Ursa-Gel and Ursa-bolic log.

I hate the idea of it needing surgery
Same here. I always look at all other options before jumping to surgery. I think too many health care people go straight to surgery verse other alternatives first.
I've already went as low on my BW as I want to go so I went ahead and deloaded on leg day.

Got a little left in the Ursa-Gel when that's done I will give the extra Ursa-bolic caps to my wife. She's lost 5 lbs so far.

Knocked the leg day training out pretty fast! Here it is:

Snap fitness leg day:
Matrix leg press:
205 X 10
235 X 8
275 X 6
Feet at top:
235 X 8
Leg ext: set on 3,3
120 X 10 G10
120 X 10
Prone leg curls: set on 3,4
80 X 10 G10
80 X 10
Hip abduction:
85 X 10 G10
85 X 10
Hip adduction:
85 X 10
85 X 10
Seated calf raises:
Toes in 115 X 25 G25
Toes out 115 X 25
Toes mid 115 X 25
Supersets with
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
48 minutes!
Same here. I always look at all other options before jumping to surgery. I think too many health care people go straight to surgery verse other alternatives first.
Really want to find a chiropractor to adjust it.
The ones you do yourself don't really fix it. I need that one they do with your arm behind your back.
Did 4 pumps of the Ursa-Gel this morning. Had to spray it pretty good with the alcohol to keep it in solution but it absorbed well. Gave the rest of the ursa-bolic to my wife.
She losing pretty good using it and doing keto and fasting.

I hope I have enough of this for leg day it does enhance the carb uptake from the pre.

When I start the Lean gainer I will be doing 5 X 5 between pause bench and chest press. I almost put the pause reps back in now but will wait. Haven't even figured out what the Lean gainer will be yet(might just use Dermacrine).

Deloaded here and there.
Nautilus chest, tris and biceps:
Flat pause bench:
115 X
125 X
135 X
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
135 X 10
175 X 5
185 X 5
Supersets with
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Cybex flies:
65 X 10
Tricep press:
90 X 10
90 X 10
Cybex tricep extensions:
62.5 X 10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X 10
60 X 10
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X 10
80 X 10
Rope hammer curls:
90 X 10
90 X 10
Cybex concentration curls:
62.5 X 10
62.5 X 10
Cybex Torso rotation: seat on 2
70 X 20,20 G20 L&R
70 X 20,20
About 1 hr.
Still getting the 2 pumps from the Ursa-Gel. I also took 1 ursa-bolic with my pre-workout when I did this one yesterday after work.

The hip abduction/adduction machines were tied up and forgot to do them at the end.

My next one will be a mostly natural lean gainer with dermacrine and some turkesterone I got coming from China.

Monday's leg day at Snap:
Snap fitness leg day:
Matrix leg press:
205 X 10
235 X 8
275 X 6
Feet at top:
235 X 8
Leg ext: set on 3,3
120 X 10 G10
120 X 10
Prone leg curls: set on 3,4
80 X 10 G10
80 X 10
Hip abduction:
85 X G10
85 X
Hip adduction:
85 X
85 X
Seated calf raises:
Toes in 115 X 25 G25
Toes out 115 X 25
Toes mid 115 X 25
Supersets with
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
46 minutes
I started the turkesterone yesterday. Each dose has 700 mgs standardized to 20% turkesterone and also almost 300 mgs ecdysterone.

Should be an interesting experiment. I will add dermacrine when the Ursa-Gel runs out possibly tomorrow.

Workout yesterday after work:
Snap fitness delts and back
Matrix Shoulder press:
80 X 10
90 X 8
100 X 6
Leaning lat raises:
20 X 10,10 L&R
20 X 10,10
Shoulder external rotation: set on 9
10 X 10,10 R&L
10 X 10,10
Facepulls: ste on 11
70 X 10
70 X 10
Cable rows:
125 X 10
135 X 8
145 X 6
Alternated with:
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Reverse grip rows:
120 X 10
125 X 8
130 X 6
58 minutes
I started the turkesterone yesterday
I've never ran it but always was interested to see what kind of results I would get from it.
I've never ran it but always was interested to see what kind of results I would get from it.
I've only ran the IML version which is complexed with cyclodextrins. This version definitely has more turkesterone as it's standardized to 20% without the cyclodextrins. I take it with my breakfast so the fats help with absortion.

It's wild how it agonizes beta estrogen receptors like epi(been nerding on pubmed :p ) It also drives carbs to muscle glycogen and is a bit anabolic. I started the Dermacrine today. Should be interesting.
I've only ran the IML version which is complexed with cyclodextrins. This version definitely has more turkesterone as it's standardized to 20% without the cyclodextrins. I take it with my breakfast so the fats help with absortion.

It's wild how it agonizes beta estrogen receptors like epi(been nerding on pubmed :p ) It also drives carbs to muscle glycogen and is a bit anabolic. I started the Dermacrine today. Should be interesting.
We carry the Huge Supplements turk and have been tempted to pick up a bottle to give it a shot. May have to do that.

The Ursa-Gel & ursa-bolic worked well for Leaning out. Remember to spray a little alcohol over the area if you have solubility issues with the Ursa-Gel.

I'm currently on the turkesterone I got on ebay and Dermacrine. I have some Icon One on the way and will probably add that in for a lean gainer(also on trt of course).

I did this one on Wednesday;

Snap fitness delts and back
Matrix Shoulder press:
80 X 10
90 X 8
100 X 6
Leaning lat raises:
20 X 10,10 L&R
20 X 10,10
Shoulder external rotation: set on 9
10 X 10,10 R&L
10 X 10,10
Facepulls: ste on 11
70 X 10
70 X 10
Cable rows:
125 X 10
135 X 8
145 X 6
Alternated with:
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Shoulder hang 90 seconds
Reverse grip rows:
120 X 10
125 X 8
130 X 6
57 minutes