Recent content by bi0hazurd

  1. Nutrition advice please

    CFT is squat/press/deadlift
  2. Nutrition advice please

    Lol that's funny bro! But u weren't helping me with my question IN ANY WAY u just went out and insulted CF. cool guy
  3. Nutrition advice please

    As soon as they do another CFFB total I'll post my vids to YouTube and then add the link to this thread.
  4. Nutrition advice please

    In conclusion u guys bash my training when really the routines u are doing aren't helping u get much stronger than am. A couple pounds more on ur totals but only in squats. Give me 3-4 weeks and I'll pass that weight too. But not only that I will have increased my endurance, speed, flexibility...
  5. Nutrition advice please

    In that case my lifts are 380/315/540 which makes my total less than urs by 10lbs huh? And isn't that about how many lbs heavier than me u are? Too bad ur masters isn't good at increasing ur lifts
  6. Nutrition advice please

    Hey was ur middle number referring to bench also?
  7. Nutrition advice please

    Like I said I don't follow mainsite wods. I'm doing CrossFit Football. But I see no problem with doing reps of Oly lifts I mean what's better at making u good at Oly lifts than Oly lifts themselves
  8. Nutrition advice please

    And hold on. That middle number you posted is ur bench? 275? Dude ur routine is sick
  9. Nutrition advice please

    Thats my strict shoulder press. I did body weight bench so 210 for 40 reps last Thursday. An I did 315 for 2 a few days before
  10. Nutrition advice please

    I used 531. And it didn't produce as good results as CFFB. Side note who is gonn know more about what my body needs than me? Oly lifts are never used til fatigued on CFFB or on mainsite from what I've seen. Like I said u do not know what ur talking about.
  11. Nutrition advice please

    My numbers are Squat: 380 Press: 225 Deadlift: 540 My squat and press are lighter than urs. But my deadlift is heavier than urs is. Why is that? If u are heavier and have been lifting much longer than me? An u have all this knowledge of routines. Ur just a butthurt basement dweller I don't...
  12. Nutrition advice please

    I respect the fact that u know what u are talking about before speaking. I however don't follow mainsite I'm on CFFB amateur SWODs so my strength program is exactly like SS an I am making linear progressions as fr as strength gains and the amount of weight I can move for reps. I'm not saying...
  13. Nutrition advice please

    I'm curious as to why u think that way? I mean ur obviously ignorant if ur gonna disregard something I've never tried. But I'm also curious to know what ur numbers are? Seing as how CrossFit is obviously a waste of time. The routine ur on is probably a lot enter at making u stronger faster, more...
  14. Nutrition advice please

    Then you are not not will you ever know what you are talking about when you speak of CF. Also out of curiosity what are your numbers? Because you've always talked to me like a big dog ever since I started on this website and you constantly talks down to me and my methods. So I wanna know where u...
  15. Nutrition advice please

    Linear progression = Mark Rip. also what CF are u doing?