I noticed this too. The speed of 405 really surprised me. In fact for the first set- I didn't count it, I forgot to pause because it was moving so damn fast, had to slow it down. Never got that type of freakishly fast pull before.But it keeps your lats, spine, and arm length all in perfect alignment with a shorter pull too. Safer & stronger.
It's the best of both worlds even, I think I mentioned before that I got better CNS Activation not using straps simply because I could feel the weight on my hands, I would think this paired with an efficient starting position + peaking my sumo stance is the way
Yeah this mix is absolutely crazy. I may even start with a quarter scoop. I'm excited to see if it'll turn off gravity in the gym momentarily, haha.DMHA even is no slouch of a stim, and 100mg is a fat dose of DMAA. Even with that shitload of L-Theanine to tone it down, try that stuff at a half scoop first time
Definently gonna try saving some if we link up on our state to state move. You're right along our route we were planning on taking