12 week high volume program utilizing M1T as a cutting aid

Yimen E.Cricket

  • Established
My new program is high volume. Full body three times a week.
It includes plyometrics and olympic lifts. I will be using primarily dumbbells.

I am looking to finally shed the fat and obtain a high level of fitness, speed and agility as well as a balance.

The program is 12 weeks long. It was written by a russian coach who calls it power thrash.

How would you cycle M1T and post cycle during the twelve weeks?

1. Do one month M1t, with one month PCT, And the last month back on M1T.

2. split it into two week cycles through the whole program. 2 on 2off till finished.

3. Three weeks on three weeks off x 2.

4. 6 weeks drugfree and hit the final six weeks with M1T. I dont care for the long "on" cycle very much.

I want to make the full 12 weeks count.
Will the high volume hurt my PCT.

What type of schedule On/Off schedule would you use for a high volume program like this ?

Any thoughts?
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  • Established
4 weeks on of M1T at 10mg and also add M5AA to that. Post cycle for four weeks Nolva, clen for two weeks.

Then M1T same as the first time. Nolva the same. Take Clen for two on two off, repeating twice.

Yimen E.Cricket

  • Established
I was looking into the M5AA. I need to research a little more on it.
Thanks for your input.


i dont have any comment on your cycle... but you will be nice after you complete this workout program.. even when i am not taking anything but creatine, i get nice and lean on 3x/week full body workouts. in fact i love these type of workouts.. using the m1t on top of this workwout will yield nothing but the best results. in jan i will start the same program..

My new program is high volume. Full body three times a week.
It includes plyometrics and olympic lifts. I will be using primarily dumbbells.

I am looking to finally shed the fat and obtain a high level of fitness, speed and agility as well as a balance.

The program is 12 weeks long. It was written by a russian coach who calls it power thrash.

How would you cycle M1T and post cycle during the twelve weeks?

1. Do one month M1t, with one month PCT, And the last month back on M1T.

2. split it into two week cycles through the whole program. 2 on 2off till finished.

3. Three weeks on three weeks off x 2.

4. 6 weeks drugfree and hit the final six weeks with M1T. I dont care for the long "on" cycle very much.

I want to make the full 12 weeks count.
Will the high volume hurt my PCT.

What type of schedule On/Off schedule would you use for a high volume program like this ?

Any thoughts?
