My sales guys and I all have desks with windows overlooking our parking lot. we are on the second floor so we literally look down at our own cars. I saw a car flip a bitch on the road and didn't think twice about it. a couple minutes later I hear one of my guys yell "WHAT THE FUK!" and start running for the stairs. I look out the window, there is a car parked (the one that just made the uturn a minute ago) in front of his truck and a guy hanging out his broken passenger window. 4 of us made a run for the parkinglot, I was the last one to get there, my dad was packing. as the guys start to get into it , lots of yelling from both the thugs and my guys "fuk you, no fuk you, get the **** out of here, don't come any closer or i'll break more windows" I'm frantically looking everywhere in our lobby for ANYTHING at all that I can use as a weapon. i threw aside the umbrellas, almost grabbed a potted plant because the weight of the ceramic pot would do damage.
I gave up and ran outside to support my boys. the thug raises his hammer and dad pulls his piece. a Judge revolover loaded with 410 shot. the thug in all his defiance continued to just smash windows as he made his way to the get away car. dad never shot, my buddy took pictures. I grabbed my keys and tried to run them down but lost them.
Cops showed up much faster than usual, probably within 3-4 minutes. a police helicopter was circling our building within like 10 minutes. I asked the cop what would have happened if we had shot him, he said "well, he had a hammer and raised it and could have used it as a weapon against you right?"
3 trucks, two dodge rams, and a GMC were hit. they were obviously the targeted vehicle. 10 or so other cars were hit but only in a destructive "FUK YOU" way as they rode off. the guy was standing between my new cadillac and an older toyota when the firearm was pulled on him. he took his hammer and swung at the toyota.
Last night my mom was talking about how she prays for us daily, and me in particular, at family dinner. I saw this wave of destruction today surrounding myself and my posession and I took zero damage, I feel grateful and blessed.
The driver we believe took pictures of the guys and possibly my dad. I'm concerned about what that might mean since dad was the one holding the revolver.
I've been in this town almost 25 years since we started this company. I've watched our locals supposedly vote in these crooked democrats over and over again (not one republican elected in my lifetime to the governors mansion). Every one of our crime metrics have skyrocketed in the not two, but THREE terms that Inslee has had in Washington.
Since Trump was elected on Monday I have seen cops absolutely everywhere from Tacoma and to the North. everywhere. many of them. tuesday there was a raid in lakewood, yesterday multiple raids in Seattle.
I think things will continue to get worse before they get better. Like spraying poison into a bees nest, the thugs and illegals are coming out swinging and stinging as Homan and Trump go to work.
I'm a little bit grateful that I'm out of Var and off epiandro so my aggression level is lower and I didn't engage in a brawl. I couldn't tell if the guy was holding a piece at his waist or just holding his pants up. I don't know if he was white or mexican cause he wore a mask. I couldn't see the driver behidn the tint but the guys said he was holding something on his dash and they think it was a gun, although I wonder if it was his camera.
I'm so sick of the crime and the democrats. The hardest part of running a business in Washington state for years has been the government. the over regulation, the over taxation, many of these 1st year businesses fail because they can't afford the taxes and fees even if they aren't profitable. WA state has the worst 1st year success rate for businesses. But we have been broken into at least a dozen times. and most of them in the last 4 years. big break ins too, lots of smash and grab, busted windows. we aren't even a retailer, just a 25 year old domestic manufacturer with 60 employees that we buy health insurance for.