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  1. Hyde

    Jimothy's Back (and worse than ever)

    Not a day under 80, at least in persona
  2. Hyde

    Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024

    That prep cheat meal was heavily popularized by Matt Jansen. It’s simple, repeatable, accessible, and effective. It may be a bit of an industry meme at this point, but there’s no arguing with results from red meat & a huge serving potatoes with lots of added fat & salt.
  3. Hyde

    Training Log

    Yeah you can only push so long before you have to wave it back and start ramping back up steadily. Ironically, when you start strength training you have to learn to work so much harder than you ever have…then as years pass you have to spend most of your time learning how to NOT work as hard as...
  4. Hyde

    Training Log

    Yep, I know exactly what you mean. Those racks are great for front pressing, but they aren’t built for behind (unless they have those trick jcups that swing back when you unrack). Sucks about the strain; hopefully it bounces back in a month or so.
  5. Hyde

    Test e 300 vs 500

    Height? Why are you adding Var if you haven’t used test in years? One compound is plenty for now, and less variables to troubleshoot how you’re responding. Plus then you don’t have to worry about finding legit Var. I would do 300 test, then consider bumping to 500 later if I still felt I...
  6. Hyde

    Training Log

    I’m in! Do you have one of those fancy seated overhead press racks where you can unrack the barbell over your head, or do you have to pull an adjustable bench up to the power rack?
  7. Hyde

    Jimothy's Back (and worse than ever)

    “Welp…” slaps knees, gets up to leave awkwardly
  8. Hyde

    Hyde’s All Out Ultra Log - Sponsored by Iconic Formulations

    6/16/24 Lat Pulldown 66,110,165x15 209x10+5+3 rest pause V-grip Chins 4x8 Hoist Mid Row 125x12 205,225,245,265,285x10 Feet-Up 3-sec Eccentric Paused Bench 45,135x12 205x8 255x5 Good Girls 40,80,120,120x12 GHR 3x15 GHD Sit-ups 12,12,8 Did it like a true dad this morning in honor of...
  9. Hyde

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    Also, raising my test by 20mg and Mast by 100mg this week. I will add some DHEA or Preg if I feel too dry, but I have been at 280/200 for some time now. Test E 300 / Mast E 300 split over M/W/F.
  10. Hyde

    Hyde’s Strength Odyssey

    6/16/24 Lat Pulldown 66,110,165x15 209x10+5+3 rest pause V-grip Chins 4x8 Hoist Mid Row 125x12 205,225,245,265,285x10 Feet-Up 3-sec Eccentric Paused Bench 45,135x12 205x8 255x5 Good Girls 40,80,120,120x12 GHR 3x15 GHD Sit-ups 12,12,8 “Sometimes I do what I want to do - the rest of the...
  11. Hyde

    Jimothy's Back (and worse than ever)

    Mo food, mo gains - life is good!
  12. Hyde

    6ish week cut cycle

    I do like RAD….always seems to make a good difference both cosmetic and performance-wise.
  13. Hyde

    6ish week cut cycle

    If you have a suspicion something may bother something, like squats and your knees, you can put that at the end of the day - and don’t try to save yourself for it. So when you get to squats you are already worked hard, and then if the knee makes it intolerable you won’t feel as bad cutting it...
  14. Hyde

    Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024

    I don’t have the experience to back this bro science up at all, but I’ve heard more than once that when you are flat that’s when you can get really lean - you know resources are scarce. Clen definitely also keeps you flatter; you have to pull that several days before the show to fill out for sure.
  15. Hyde

    Starting a test cycle with Low Natural T caused by orals?

    Great advice here ^ Everyone always forgets tanning your nuts & joining a CrossFit box prevents the suppression normally caused by injecting exogenous testosterone. #liverking
  16. Hyde

    Classic Kleen - The Road To Competition Fall 2024

    You’ll be sending that trainer a thank you card if you win this show on legs [emoji23]
  17. Hyde

    Building Back Up

    The more active you are, the faster you will deplete. If I skip carbs for a single day and also train, I will flatten out like a pancake. Keeping sodium much higher will help retain fullness in the absence of carbohydrates, but if you are taking all your carbs out and not replacing the calories...
  18. Hyde

    Oral Tren

    Good drug for peaking strength, but that’s about it. You can feel/see acute strength & drive from as little as a 500mcg taken preWO. More of a cherry-on-top kind of finisher. Almost every AAS you could think of will have better bodybuilding/tissue-accrual potential because running Mtren for...
  19. Hyde

    Anabolic memes

    Life is too short to waste on idiots you don’t gain anything by convincing anyway!
  20. Hyde

    To Infinity.... and Beyond!

    If you’re not hungry and you believe your blood sugar is still stable & sufficient hours later, ie it’s not “hanger”, then adding more food is probably not the likely solution. It’s probably a ‘you’ thing. A couple hours into the day is usually when I often get bored of work, or start feeling...