I remember those Met-Rx cartons too! I used to throw a couple of those big packets in a blender like it was nothing. It always cracked me up when family or friends would ask if I was making “astronaut food.” Classic! As for my favorite protein, I’ve been really into barley grass juice powder lately. It’s a bit of a game changer for me—packed with nutrients and gives a nice boost without feeling too heavy. Plus, it’s easy to mix into smoothies, which is great if you're in a rush. I’ve been loving it lately over the usual whey, just feels like a better fit for me. Here’s a link if you want to check it out: barley grass juice powder.
I can see why it would seem that way, but I don't let my personal preferences factor into it.
The reason we're doing to be doing a whey isolate and a WPI/Micellar zero carb mix is because those are by far the two types we get asked the most for and its about a 50/50 split as to which one people would seem to prefer.
If I let my personal preferences and desires get into it, you'd see some crazy flavors from the beginning, but I know that isn't a smart move business wise so the first ones will be chocolate and vanilla and then we will add some creative ones based on sales.
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