Training Log

But it keeps your lats, spine, and arm length all in perfect alignment with a shorter pull too. Safer & stronger.
I noticed this too. The speed of 405 really surprised me. In fact for the first set- I didn't count it, I forgot to pause because it was moving so damn fast, had to slow it down. Never got that type of freakishly fast pull before.

It's the best of both worlds even, I think I mentioned before that I got better CNS Activation not using straps simply because I could feel the weight on my hands, I would think this paired with an efficient starting position + peaking my sumo stance is the way

DMHA even is no slouch of a stim, and 100mg is a fat dose of DMAA. Even with that shitload of L-Theanine to tone it down, try that stuff at a half scoop first time
Yeah this mix is absolutely crazy. I may even start with a quarter scoop. I'm excited to see if it'll turn off gravity in the gym momentarily, haha.

Definently gonna try saving some if we link up on our state to state move. You're right along our route we were planning on taking
December 3rd

1" Paused Beltless Deadlift
135 x 3
225 x 2
315 x 2
365 x 7
2 x 405 x 1

Weighted Pullups
BW x 5
2 x BW + 35 x 8 RIR 3-4

Barbell Row
225 x 5
315 x 4
385 x 2
425 x 8

Lat Pulldown Reverse Grip w/ Cable Flye Attachment
70 x 5
150 x 5
2 x 200 x 10

Edit: Forgot to mention that this was the first time pulling Hook Grip on deads. Liked it alot, and i'm determined to learn how to pull this way.

Nice session man! Hookgrip is amazing and the callouses are pretty cool too
December 6th

Front Squat - Beltless
3 x 135 x 7
185 x 7
2 x 225 x 7

Pete Rubish Hyperextension (Deadlift Width, Hook Grip)
145 x 5
195 x 4
245 x 3
285 x 12 10lb PR

Seated Leg Curl
165 x 8
2 x 245 x 8 PR RIR 3

RDL off Plate Loaded Lunge
2pps x 8
3pps x 8
2 x 4pps x 8 RIR 5+

Kneeling Cable Crunch (Facing Away)
130 x 7
2 x 250 x 17 PR

Ed Coan Suitcase Holds (Hook Grip)
135 x 15s
175 x 15s PR + Pain PR

Going into the 7th week of the cut. The end seems so far away.
Nice session man! Hookgrip is amazing and the callouses are pretty cool too

FWIW speed deadlifts against bands worked really well at building that base callous for me
Honestly I've tried doing banded deadlifts and I never really liked them, but in my case it's because I only did them for like... A week.

I'll try this out, eventually. I just started up a deficit paused block, not sure how I could fit those in without getting too taxed
Honestly I've tried doing banded deadlifts and I never really liked them, but in my case it's because I only did them for like... A week.

I'll try this out, eventually. I just started up a deficit paused block, not sure how I could fit those in without getting too taxed

I did them with conjugate on dynamic days. So it was always around 50% weight on the bar vs mini-light bands.
Regardless, they are gonna build with use.
Banded deficit paused hookgrip deads FTW!!!! 🤣
That sounds like hell
I did them with conjugate on dynamic days. So it was always around 50% weight on the bar vs mini-light bands.
Regardless, they are gonna build with use.
Banded deficit paused hookgrip deads FTW!!!! 🤣
That sounds like hell
Did conjugate ever help with raw strength at all? I've never done it before and always heard it doesn't really work great for raw lifters
Did conjugate ever help with raw strength at all? I've never done it before and always heard it doesn't really work great for raw lifters

Conjugate took my bench from 365 to 405 in a 3 month block. I believe if someone already has a good base of strength and CNS built up it really shines.
But yes, the internet will be full of naysayers because they hate equipped lifting and Louie Simmons lol.
“Everything works, nothing works forever”- Louie
December 8th

Standing Log Press
75 x 5
115 x 5
175 x 14 Massive 2 Rep PR RIR 2
135 x 18 10lb PR RIR 3-4

Incline DB Flye (Paused)
70 x 8
80 x 4
2 x 95 x 10 RIR 2 PR

Neutral Grip Shoulder Press Machine
130 x 8
170 x 4
2 x 220 x 10 2 Rep PR RIR 5-6

Plate Loaded Dip
3p x 4
5p x 4
2 x 7p x 17 2 Rep PR RIR 4

Seated Face Pulls (Max ROM, Paused)
Full Stack
2 Sets of 25 PR RIR 1

Been watching a lot of Jeremy Hamilton lately. Feel like people forget about this guy.
Conjugate took my bench from 365 to 405 in a 3 month block. I believe if someone already has a good base of strength and CNS built up it really shines.
But yes, the internet will be full of naysayers because they hate equipped lifting and Louie Simmons lol.
“Everything works, nothing works forever”- Louie
Then maybe I'll take it for a spin one of these days, sounds really promising. I'll look into it regardless.

I think I got scared away from it as a beginner, but knowing what I know now, i'm sure I could take make some good gains using a program like that. Or even just borrowing some tid bits from it and applying it to my own training.
I could make the drive there. We need to go through IL anyways.

Also on the S23 bit, I need the aggression haha. I'm a pretty chill and quiet person, it takes a lot for me to get aggressive. Now that I think about it, I can't remember the last time I've felt genuine aggression in the gym either. I can get amped up with adrenaline fairly easy though.
I saw you're running DMZ - are you doing S23 on top of it?
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Picked this Pre-Workout up today, it'll be here next week. Squat and Deadlift Days will be monstrous. I've never tried DMAA but I imagine the combo with DMZ will be excessively energetic.
How do you like this?? I'm tempted to grab it now that you've posted up. I love DMAA/DMHA based pre's.

But yeah, be careful of BP between the high stims and the orals.
Thanks man, you'll see a lot of questionable training decisions lol
Don't threaten me with a good time!
I saw you're running DMZ - are you doing S23 on top of it?
Absolutely not, haha. Running it solo. The S23 was partially an impulse buy and it's also a backup oral for when I run out of DMZ, I had it sitting around for months and the cut gave me a good excuse to use it. I have enough to last me until Week 10, i'm adding the S23 in for those last 2. I didn't want to bother with looking around for a new vendor or buying from my UG Source since they have an order minimum. Serves the same purpose, just a little different.

Personal Experience so far is that it's very good as a PWO Androgen. Very good aggression, energy and neural drive. Not much bloating. I feel very dense and dry. It has nothing on Anadrol imo for me, joints feel so good on it, and just as strong, although I don't feel nearly as explosive on it than I do this. Joints feel a bit fragile right now. It's a trade off.

How do you like this?? I'm tempted to grab it now that you've posted up. I love DMAA/DMHA based pre's.

Haven't tried it yet. It will be here tomorrow, it's supposed to be a very heavy back day. I have experience with Modafinil, Adderall, DMHA and Ephedrine as PWO Stims, so i'll be comparing it to that. The Pre is called Wildfire by SoCal.
Jeremy is an awesome inspiring lifter, and that was a terrific podcast. Although he definitely underestimates his gift of recoverability. There’s a reason most other top lifters still don’t train with his amount of intensity & frequency. I mean I really admire is grit and bootstraps ideals; I just know the Bulgarian weightlifting team’s turnover was over 90%. He was one of the guys who would have made it.

Are you saying you feel more explosive on S23 than Anadrol, or on DMZ than S23? DMZ definitely gives me an unreal brute strength.
Jeremy is an awesome inspiring lifter, and that was a terrific podcast. Although he definitely underestimates his gift of recoverability. There’s a reason most other top lifters still don’t train with his amount of intensity & frequency. I mean I really admire is grit and bootstraps ideals; I just know the Bulgarian weightlifting team’s turnover was over 90%. He was one of the guys who would have made it.

I also admire his ideals. Very knowledgeable and no nonsense, out of any lifter I follow or study, I think I mirror his training structure the most, in the sense of variations, reps and accessories and I find myself agreeing with many of his points and stances. Stand up guy, passion can't be faked and he's got it.

Are you saying you feel more explosive on S23 than Anadrol, or on DMZ than S23? DMZ definitely gives me an unreal brute strength.

S23 and DMZ to me give me more explosive strength than Anadrol does. I brought up Anna because it's my beloved and I use it as a benchmark personally.

I'm not sure which one I like more S23 or DMZ. I feel like it's not a fair comparison because i'm cutting in a 1000 Calorie Deficit. I can't even leverage the strength gains to the full potential. But if I can feel it on just 10mg... That's saying something.
December 9th

1" Deficit Paused Deadlift - Beltless
3 x 135 x 3
225 x 1
315 x 1
385 x 7
395 x 3

Barbell Cheat Rows
365 x 3
405 x 3
435 x 8 10LB PR RIR 0

Row Machine
Full Stack
2 Sets of 20 Reps

Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown w/ Cable Flye Attachment
3 x 180 x 15 PR

Kneeling Cable Crunch (Facing Away)
75 x 15
2 x 220 x 25 PR

KB Swings / One Arm KB Swings (Supersets)
3 x 80 x 15 PR

Pre-workout didn't come today, womp. It'll be here tomorrow.

Absolutely brutal back day, rows where cheatsy but sometimes.. ya just gotta get it up. New block for deads gives me room to go stupidly hard on accessories.

Planning on taking Wednesday's Upper Body Session off and just doing even more back work to give my chest and shoulders a break.

Edit: Ah forgot to log my weight. Stepped on the scale, sitting at 209. Gained a few lbs.
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That 1,000 calorie deficit got you gaining kilos dawg 😝

You have me wanting to play with some preWO S23 or DMZ again; deep down I know it’s going to be dead appetite and heartburn in 5 days though 😭
December 11th

Weighted Pullups (DL Grip)
3 x BW x 8
BW + 35 x 12 PR
BW + 35 x 11

Conventional Rack Pull @ At Knees (Hook Grip)
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 3
585 x 3
675 x 3
Drop Down to Wide Grip Snatch Width (Straps)
3 x 405 x 20

DB Row (Paused)
3 x 160 x 15 PR

Barbell Cheat Row
315 x 5
405 x 3
445 x 8 PR

Okay... I am hopped up on DMAA right now. This was an absolutely PSYCHOTIC workout. This was done with very little rest in between with BB Rows LAST. Rack Pulls done with Hook Grip up to 675 to work on my grip.

Consensus... This stuff is strong, extremely strong. I highly recommend starting off with 1/2 scoop. I thought I was coming up on amphetamines for a second.

@Segansational tagging you since you were curious about it. I've tried Adderall and this stuff was right behind it, in terms of sheer energy and focus.

I write this, sprawled out on the floor, beat to absolutely bloody ****. Can barely walk. Amazing feeling.
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December 11th

Weighted Pullups (DL Grip)
3 x BW x 8
BW + 35 x 12 PR
BW + 35 x 11

Conventional Rack Pull @ At Knees (Hook Grip)
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 3
585 x 3
675 x 3
Drop Down to Wide Grip Snatch Width (Straps)
3 x 405 x 20

DB Row (Paused)
3 x 160 x 15 PR

Barbell Cheat Row
315 x 5
405 x 3
445 x 8 PR

Okay... I am hopped up on DMAA right now. This was an absolutely PSYCHOTIC workout. This was done with very little rest in between with BB Rows LAST. Rack Pulls done with Hook Grip up to 675 to work on my grip.

Consensus... This stuff is strong, extremely strong. I highly recommend starting off with 1/2 scoop. I thought I was coming up on amphetamines for a second.

@Segansational tagging you since you were curious about it. I've tried Adderall and this stuff was right behind it, in terms of sheer energy and focus.

I write this, sprawled out on the floor, beat to absolutely bloody ****. Can barely walk. Amazing feeling.
Awesome session!

Looked up that pre sounds pretty impressive.
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Awesome session!

Looked up that pre sounds pretty impressive.
It's from Nutricartel, pretty fast shipping about 5-6 days, which for the holidays, is not bad at all.

I didn't have very high expectations but I was thoroughly surprised as well, some people said it's hit or miss.

But for me, it was a remarkably and eerily calm experience once it hit. Very good stuff. It'll make you sweat your ass off, definently hydrate.
It's from Nutricartel, pretty fast shipping about 5-6 days, which for the holidays, is not bad at all.

I didn't have very high expectations but I was thoroughly surprised as well, some people said it's hit or miss.

But for me, it was a remarkably and eerily calm experience once it hit. Very good stuff. It'll make you sweat your ass off, definently hydrate.
It's from Nutricartel, pretty fast shipping about 5-6 days, which for the holidays, is not bad at all.

I didn't have very high expectations but I was thoroughly surprised as well, some people said it's hit or miss.

But for me, it was a remarkably and eerily calm experience once it hit. Very good stuff. It'll make you sweat your ass off, definently hydrate.
Sweet think might have to give it a go I’m about out of my tub. I was also checking out big bang. It’s on gym n tonic site, the owner is on here sometimes, Wesley.
Sounds right up my alley, haven't had something that really hits right lately. Any jitters?
No, but the first 45 minutes was extremely nausea inducing and I felt very sick. It gave way to focused, calm but excess energy for about 3 hours and you will crash, harder than a regular caffeine crash. Everything felt light and I approached everything with no thought in my mind except lifting the weight, there was no pre lift anxiety (which I actually find might not be a good thing, for injury reasons).

I am also sensitive to stimulants so you may need to take more. Even 9ish hours later, I actually feel pretty shitty body wise. It's a bit rough.
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Sweet think might have to give it a go I’m about out of my tub. I was also checking out big bang. It’s on gym n tonic site, the owner is on here sometimes, Wesley.
Checked it out. They look about the same. Wildfire has a bit more power behind it imo just from first glance
December 11th

Weighted Pullups (DL Grip)
3 x BW x 8
BW + 35 x 12 PR
BW + 35 x 11

Conventional Rack Pull @ At Knees (Hook Grip)
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 3
585 x 3
675 x 3
Drop Down to Wide Grip Snatch Width (Straps)
3 x 405 x 20

DB Row (Paused)
3 x 160 x 15 PR

Barbell Cheat Row
315 x 5
405 x 3
445 x 8 PR

Okay... I am hopped up on DMAA right now. This was an absolutely PSYCHOTIC workout. This was done with very little rest in between with BB Rows LAST. Rack Pulls done with Hook Grip up to 675 to work on my grip.

Consensus... This stuff is strong, extremely strong. I highly recommend starting off with 1/2 scoop. I thought I was coming up on amphetamines for a second.

@Segansational tagging you since you were curious about it. I've tried Adderall and this stuff was right behind it, in terms of sheer energy and focus.

I write this, sprawled out on the floor, beat to absolutely bloody ****. Can barely walk. Amazing feeling.
Great session & nice PRs!

DMAA & DMHA are literally amphetamine analogues, just small modifications to the structure to bypass legality for a time (they’re banned now). Hence the nausea, crash, shitty body feel later.

Excellent drugs. Made a lot of PRs on both over the years; they’ll get you going.
December 12th

Comp Squat
5 x 225 x 5

Paused Incline Bench
3 x 135 x 8
3 x 45 x 12

Conventional Deadlift
5 x 115 x 5

Technique stuff. Sauna. Stretching.
No, but the first 45 minutes was extremely nausea inducing and I felt very sick. It gave way to focused, calm but excess energy for about 3 hours and you will crash, harder than a regular caffeine crash. Everything felt light and I approached everything with no thought in my mind except lifting the weight, there was no pre lift anxiety (which I actually find might not be a good thing, for injury reasons).

I am also sensitive to stimulants so you may need to take more. Even 9ish hours later, I actually feel pretty shitty body wise. It's a bit rough.
Well, that first part isn't exactly a ringing endorsement... but I'm pretty tolerant of these type of stims. However, the only one I ever really seem to have problems with is alpha-yohimbine. Any dose seems to mess me up, cold sweats and all.
Well. My shoulder might be fucked.

Driving to work today and as I turned the steering wheel, I felt a terrible sharp pain. It hasn't gone away and the stabbing feeling pops up once I raise it lateral wise. I felt completely fine yesterday. This is upsetting.

It doesn't feel super serious but something is definitely up with it. I'm putting the brakes on my upper training, I need to figure out what's aggravating it and what I can do. @Hyde
Do you have any rehab recommendations?

Can't believe a steering wheel might be what takes me out.
Well. My shoulder might be fucked.

Driving to work today and as I turned the steering wheel, I felt a terrible sharp pain. It hasn't gone away and the stabbing feeling pops up once I raise it lateral wise. I felt completely fine yesterday. This is upsetting.

It doesn't feel super serious but something is definitely up with it. I'm putting the brakes on my upper training, I need to figure out what's aggravating it and what I can do. @Hyde
Do you have any rehab recommendations?

Can't believe a steering wheel might be what takes me out.
Damn man that’s sucks to hear.

Tagging @SkRaw85 he might have some recommendations as well.
Hmmmm, i do know from personal experience DMAA has made me go over the edge during training before (just guessing as I don’t know the culprit). Exotic stims have a tendency to leave me feeling too good during and after training and I have been guilty of dehydration, just because feeling good and not thinking about it. They also crush my appetite to zero. If this is your experience as well it will be very counterproductive to strength gains while putting you in an increased state for injury.
Solely off reading the last few posts I lived vicariously through this.

I am also super sensitive to stims and take them MAYBE once or twice a year these days and very small amounts. I’m a giant puzzy I know lol.

Hopefully just a minor strain that’ll buff out with a little love.
Well. My shoulder might be fucked.

Driving to work today and as I turned the steering wheel, I felt a terrible sharp pain. It hasn't gone away and the stabbing feeling pops up once I raise it lateral wise. I felt completely fine yesterday. This is upsetting.

It doesn't feel super serious but something is definitely up with it. I'm putting the brakes on my upper training, I need to figure out what's aggravating it and what I can do. @Hyde
Do you have any rehab recommendations?

Can't believe a steering wheel might be what takes me out.
I’ve never had shoulder stuff that required real rehab generally, so my knowledge of it is the least. Everything I’ve had generally buffs out on its own basically within a month or so.

My initial thought is, if it was you turning the steering wheel with no prior noted damaging event/pain, how bad could the damage possibly be? Probably a very minor strain, from under recovery & dehydration likely as suggested already. This is just part of hard training & aging, don’t sweat it.

I know you train almost every day and love frequency, but consider that a few weeks is nothing in the scheme of a year if it just needs to rest for a short spell.

General brovice is don’t move it in any fashion that irritates it, and if there’s a way you can move it that seems to not bother it at all but does bring blood to the area, that movement ultralight for volume is idea. Like if you can do a Pullapart pain-free with a microband, doing a couple sets of 20-25 1-2x a day might help speed recovery if you just need to heal a little muscle sprain.
Literally today something started to pull around my lat/tricep insert on my first rep of RDLs. So I slowed down the movement to ensure I was very smooth, got my minimum 2x8 in instead of AMRAPing them, and skipped weighted chins. My armpit ached the whole way home so I know something definitely niggled. But it’s already feeling better, so I will attempt to warm up Pulldowns Sunday after bench and see how I feel.

Just the way she goes. The trick is to learn how to roll with the punches and go with the flow in a productive manner overall.
Hopefully just a minor strain that’ll buff out with a little love.
I hope so. It's the same shoulder i've injured the last two times, in the last 3 years. Every time I approach that 420ish barrier on the Bench Press, it always seems to give every single time. It's frustrating.

I know you train almost every day and love frequency, but consider that a few weeks is nothing in the scheme of a year if it just needs to rest for a short spell.
I'm taking a break until it feels fine, not messing around with this one, you're right. Probably need to lay off any heavy type of pulling/rowing too. Legs, Core and Low Back it is I guess.

Hmmmm, i do know from personal experience DMAA has made me go over the edge during training before (just guessing as I don’t know the culprit). Exotic stims have a tendency to leave me feeling too good during and after training and I have been guilty of dehydration
It probably didn't help. I've been feeling a bit fragile/brittle the last couple weeks, which doesn't really pair well with "strong" lol.

Thanks for the advice though gents, I'm going to check out some rehab exercises, Nothing I can't bounce back from. Pretty annoying regardless.

The same damn injuries.. Maybe I gotta finally pull an Anthony Clark and go with Reverse Grip :ROFLMAO:
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[emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6]][emoji6]" data-quote="AnfoAjax" data-source="post: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
The same damn injuries.. Maybe I gotta finally pull an Anthony Clark and go with Reverse Grip :ROFLMAO:

Bench backwards [emoji[emoji[emoji6]][emoji6]]
December 17th
Midnight Session

Beltless Paused Squat w/ 80lb Chains
3 x 45 x 15
3 x 135 + 80lbs x 5
225 + 80lbs (305) x 3
315 + 80lbs (395) x 3
3 x 365 + 80lbs (445) x 3 RIR 4

1" Paused Deficit Deadlift - Beltless
135 x 5
225 x 4
3 x 305 x 5 (50% of 2" Deficit Max)

Seated Leg Curl
120 x 8
190 x 8
2 x 255 x 8 RIR 3 PR

Pete Rubish Hyperextension
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 2
265 x 15 PR + Pain PR RIR 0

Still alive gents. It's a great mystery what I injured. Messed around with a few grips. Close Grip Benching was a little painful. Reverse Grip Benching was less painful. But both were still manageable and I didn't have much pain when I started pressing. It hurts on the re-rack and un-rack the most, basically the pulling motion.

Any type of pull is really aggravating it. I'm not even sure if it's the cuff, rear delt, tricep, lat or what. Annoying. At least this session showed me a few ways around it.

Also for the Chains, if anyone has experience with setting these up, let me know. I can send a video or a couple screenshots to see if I set it right. My gym has no clips to hold em so I had to improvise. They were barely touching the ground at the bottom.
If you have access, Smith machine benching might be in order for a few weeks so you don’t need to pull the weight out, just spin the bar more or less in place to unrack. Otherwise, try to set up further back towards the jcups to minimize your pull, if that’s not already minimized. Even if you don’t have as good of an arch, letting shoulder improve has to be top priority.

As for chains: you run a smaller lead/carrier chain that you make a loop of desired circumference with a carabiner. You slide this over the barbell sleeve between the plates and sleeve, or on the outside before the collar.

Then you take your heavy chains, the ones you count for weight, and fold them in half & connect them in the middle with another carabiner each to the lead chain. Now you can adjust the lead thin chain in circumference so that when you unrack it all but a couple links of heavy chain are off the ground, and when you squat down they more or less all unload:

If you have access, Smith machine benching might be in order for a few weeks so you don’t need to pull the weight out, just spin the bar more or less in place to unrack. Otherwise, try to set up further back towards the jcups to minimize your pull, if that’s not already minimized. Even if you don’t have as good of an arch, letting shoulder improve has to be top priority.

As for chains: you run a smaller lead/carrier chain that you make a loop of desired circumference with a carabiner. You slide this over the barbell sleeve between the plates and sleeve, or on the outside before the collar.

Then you take your heavy chains, the ones you count for weight, and fold them in half & connect them in the middle with another carabiner each to the lead chain. Now you can adjust the lead thin chain in circumference so that when you unrack it all but a couple links of heavy chain are off the ground, and when you squat down they more or less all unload:

View attachment 248092
I don't think the chain setup is possible... All I have are the two, thick 40lb Chains that this gym offers, that's it, unless I missed the smaller chains. I do appreciate the detailed response though.
If you have access, Smith machine benching might be in order for a few weeks so you don’t need to pull the weight out, just spin the bar more or less in place to unrack. Otherwise, try to set up further back towards the jcups to minimize your pull, if that’s not already minimized. Even if you don’t have as good of an arch, letting shoulder improve has to be top priority.
On this note, I will probably try Smith Machine next Bench Session (Possibly Tommorow).

I am happy to report that the injury is healing up quickly. Today marked the first day that the tightness, tenderness and swelling has gone down significantly. Still not out of the clear yet, but it's much better.
Also copped these on sale. I have terrible Ankle Mobility and it puts me into awkward positioning sometimes to compensate. I'm hoping that these Weightlifting Shoes will help clean up any form issues I may still have and make it as mechanically sound as possible. Have big hopes for this.


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I don't think the chain setup is possible... All I have are the two, thick 40lb Chains that this gym offers, that's it, unless I missed the smaller chains. I do appreciate the detailed response though.

On this note, I will probably try Smith Machine next Bench Session (Possibly Tommorow).

I am happy to report that the injury is healing up quickly. Today marked the first day that the tightness, tenderness and swelling has gone down significantly. Still not out of the clear yet, but it's much better.
You can buy sections of small chain for the lead/loop for next to nothing at any hardware store, by the foot. Carabiners too.

EliteFTS also sells their EZ loader straps, I think mine were $40, but you’ll need carabiners in either scenario.
December 20th
Midnight Session

Paused Incline Bench Press - Mid Grip
45 x 20
135 x 20
185 x 4
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
280 x 5 RIR 2

Standing Log Press
135 x 20 2 Rep PR
175 x 18 Massive 4 Rep PR (I miscounted…) RIR 0

Incline Rear Delt Flye
20 x 15
3 x 30 x 12 (Extremely Slow Tempo)

Single Arm Rear Delt Flye Machine
60 x 15
3 x 75 x 12 (Slow Tempo)

Plate Loaded Dips
2p x 12
3 x 3p x 12

Safe to say shoulder healed up. Felt great and left with no pain.
December 20th
Midnight Session

Paused Incline Bench Press - Mid Grip
45 x 20
135 x 20
185 x 4
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
280 x 5 RIR 2

Standing Log Press
135 x 20 2 Rep PR
175 x 18 Massive 4 Rep PR (I miscounted…) RIR 0

Incline Rear Delt Flye
20 x 15
3 x 30 x 12 (Extremely Slow Tempo)

Single Arm Rear Delt Flye Machine
60 x 15
3 x 75 x 12 (Slow Tempo)

Plate Loaded Dips
2p x 12
3 x 3p x 12

Safe to say shoulder healed up. Felt great and left with no pain.
Awesome to hear and strong! 175x18 is crazy congrats on that rep PR 💪🏻
Awesome to hear and strong! 175x18 is crazy congrats on that rep PR 💪🏻
Thanks. Puts me around the 270 range for a max, which was about my goal when I started this block. I'll probably run this 1-2 more weeks at most. I'm reaching the end of rope here. If I can get it for 20 I'd be happy. If not, I tried.

Shoulders feel great today. I was a little nervous it'd be one of those DOMS type situation but doesn't seem to be so.
Thanks. Puts me around the 270 range for a max, which was about my goal when I started this block. I'll probably run this 1-2 more weeks at most. I'm reaching the end of rope here. If I can get it for 20 I'd be happy. If not, I tried.

Shoulders feel great today. I was a little nervous it'd be one of those DOMS type situation but doesn't seem to be so.
When I did a 263 log there’s no way I could have done that for 18 - any rep calculator over 10 reps is totally worthless though, because 1RM strength and this kind of strength endurance are different qualities. And holding a heavy log for you is a very particular skill - 1-3RM just feels crushing, harder to balance & use the legs.

I understand if you don’t want to actually max out and that’s just a goal, but work up to a 5RM at the end if you want to make a fairly honest assessment of 1RM potential. I will tell you right now you have the infrastructure in place, leverage-wise, to be higher than 270. I mean none of my pressing numbers were around your variations when I did 263, not even close.
When I did a 263 log there’s no way I could have done that for 18 - any rep calculator over 10 reps is totally worthless though, because 1RM strength and this kind of strength endurance are different qualities. And holding a heavy log for you is a very particular skill - 1-3RM just feels crushing, harder to balance & use the legs.

I understand if you don’t want to actually max out and that’s just a goal, but work up to a 5RM at the end if you want to make a fairly honest assessment of 1RM potential. I will tell you right now you have the infrastructure in place, leverage-wise, to be higher than 270. I mean none of my pressing numbers were around your variations when I did 263, not even close.
I see, thanks for this. It sounds like I'm capable of more? I would've thought it'd be less than 270 and it was a highball estimate. The calculator put me at 280.

I'll add some weight next time, lower the reps and feel things out just to get a better idea.

Honestly, it's also hard to say if the log is carrying over to my Bench. But I almost want to say it has been helping, especially off the chest.

What I'm really excited about is to go back to my Seated OHP and see if it helped jack up those numbers.