Supa Freek 420
Not that I'm convinced or anything but just to let you know:
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ironviking said:
I gotta call BULLSHIT on this one. Too many inconsistencies with what the rest of us call reality.
Sorry if I offend anyone with this post
Originally posted by ironviking
I dont get it did he keep taking UA after he was taken off work, also rest is not prescribed for "hepatitis like" symptoms and why did he go to a gastrointerologist and not an endocrinologist. Another thing, you cant tell how long a liver is going to last by looking at it, its also pretty damn amazing this person lasted 5 days with thier living functioning at 2%, and they confirmed that UA was the complete reason this person went into liver failure but that cant tell why.
I gotta call BULLSHIT on this one. Too many inconsistencies with what the rest of us call reality.
Sorry if I offend anyone with this post
Originally posted by pogue
"Hi, my name is Jennie. I lost 25 pounds on the usnic acid coma diet. It worked for me and it can work for you too!"
Ha, sorry I have a twisted sense of humor.