Training Log

I see, thanks for this. It sounds like I'm capable of more? I would've thought it'd be less than 270 and it was a highball estimate. The calculator put me at 280.

I'll add some weight next time, lower the reps and feel things out just to get a better idea.

Honestly, it's also hard to say if the log is carrying over to my Bench. But I almost want to say it has been helping, especially off the chest.

What I'm really excited about is to go back to my Seated OHP and see if it helped jack up those numbers.
I can’t say for bench but it shouldn’t make it weaker, and I’d expect seated ohp because log is the most statically-oriented of the overhead implements. You can take a thick guy with no split jerk but a huge incline bench and he can hit a fearsome log with some training.

But you will do a lot bigger 1RM if you start training with even 205-225 for a few weeks.
December 22nd

Paused 1" Deficit Deadlift Beltless
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 2
395 x 4 (Collars fell off, originally was supposed to be 7) RIR 5+

2s Paused Leg Press - Conventional DL Stance
135 x 4
225 x 4
315 x 4
405 x 4
495 x 4
585 x 4
675 x 4
825 x 4 RIR 1-2 PR

Seated Leg Curl
100 x 12
210 x 12
2 x 255 x 12 RIR 2-3 PR

RDL Off Plate Loaded Lunge
2pps x 8
3ppa x 8
4pps x 8
3 x 5pps x 8 RIR 5-6 PR

Ed Coan Suitcase Holds
45 x 15s
135 x 15s
185 x 13s PR
185 x 8s (l could not hold onto it)

Kneeling Cable Crunch (Facing Away)
170 x 5
210 x 5
Full Stack
2 Sets of 26 Reps PR + Horrible Cramping

Was an extremely painful session. 3 Hours total. Just about puked near the end with crunches. No amount of electrolytes and magnesium before helped with this lol
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Forgot to post this last time. My Physique is the best it's looked on a small dose of DMZ and 250mg Cruise. 9 Weeks in.
December 23rd

Seated OHP
45 x 20
135 x 15
155 x 12
175 x 12 RIR 8
135 x 25 Burnout

Incline DB Flye (Paused At Bottom)
45 x 5
70 x 5
85 x 5
2 x 100 x 12 RIR 4 PR

Barbell Skullcrusher (Elbow Wraps On)
45 x 20
135 x 20
155 x 12 RIR 8 4 Rep and 10lb PR

Floor Press off Plate Loaded Lunge
135 x 8
185 x 8
205 x 8
2 x 225 x 8 RIR 5+

3 months since doing seated OHP. 5 months since doing Skullcrushers with a BB. Have lots of room for growth here. Slowly phasing out the Log and DB Skullcrushers next 2 Weeks.

Notes For Myself Over 8-12 Weeks :
Seated OHP Goals - 225x12 Raw
BB Skullcrusher - 185x12-15
Incline DB Flye - 12

Also strong as fawk crazy weight on fly and skullies!
Haha thanks. I've always seemed to be better with Rep Endurance than Singles and Doubles. Makes me think I should be a BBer instead lol. Im feeling the cut now though. Every time I step in the gym , honestly feels like I'm going to tear something even going higher rep and "light"

I was working in with a pretty big bodybuilder, told me I had the width and thickness to do great but I dunno nothing about that stuff
How does one hold 125dbs for flies??? That sounds so crazy to me, unless you are in the
habit of already pressing 150s or something.

Nice work. Superdrol has a very positive cosmetic on the physique!
How does one hold 125dbs for flies??? That sounds so crazy to me, unless you are in the
habit of already pressing 150s or something.

Nice work. Superdrol has a very positive cosmetic on the physique!
Honestly I'm not sure, I chose 125x10 as a goal because that was my old Incline Dumbell Bench PR from like 2 years ago and I have no other reference point. I think my best Flye was like 100x6 at that point and I smoked it today.

The 100s felt pretty easy to get up so I don't think it'd be much of an issue. As I go down, I roll my wrists in. As I go up, I roll them back out to a neutral position.

This is exactly how I do them. I don't fully contract at the top maybe stop 3/4 of the way, so yes, I cut the ROM. But I make sure to hold a good 1-2 second pause at the bottom and go deep like John does, like I'd be incline benching. Same foot placement too. Intention for me is to just build power off the weakest point

I'd say it makes it a bit easier than a traditional flye
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Finally put in an order. Enough Test to last me almost a year and some Superdrol. That's it. I'm a very simple man lol. I threw in some Modafinil for the wife since she's a Digital Artist and stays up well into the early morning.

Goals for the Summer/Winter of 25' are 700/430/735 @ 210-220. Puts me at 1865. Going on a pretty big blast here once I get out to CO.

@SkRaw85 I envision some of these future gym sessions will be absolutely monstrous once I get out there lol , excited to make some noise
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Finally put in an order. Enough Test to last me almost a year and some Superdrol. That's it. I'm a very simple man lol. I threw in some Modafinil for the wife since she's a Digital Artist and stays up well into the early morning.

Goals for the Summer/Winter of 25' are 700/430/735 @ 210-220. Puts me at 1865. Going on a pretty big blast here once I get out to CO.

@SkRaw85 I envision some of these future gym sessions will be absolutely monstrous once I get out there lol , excited to make some noise

Ooooo nice! Did you go all oral route for the SD? Inj is a great option too.
There will be some clangin and bangin for sure!
There’s a meet (not posted yet) around August time that I’m shooting for, if you have any interest could be fun
December 25th

Paused Squat w/ Chains - Beltless
45 x 15
135 x 15
225 + 80 (305) x 5
285 + 80 (365) x 5
335 + 80 (415) x 8 RIR 6-7 Starting E1RM 560

RDL Off Plate Loaded Lunge
1pps x 8
2pps x 8
3pps x 0 Hamstring got tweaked

Standing Cable Crunch (Facing Away)
170 x 20
190 x 15
210 x 12 RIR 5+

Decline Abs
3 Sets of 12 RIR 5+

Squatting felt great in the new shoes. Not going back to flats.

Downside. Hamstring Tweak :) this is fine.

Don't have more than 10 Weeks to train with chains since I won't have access to them once I move. Because of this, I'm going to be going for rep goals. This is probably a good thing anyways.

Goals for the next 10 Weeks :

Paused Squat w/ Chains - 500 x 10, 405x20
December 26th

Paused Incline Bench Press - Mid Grip
135 x 20
185 x 4
225 x 2
255 x 1
280 x 8 RIR 1 Week 8 Ending E1RM 355 PR

Floor Press off Plate Loaded Lunge (Elbow Wraps On, 3-1 tempo)
1pps x 10
2pps x 10
2 x 3pps x 10 RIR 5+
2 x 3.25pps x 10 RIR 5+ PR

Single Arm Rear Delt Flye Machine
70 x 10
3 x 105 x 10 RIR 3-4 PR

Neutral Grip Shoulder Press Machine
120 x 8
190 x 4
2 x 220 x 14 RIR 0 PR

Incline Rear Delt DB Flye
3 Sets of 25 Reps RIR 0 PR

Paused Larsen Press (Technique, Messing around with grips and setup)
3 x 135 x 5

Hellish 8 Weeks but I survived relatively injury free. Don't know how I managed to progress in an almost linear fashion while dropping 20lbs. Mind over matter I guess lol.

No Benching for the remainder of the cut. After that, Paused Larsen Press again for 8 Weeks.
Did you go all oral route for the SD? Inj is a great option too.
Yeah just oral, I never understood the point of Injectable orals. I've never tried them but I feel like it ruins the point... I dunno. I would think the half life would also be crazy short so you'd have to pin more frequently
Yeah just oral, I never understood the point of Injectable orals. I've never tried them but I feel like it ruins the point... I dunno. I would think the half life would also be crazy short so you'd have to pin more frequently
The point is to skip gut biome destruction and spare the liver the first pass - it’s a great option for someone who can’t tolerate orals anymore but still wants to use the compounds in limited fashion. It’s especially useful for things like Winstrol, Dbol, Mtren, & Superdrol - things that provide powerful effects no other compounds really do similarly at their speeds. They also tend to be stronger per mg, and can be tolerated longer.

Anadrol will still give the volumization, but Vigorous Steve has mentioned that the strength aspect of it has something to do with a metabolite strictly from oral consumption. So injectable Oxy is only for bodybuilding really.

Generally, injectable preparations cause a little less water retention. Injectable Dbol is fire! 🔥
December 27th
Midnight Session / Goblin Hours

Pete Rubish Hyperextension
95 x 5
145 x 3
195 x 3
245 x 3
315 x 12 RIR 0 all time PR

Seated Leg Curl
120 x 8
210 x 8
2 x 255 x 15 PR

RDL off Plate Loaded Lunge
1pps x 8
2pps x 6
3pps x 4
4pps x 2
2 x 5pps x 10 RIR 5+ PR

Hyperextending 315 for that many reps hurt.
The point is to skip gut biome destruction and spare the liver the first pass - it’s a great option for someone who can’t tolerate orals anymore but still wants to use the compounds in limited fashion. It’s especially useful for things like Winstrol, Dbol, Mtren, & Superdrol - things that provide powerful effects no other compounds really do similarly at their speeds. They also tend to be stronger per mg, and can be tolerated longer.

Anadrol will still give the volumization, but Vigorous Steve has mentioned that the strength aspect of it has something to do with a metabolite strictly from oral consumption. So injectable Oxy is only for bodybuilding really.

Generally, injectable preparations cause a little less water retention. Injectable Dbol is fire! 🔥
I see. The liver bypass would be obvious. I completely overlooked the point that you'd be able to run it longer. Now you've got me thinking. Do you get the same explosiveness as you do from orals vs injectable orals? In a powerlifting context, does it even make sense for a PLer to run an INJ Oral? Curious to hear your thoughts since you got way more years in the game than I have

I was always told by the oldheads as much test and anadrol as I could handle. That's how I've always done it, kinda what scared me away from mast tbh.
I see. The liver bypass would be obvious. I completely overlooked the point that you'd be able to run it longer. Now you've got me thinking. Do you get the same explosiveness as you do from orals vs injectable orals? In a powerlifting context, does it even make sense for a PLer to run an INJ Oral? Curious to hear your thoughts since you got way more years in the game than I have

I was always told by the oldheads as much test and anadrol as I could handle. That's how I've always done it, kinda what scared me away from mast tbh.
It definitely makes sense for powerlifters to use injectable orals - if you can take more **** because you have less sides per mg, you will be stronger from those drugs. That’s not to say more is always better obviously, because injuries and health are factors to consider, but as a rule: more milligrams = more kilograms.

So if oral Dbol literally jams my gut up so that I can’t get my food in (constipation, indigestion, heartburn, zero appetite, gut distention) but I can inject it daily for 10-14 days, I’m going to be stronger with it on board.

Now if you can tolerate the oral, the oral is cheaper, simpler, and with the extra water retention can provide similar power increase - but you’re going to experience more fatigue & blood pressure from the extra water, which can be exhausting to get through training (nevermind health consequence). I have shot blood out of my nose from BP on oral Dbol.

They make some fire injectable preparations of combinations of SD, Dbol, Tren, TNE, Mtren. These are perfect to pin specifically before select peaking sessions or at a meet. The downside is the solvents required to suspend them make them unhealthy, so these are still very acute-use drugs. But you also have to eat big to be as strong as possible, and injectables help preserve that ability.

Generally test is best for powerlifting. Deca is useless, besides a very low dose for joints. Primo and EQ just fall into supporting more lean mass and managing estrogen if those are needed, but Mast is more aggressive drying out & more strength per mg if you are a water buffalo that aromatizes a ton. So those compounds can be ways to handle more testosterone and raise total mg if adding more mg is needed to support more size. But the test is king because it drives size and strength in a fairly balanced fashion. Trestolone is more of an advanced compound that otherwise can be thought of filling a similar role to test, in powerlifting.

And orals are nitrous. I don’t think 12 weeks of orals make much sense, more like 6 weeks or less. There’s nothing an oral can do that an injectable can’t, assuming you have longer than 2 weeks to use it. Besides Anavar, which does thankfully lend itself to longer use safer.
Take test (or trest) as your base of enhancement. Maybe you add some mast, primo or eq to help tolerate a bit more of them. Or add 1-200mg deca for joints if truly needed.

Some guys add some Var or Drol leading to comp.

Most guys take some Dbol, Tren, Halo, or Sd/Drol the final 10-30 days before a meet.
December 28th

Seated OHP
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 14 RIR 3-4

Floor Press off Plate Loaded Lunge
1pps x 8
2pps x 8
3pps x 8
2 x 4pps x 8 RIR 5+ PR

Lying DB Skullcrusher (Neutral Grip, One Each Hand)
50 x 5
2 x 60 x 15 RIR 2 PR
70 x 12 PR

1 Week Left of the cut. Questioning why I ever did this in the first place. Body hurts. Fatigued.
December 28th

Seated OHP
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 14 RIR 3-4

Floor Press off Plate Loaded Lunge
1pps x 8
2pps x 8
3pps x 8
2 x 4pps x 8 RIR 5+ PR

Lying DB Skullcrusher (Neutral Grip, One Each Hand)
50 x 5
2 x 60 x 15 RIR 2 PR
70 x 12 PR

1 Week Left of the cut. Questioning why I ever did this in the first place. Body hurts. Fatigued.
Nice PRs!
You did it to be absolutely jacked and shredded for New Year’s Eve.
December 30th

Technique Work (S/B/D)
Empty Bar (didn't track sets or reps)

Foam Rolling, Stretching, Sauna, Resistance Bands, Mobility.

Checked into strength level after awhile. Like to come back every few months to track progress. This is what we got.


PL Total.webp
PL Total 2.webp
That’s a really cool way to track progress, and I like it - neat way to get an idea of your everyday strength over the seasons and years. When the lines are going up, you are heading in the right direction!

That being said…I wouldn’t put too much stock in the “powerlifting total”, based on e1RMs. The pressure of comp, timing peaking, standards for lifting, fatigue of doing it all back to back, & general variability in how rep maxes translate to individual 1RM all affect a true comp total so much.
That’s a really cool way to track progress, and I like it - neat way to get an idea of your everyday strength over the seasons and years. When the lines are going up, you are heading in the right direction!

That being said…I wouldn’t put too much stock in the “powerlifting total”, based on e1RMs. The pressure of comp, timing peaking, standards for lifting, fatigue of doing it all back to back, & general variability in how rep maxes translate to individual 1RM all affect a true comp total so much.

I honestly use it just to see the progress over years. There's periods of stagnation followed by huge spikes and that's what I like to see,

My goal is that once I go down to a cruise again, I'm at a higher starting point, even if it's just an estimate it gives me some closure, just another way to track progress I guess.

As I can tell, I'm at a higher baseline than April-December of 2023 , while being 20lbs lighter. It's not much higher absolute total wise but for BW, yes. Well- it's technically still higher regardless.

Estimates definently skew it though, which is why tracking by the year in my opinion makes it a bit more accurate
Sorry to hear it. What happened?
Not sure if i'm honest. I'm almost certain it was from the Hyperextensions though, so I can make a pretty good guess on what's getting affected.

Entire right side is jacked up. Starting from the right, middle abdominal, down to the front hip joint and radiates out into my groin and towards my glute. Just a constant, dull ache. Bending over doesn't feel too nice, the pain isn't really sharp, feels more sore and tender than anything (Hate to say the word bruise, but it does feel like that), there's no visual bruising. Hard to tell if there's anything rolled up. Interestingly, the pain doesn't radiate down my leg or past my hip really. It's all situated in the right abdominal, groin, oblique and psoas.

Just been resting. Gentle stretching, air squats. Making an effort not to be immobile. I'll foam roll and start doing more extensive PT once the swelling calms down. Ibuprofen does help, hope that mean's its muscular. Haven't had to deal with a tweak like this before... this one isn't gonna be a "give it a couple days and rub some dirt on it" situations, lol.
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Not sure if i'm honest. I'm almost certain it was from the Hyperextensions though, so I can make a pretty good guess on what's getting affected.

Entire right side is jacked up. Starting from the right, middle abdominal, down to the front hip joint and radiates out into my groin and towards my glute. Just a constant, dull ache. Bending over doesn't feel too nice, the pain isn't really sharp, feels more sore and tender than anything (Hate to say the word bruise, but it does feel like that), there's no visual bruising. Hard to tell if there's anything rolled up. Interestingly, the pain doesn't radiate down my leg or past my hip really. It's all situated in the right abdominal, groin, oblique and psoas.

Just been resting. Gentle stretching, air squats. Making an effort not to be immobile. I'll foam roll and start doing more extensive PT once the swelling calms down. Ibuprofen does help, hope that mean's its muscular. Haven't had to deal with a tweak like this before... this one isn't gonna be a "give it a couple days and rub some dirt on it" situations, lol.
There will be more if you do this long enough - but that’s okay, because you didn’t get as strong as you are by being a quitter.

You just have to be patient, do your best to get gentle blood to things as soon as the tissue isn’t inflamed, and listen to your body to guide the comeback (not your mind, that will lie to you with extremes of pushing too hard again way too soon, or tell you to give up/fill you with doubt).

Rest up, be patient, relax your mind. It ain’t over. Better to come back a month too late than one day too soon.
January 4th

W2D1 Recovery

Paused Larsen Press
45 x 2 (No)

Incline Smith Machine
135 x 4 (No)

Plate Loaded Incline Press
115 x 8
135 x 8
4 x 185 x 8

Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown
80 x 12
140 x 6 (No)

Single Arm Cable Tricep Extension
30 x 15
50 x 12
60 x 8
30 x 25 Burnout

Lateral Raise Machine
3 Sets of 25 Reps

Bicep Curl Machine
3 Sets of 12 Reps

Did the best I could today. Avoided overstretching it, no resistance bands yet, tried not to wiggle too much. 8 Days Post Injury.

Avoided Ibuprofen and Caffeine, I wanted to feel what was hurting and make sure I didn't do it.
Trying to get a referral to a sports medicine doctor,

I'm almost certain I tore something. The groin pain is gone. Hip Pain is gone. All pain now is a constant dull soreness and itchiness near the external oblique and right abdominal (Guessing it's starting to form scar tissue). Some deformities but doesn't feel like anything is rolled up, couple small lumps.
Swelling is down, pain is minimal. I'm slowly regaining function. Starting to walk normally and go up the stairs with minimal to no support.

The road to rehab will be long...

@Hyde do you have any recommendations for slowly reintroducing in excercise after a tear? Perhaps a timeline of recovery? What should I be focusing on?

2 Weeks in.
Swelling is down, pain is minimal. I'm slowly regaining function. Starting to walk normally and go up the stairs with minimal to no support.

The road to rehab will be long...

@Hyde do you have any recommendations for slowly reintroducing in excercise after a tear? Perhaps a timeline of recovery? What should I be focusing on?

2 Weeks in.
Priority for rehab is always to generate bloodflow & restore full ROM as soon as possible. This may not be feasible in a short time at all, but that’s the goal - it must be balanced with not doing anything that really flat out hurts.

Very low RPE, very low pain (discomfort is normal but we don’t want pain that tells the brain to lock up/protect us harder), very low intensity. This means very HIGH volume and frequency. Be working it everyday, multiple times a day, for lots of reps, whatever movements you do.

Without knowing what is hurt, I can’t advise more specifics. But in the case of my when I pulled my adductor, the priority was to gingerly just get my body into a full squat, holding onto things Hatfield style after about a week. I had been doing some very high air squats a few days after the tear. Once I could get to depth, I began doing that a few times a day for 10 rep sets. Eventually I stopped using my hands, and from there you add load when you can’t add more reps or instances practically, starting VERY light and listening to your body.

With my facet joint injury on my vertebrae, I could not deadlift conventional full ROM for a long time. So I focused on elevated Trapbar deads and squatting to a little bit high box, and worked those down and weights up very slowly, progressively over months as my spine and nerves allowed. I had to go at the speed of their response. If something made me very inflamed, it was too much too soon. If it was more normal, I would continue the methodical progression.
Priority for rehab is always to generate bloodflow & restore full ROM as soon as possible. This may not be feasible in a short time at all, but that’s the goal - it must be balanced with not doing anything that really flat out hurts.

Very low RPE, very low pain (discomfort is normal but we don’t want pain that tells the brain to lock up/protect us harder), very low intensity. This means very HIGH volume and frequency. Be working it everyday, multiple times a day, for lots of reps, whatever movements you do.

Without knowing what is hurt, I can’t advise more specifics. But in the case of my when I pulled my adductor, the priority was to gingerly just get my body into a full squat, holding onto things Hatfield style after about a week. I had been doing some very high air squats a few days after the tear. Once I could get to depth, I began doing that a few times a day for 10 rep sets. Eventually I stopped using my hands, and from there you add load when you can’t add more reps or instances practically, starting VERY light and listening to your body.

With my facet joint injury on my vertebrae, I could not deadlift conventional full ROM for a long time. So I focused on elevated Trapbar deads and squatting to a little bit high box, and worked those down and weights up very slowly, progressively over months as my spine and nerves allowed. I had to go at the speed of their response. If something made me very inflamed, it was too much too soon. If it was more normal, I would continue the methodical progression.
This helps alot. Thank you.

I'm in a bit of a dump right now. Definently lots of self-doubt and fear about the future for me. Don't have alot of money to get the help I need at the moment. Abdominal Tear seems so difficult to come back from, so important to everything.

Trying not to let it get in my head.
This helps alot. Thank you.

I'm in a bit of a dump right now. Definently lots of self-doubt and fear about the future for me. Don't have alot of money to get the help I need at the moment. Abdominal Tear seems so difficult to come back from, so important to everything.

Trying not to let it get in my head.
Bill Starr rehab method is generally the ideology that makes sense when you have a muscle belly tear. Connective tissue or tendons is different. But sounds more like the former, so you’re ultimately looking at just getting back to business with it at an ultralight level.

Bill would recommend building up to many sets of 10 on bench most days of the week with just the empty bar after a little pec tear. So if you did hurt an ab, ultimately just using and strengthening it again over time will be the path. And it will be about bloodflow, often. And you’ll want to get tissue work on it in a few weeks or essentially mash it yourself to help break that up (but not yet, it needs to scar some initially to heal).

All lifters get injured if they train long enough or lift big enough weights for them. It’s just the reality of pushing your limits. I am not glorifying them; we should do everything in our power to avoid them at all costs beyond no longer lifting, & successful lifters tend to have less of them because injury inhibits progress. But WHEN they come, you must understand that it’s only over if you refuse to get back up, dust yourself off, and rebuild better - stronger.

You can choose to view them as Obstacles, or Opportunities…
Bill Starr rehab method is generally the ideology that makes sense when you have a muscle belly tear. Connective tissue or tendons is different. But sounds more like the former, so you’re ultimately looking at just getting back to business with it at an ultralight level.
Just checked it out, didn't even know that existed. I've been avoiding training it for the last 2 weeks because I was unsure of how to proceed, this gives me an idea, thank you.

I've regained ALOT of mobility and movement the last 3-4 days so it seems like I'm on the mend. Still some residual pain.

And you’ll want to get tissue work on it in a few weeks or essentially mash it yourself to help break that up (but not yet, it needs to scar some initially to heal).
Okay, so in the next 2 or so weeks? How frequently should I do this you think? I do have a massage gun, resistance bands as well. Foam rolling?
Connective tissue or tendons is different
I don't think this is the case. Again it's extremely difficult for me to get the proper evaluations I need because of money restrictions, the major move leaves very little aside for savings. Thankfully I did NOT have major bruising anywhere. My wife has noted she saw the slightest bit of bruising about 2 inches long and 3/4 inch thick. Very light brown like I just took a decently hard hit, very easy to miss.

She did note that it looks like my left side is much thicker than my right side like i'm missing muscle that should be there.
Just checked it out, didn't even know that existed. I've been avoiding training it for the last 2 weeks because I was unsure of how to proceed, this gives me an idea, thank you.

I've regained ALOT of mobility and movement the last 3-4 days so it seems like I'm on the mend. Still some residual pain.

Okay, so in the next 2 or so weeks? How frequently should I do this you think? I do have a massage gun, resistance bands as well. Foam rolling?

I don't think this is the case. Again it's extremely difficult for me to get the proper evaluations I need because of money restrictions, the major move leaves very little aside for savings. Thankfully I did NOT have major bruising anywhere. My wife has noted she saw the slightest bit of bruising about 2 inches long and 3/4 inch thick. Very light brown like I just took a decently hard hit, very easy to miss.

She did note that it looks like my left side is much thicker than my right side like i'm missing muscle that should be there.
Was it the left or right side? If left, that makes sense, because inflammation would swell it up. If right side, that implies either connective tissue tore & the muscle has moved out of place, which is very bad & surgery would be ideal to reattach it, OR that you have had a muscular imbalance for some time - which would explain the “random” injury, because weak things eventually break.

Because bruising was so minimal, and because it’s already improving, my gut is leaning towards you just being less developed on that side. I really think you’d know if you blew a muscle off entirely; it sounded like blue jeans ripping when I popped my bicep off. I knew it the moment it happened, and it was just hanging in there lopsided.

You very likely just ripped it some. I’ve pulled one of my low abs many years ago, no bruise at all, and that hurt like a bitch, so a solid tear I can only imagine.
Was it the left or right side? If left, that makes sense, because inflammation would swell it up. If right side, that implies either connective tissue tore & the muscle has moved out of place, which is very bad & surgery would be ideal to reattach it, OR that you have had a muscular imbalance for some time - which would explain the “random” injury, because weak things eventually break.

Because bruising was so minimal, and because it’s already improving, my gut is leaning towards you just being less developed on that side. I really think you’d know if you blew a muscle off entirely; it sounded like blue jeans ripping when I popped my bicep off. I knew it the moment it happened, and it was just hanging in there lopsided.

You very likely just ripped it some. I’ve pulled one of my low abs many years ago, no bruise at all, and that hurt like a bitch, so a solid tear I can only imagine.
Left side is thicker, right side is the side injured. Blue is the bruise which has since dissipated. Black is the actual section that was tender and has lost thickness.

The blue area is also the only area that's really sore still, everything else is just blurty. Way up near my ribcage.

Anyways. I've come to terms with it, it's frustrating for sure.

January 11th

W3D2 Tear Recovery

Deadlifts Conventional
3 x 35lbs x 20

Paused Squats
3 x 35lbs x 15

Standing Shoulder Press
2 x 35lbs x 10

Varying Times

Set of 10

Single Leg Lying Leg Raise
Stopped until uncomfortable

Russian Twists
Stopped until uncomfortable

Side Lunges

Lots of other ROM stuff, hard to log since I was basically doing movement work. I got a really good burn throughout my core with minimal pain. Did a couple light laps of walking.

Still not comfortable with big, static stretches but I'm gently easing into them.

Planning on doing deeper tissue work next week. The lying Leg raises really surprised me that I could do them.

@Hyde thanks so much for the help bro, I felt like a headless chicken the first week or so, I'm sure I'll have more questions as I work further along this.