodrol... I begin my 6 week H-drol + Mega-ZOL + 1,4AD cycle this upcoming monday.... I'm playing with the thought of switching the 1,4ad to formestane instead.... maybe i will just use all 4...
  2. smokey the bear

    Question for everyone, Cardio after legs or not?

    I play football and must practice after lifting 4 days a week. So i basically do not have a choice. But in the off season i continue to do some cardio after i lift. Considering that your glycogen stores are seriously depleted after an intense lower body/leg workout, doing low to moderate level...
  3. smokey the bear

    comparable with ergomax for cutting

    phera plex is a "cleaner" version of ergomax... there are many phera clones out there that you may be interested in..
  4. smokey the bear

    comparable with ergomax for cutting

    ergomax is considered a bulking compound... do some searching. There are many options, depending on your goals...
  5. smokey the bear

    question: DMSO

    formestane will definitely work with penetrate... if I'm not mistaken, i believe that about 12 grams will fit in the 8oz bottle...
  6. smokey the bear

    H-drol protocol... Second cycle.. 6 week ramp up(critique)

    By gradually ramping up your doses, you should be able to asses your bodies responce to the h-drol. Being a novice you may not have to go over 75mg to achieve your desired results... ps. h-drol is definately not a bulking steroid.
  7. smokey the bear

    Best Supplements While on Test... Your Opinions...?

    Looks like you got your bases covered bro
  8. smokey the bear

    P-Slin and M-Drol

    Sounds to me like major hypoglycemia waiting to happen in a really bad way... good luck
  9. smokey the bear

    How big do you wanna get?

    Currently 6'1" 235lbs @ 18% bf... I am going to continue bulking until mid april and hope to get to 250lbs and hopefully stay sub-20% bf... I start my recomp at aprils end and hope to be around 240lbs 12% bf by the end of july... wish me luck..
  10. smokey the bear

    Sprinter Advice

    this is not even worth responding to and hijacking this thread, but ... Does the name Ben Johnson ring a bell? 100m world record holder that got his medal stripped from him for using WINSTROL... dry joints, yes... increased chance of injury, yes... strength, explosiveness, and hhhmmm speed...
  11. smokey the bear

    anyone used testofen?

    i wonder if this higher consentration extract will still make you smell like maple syrup in the same way that fenugreek does???
  12. smokey the bear

    Sprinter Advice

    Bad form.......but if he was gonna use the juicy juice it would be all about the winny and hgh;)...drugs are bad, dont do drugs..
  13. smokey the bear


    What is your experience thus far after three weeks of use? What does your overall PCT plan look like?? What kind of cycle did you run???
  14. smokey the bear

    How often do you Max out?

    BINGO....... I feel that maxing out too frequently can actually be counter-productive and promote overtraining... I am a football player and definitely benefit from maximum exertion lifts... I only max out on my Olympic Lifts, and only preform a 2RM rather than a true 1RM. I will only test my...
  15. smokey the bear

    New Products from Primordial Performance!

    Innovative Genius... I am truly inspired and have a great deal of respect for the hard work that this man puts into each and every one of his products.