I see. The liver bypass would be obvious. I completely overlooked the point that you'd be able to run it longer. Now you've got me thinking. Do you get the same explosiveness as you do from orals vs injectable orals? In a powerlifting context, does it even make sense for a PLer to run an INJ Oral? Curious to hear your thoughts since you got way more years in the game than I have
I was always told by the oldheads as much test and anadrol as I could handle. That's how I've always done it, kinda what scared me away from mast tbh.
It definitely makes sense for powerlifters to use injectable orals - if you can take more **** because you have less sides per mg, you will be stronger from those drugs. That’s not to say more is always better obviously, because injuries and health are factors to consider, but as a rule: more milligrams = more kilograms.
So if oral Dbol literally jams my gut up so that I can’t get my food in (constipation, indigestion, heartburn, zero appetite, gut distention) but I can inject it daily for 10-14 days, I’m going to be stronger with it on board.
Now if you can tolerate the oral, the oral is cheaper, simpler, and with the extra water retention can provide similar power increase - but you’re going to experience more fatigue & blood pressure from the extra water, which can be exhausting to get through training (nevermind health consequence). I have shot blood out of my nose from BP on oral Dbol.
They make some fire injectable preparations of combinations of SD, Dbol, Tren, TNE, Mtren. These are perfect to pin specifically before select peaking sessions or at a meet. The downside is the solvents required to suspend them make them unhealthy, so these are still very acute-use drugs. But you also have to eat big to be as strong as possible, and injectables help preserve that ability.
Generally test is best for powerlifting. Deca is useless, besides a very low dose for joints. Primo and EQ just fall into supporting more lean mass and managing estrogen if those are needed, but Mast is more aggressive drying out & more strength per mg if you are a water buffalo that aromatizes a ton. So those compounds can be ways to handle more testosterone and raise total mg if adding more mg is needed to support more size. But the test is king because it drives size and strength in a fairly balanced fashion. Trestolone is more of an advanced compound that otherwise can be thought of filling a similar role to test, in powerlifting.
And orals are nitrous. I don’t think 12 weeks of orals make much sense, more like 6 weeks or less. There’s nothing an oral can do that an injectable can’t, assuming you have longer than 2 weeks to use it. Besides Anavar, which does thankfully lend itself to longer use safer.