You might be a bodybuilding addict if....

Dwight Schrute

I am faster than 80% of all snakes
You experience male pms because you missed a workout day...

Saw this on BBD..was funny.
you do more calorie counting than your girlfriend who is on weight watchers.
i thought this one was funny.....

Your wife says Jay cutler is a good looking man and you ask why she likes skinny guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROFLMAO at all of them!

These are my top how ever many I put from Evan Centopani in Md on "I knew I was a bb'r when...."

I spent my money on supplements instead of beer

I'd stay up to get an extra meal

I walked around with a cooler even though I wasn't preparing for a show(thats me and I never plan to compete period)

I was happy to be sore all the time

Girls pointing to my arms and saying gross was actually a copliment

A snow day meant that it would be a pain in the ass getting to the gym

I dreaded holidays cause the gyms would be closed or on reduced hours

Missing a meal ruined my day

I tried to explain to my italian grandmother over sunday night dinner why I couldn't have pasta and sauce with my plain chicken breast

Didn't sleep in on sunday because I wouldn't be able to fit in all my meals
These are my top how ever many I put from Evan Centopani in Md on "I knew I was a bb'r when...."

I spent my money on supplements instead of beer

I'd stay up to get an extra meal

I walked around with a cooler even though I wasn't preparing for a show(thats me and I never plan to compete period)

I was happy to be sore all the time

Girls pointing to my arms and saying gross was actually a copliment

A snow day meant that it would be a pain in the ass getting to the gym

I dreaded holidays cause the gyms would be closed or on reduced hours

Missing a meal ruined my day

I tried to explain to my italian grandmother over sunday night dinner why I couldn't have pasta and sauce with my plain chicken breast

Didn't sleep in on sunday because I wouldn't be able to fit in all my meals
I feel ya on a lot of those. That's awesome, I lol'd.
These are my top how ever many I put from Evan Centopani in Md on "I knew I was a bb'r when...."

I spent my money on supplements instead of beer

I'd stay up to get an extra meal

I walked around with a cooler even though I wasn't preparing for a show(thats me and I never plan to compete period)

I was happy to be sore all the time

Girls pointing to my arms and saying gross was actually a copliment

A snow day meant that it would be a pain in the ass getting to the gym

I dreaded holidays cause the gyms would be closed or on reduced hours

Missing a meal ruined my day

I tried to explain to my italian grandmother over sunday night dinner why I couldn't have pasta and sauce with my plain chicken breast

Didn't sleep in on sunday because I wouldn't be able to fit in all my meals

Pretty much every one of these applies to me. It's pretty sad when you think about it.
I hear you on the Italian Grandmother and Chicken Breast.
I also spend all my beer/stripper money on supplements !!
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Your using up more than half the cupboard space.

Every room has a full length mirror.

You can't even hardly walk but you never miss out on squats.

When your not in pain you feel loose and small.

There is a cardio machine in your living room (yes that's me)

You are reluctant to help friends move for fear injury might cause you to miss a workout

You say to your wife look at the size of that guy and she says he's almost as big as you.

Your sole reason for not working overtime is that it will cut into your workout time.
Your sole reason for not working overtime is that it will cut into your workout time.
Lol.. I miss out on a lot of things for fear that it will "jack with my recovery."

Plus, the only physical thing I usually feel like doing is pumping iron or getting in some cardio.
you choose where to move depending on where your gym is (i just did this one).

I have debated moving to arlington to workout at metroflex.Ronnie and Branh Warren wo their and so does a guy in the special olympics.They have spray paint on the walls,play music you want to hear I have heard.It has also been mentioned several times in bb mags or even websites.(t nation the other day).It's one of the few hardcore gyms left.
I have debated moving to arlington to workout at metroflex.Ronnie and Branh Warren wo their and so does a guy in the special olympics.They have spray paint on the walls,play music you want to hear I have heard.It has also been mentioned several times in bb mags or even websites.(t nation the other day).It's one of the few hardcore gyms left.
You in texas? Bro, I totally been up in arlington, I actually don't live that far from there when I'm out of school.

Thas cool.
i carry a gallon of milk with me in the car wherever i go. refrigerating is not an issue, it will be gone by the time it has a chance to get warm.