WYD: UA incident

Interesting. To offer a mild speculation, something that I've noticed about people who give their #1 post as an "I'm glad to be alive becase...' (we've all seen more than one) usually give no training/supplementation/dietary/health history whatsoever... I wonder why?
If this is true, then it is a very unfortunate event that occurred.  I am going to investigate this as much as I can and get as much background information possible.  Id be interested to know where the usnic acid was obtained from as well.  Once again, lets not jump to conclusions before we receive all the facts, but I'll be the first to admit if I find anything out. 


Thanks for the info


Damn that is pretty messed up I would like to read the info on that from his docs to see what all was going on. That is really odd to read something like that. Glad to see he lived.
I dont get it did he keep taking UA after he was taken off work, also rest is not prescribed for "hepatitis like" symptoms and why did he go to a gastrointerologist and not an endocrinologist. Another thing, you cant tell how long a liver is going to last by looking at it, its also pretty damn amazing this person lasted 5 days with thier living functioning at 2%, and they confirmed that UA was the complete reason this person went into liver failure but that cant tell why.

I gotta call BULLSHIT on this one. Too many inconsistencies with what the rest of us call reality.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post
ironviking said:

I gotta call BULLSHIT on this one. Too many inconsistencies with what the rest of us call reality.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post

:D not at all... good common sense post
Originally posted by ironviking
I dont get it did he keep taking UA after he was taken off work, also rest is not prescribed for "hepatitis like" symptoms and why did he go to a gastrointerologist and not an endocrinologist. Another thing, you cant tell how long a liver is going to last by looking at it, its also pretty damn amazing this person lasted 5 days with thier living functioning at 2%, and they confirmed that UA was the complete reason this person went into liver failure but that cant tell why.

I gotta call BULLSHIT on this one. Too many inconsistencies with what the rest of us call reality.

Sorry if I offend anyone with this post


Of course, I don't want to make any assumptions or jump to conclusions, but after considering some things and your response to the post, I can totally see where your coming from.  If she can produce something from a doctor that would be good.  I suppose we have to always take what we read online with a grain of salt.  People will fake identities, make up stories, and there is no way for us to really check.  I look foward to seeing what happens with this.  If it is truthful, then my sympathy goes out to her and her family. 
I wouldn't be suprised at all with that report. My friend took SU for only about a week before her trip to the hospital. She had a very bad reactions to it. She had the rash like you would not believe. She didn't go into a coma or have liver problems, but she got a very serious kidney infection, which I never heard of happening until she got it. She was in serious pain for about a week and had lingering effects for at least a week after that. She felt like hell, I was seriously scared for her life when she told me all of what she was going through.

Anyway, point is the stuff is serious. I'm not trying to scare anyone away from it. Everyone should just think if it's worth the risk for them. Also, if you do take it, drink at least 100 oz of water per day. I would also stick with only moderate dosing, similar to how it was taken with Lipo. I guess that's not even safe for everyone though, as the lady in this thread said she was only taking 500/day on and off two week cycles.
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Got a response, wow...take a look if you want folks. I find myself somewhat less skeptical.
dont get me wrong if this did happen then my sympathies go out to her and her family but I do not believe that UA caused this - I know of about ten people taking it and no probs there
Its just like the metabolife scare awhile back, if you distribute something to a large amount of people someone is going to have a bad reaction whether it is related to the product or not and doctors when they dont know the reason for something quite often point the finger at what they are unsure about. This is not to try to discredit doctors, they have a very hard job, but this is one of the ways that ephedrine got such a bad rap. This could be one of those cases where the doctors just didn't see anything else that could be causing the situation so it must be the UA. I'm still very skeptical of this whole thing but I do get the NY Times so I'll be checking for this story.
This woman shouldn't have taken it. Like in PL'er's case it was a woman too. This woman was too stupid to figure out that one dose dosn't apply to everyone. Women are typically a lower weight. They should use a little reasoning in their tiny brains. This lady probably dosn't know enough about the supp to take it in the first place, just like the MEN who take PH's and 1-test at unknown doses and decided they will keep their gains by "continuing to work out" post cycle.

BTW. I was looking at Kohlburg's stages of moral reasoning and it tended to place women at a stage where they follow rules because they are legal or not. (For example the dose instructions) Men were generally a step above where they looked beyond rules for reasoning. (This system was invented by a man, so there may be some bias)
I totally agree with banana-eater. She was taking 500 mg a day at a body weight of 127 lbs. If what happened to her was true, then she suffered what happened to those very very select few who had side effects from ephedra. They had no Idea really what they were taking and took too much of it. Just because someone tells you to take it does not mean that you are now an informed consumer.
"Hi, my name is Jennie. I lost 25 pounds on the usnic acid coma diet. It worked for me and it can work for you too!"

Ha, sorry I have a twisted sense of humor.
Originally posted by pogue
"Hi, my name is Jennie. I lost 25 pounds on the usnic acid coma diet. It worked for me and it can work for you too!"

Ha, sorry I have a twisted sense of humor.

You are evil......................................but funny ;)

I am hesitant to not blame UA at all, but EBE and/or ironviking could have valid points here. at 127lbs, 500mg is a high dose IMO. Need published reports from UCLA (she posted on BB.com the doctors names and info) for a better analysis.