

Just wondering if you guys wanted to share any experience with these company's products and  feedback.  I did one cycle of paradeca and decavar and another with T-1, was not happy with the results. Besides leaving a hole in my pocket I consider that I got the same results with less expensive products.


I used VPX's Xenabol (5-AA) 120cc back in may/june, and it helped get me pretty ripped....

...I cant complain cuz I got it for free from a friend :D



LG. :cool:
I like their clenbutrx which IMHO is the best ECA product on the market. The rest of their stuff sucks as far as I'm concerned :shoot:
Originally posted by phil216
I like their clenbutrx which IMHO is the best ECA product on the market. The rest of their stuff sucks as far as I'm concerned :shoot:


Clenbutrx it is  strong Sh**t, try for a week, never again, could not handle the jitters.
I use it about 20 mins before I workout and I feel like a madman. I must say I do take some on days I'm exhausted at work. It is really a great product to take before a workout.
Originally posted by phil216
I use it about 20 mins before I workout and I feel like a madman. I must say I do take some on days I'm exhausted at work. It is really a great product to take before a workout.

I gave my Sh**t to a co-worker, I told her this is strong, her reply: she is high tolerance,  so she try one shot, I stayed so I could see her face after the dose and was so funny when the thing kick in. I  laugh so hard that almost cry. But any event she ended liking the stuff at least for a while,  becuase gave her a lot energy, I warn her not OD, did she listen, hell no, got really sick one day, she triple the dose and now never again using it, she lost a lot weigh, but gained right back. These co-worker are those ones always looking for a quick fix.