To Infinity.... and Beyond!

10 x 95
5 x 135, 185
1 x 225, 265, 295, 315

10 x 95
1 x 135, 165, 185, 205, 225

15 x 95
5 x 135, 185
1 x 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
10 x 225

My gym gear has been sitting in the freezing cold car all week but it's been early to work and late to home with a skeleton crew so no lunch breaks. Just need to get the routine/habit kick-started again

My boy is 1RM'ing in school today on squats, cleans, and bench so I thought I'd throw down some as well.

Kept bench in a "safe" zone since my spotter is out sick this week.
That looked like a good workout…..225 lbs Powercleans is no joke.💪😎👍

Hope your son comes back with some new PRs.👍

He did, last week he got 225lb for bench and today he squatted 300lbs. (PR) he said it was pretty easy but they didn't have time to add weight for another attempt so this sunday when we have our bench session I'll split it with Squats and give him a shot at 315 if his form looks good on the way up.... 🤘 🔥

not sure if I mentioned but I went cheap on his new lifters. Since I was torn between flats vs heels, and uncertain of his long term commitment to the sport, I didn't want to drop $200 on his first pair. I got these "Cores" because they had good reviews and opted to go with heals because the guys at school had him squatting on 5lb plates anyways so I figured for now, go with it.

He must love them, because he takes them around in their shoebox. at first I thought he hadn't worn them yet, but then after he squatted he took them off and put them back in their original box to keep them clean.

He did, last week he got 225lb for bench and today he squatted 300lbs. (PR) he said it was pretty easy but they didn't have time to add weight for another attempt so this sunday when we have our bench session I'll split it with Squats and give him a shot at 315 if his form looks good on the way up.... 🤘 🔥

not sure if I mentioned but I went cheap on his new lifters. Since I was torn between flats vs heels, and uncertain of his long term commitment to the sport, I didn't want to drop $200 on his first pair. I got these "Cores" because they had good reviews and opted to go with heals because the guys at school had him squatting on 5lb plates anyways so I figured for now, go with it.

He must love them, because he takes them around in their shoebox. at first I thought he hadn't worn them yet, but then after he squatted he took them off and put them back in their original box to keep them clean.

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He’ll yeah that’s awesome! He is laying great a great foundation and you guys get to spend quality time with something you both enjoy!
That’s awesome he liked the shoes so much! I’m sure them being from Dad is extra special. 315 right around the corner for him.
Your boy is getting strong!!! Missing working out with my kid.
When I was 16 my dad got me a membership at the gym he went to before work, we'd take separate cars, meet there and lift then he'd go to work and I'd go home and shower for school. Hopefully this lays the same ground work!
He did, last week he got 225lb for bench and today he squatted 300lbs. (PR) he said it was pretty easy but they didn't have time to add weight for another attempt so this sunday when we have our bench session I'll split it with Squats and give him a shot at 315 if his form looks good on the way up.... 🤘 🔥

not sure if I mentioned but I went cheap on his new lifters. Since I was torn between flats vs heels, and uncertain of his long term commitment to the sport, I didn't want to drop $200 on his first pair. I got these "Cores" because they had good reviews and opted to go with heals because the guys at school had him squatting on 5lb plates anyways so I figured for now, go with it.

He must love them, because he takes them around in their shoebox. at first I thought he hadn't worn them yet, but then after he squatted he took them off and put them back in their original box to keep them clean.

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How old is your son?
Bench day with the boy

10 x 95, 135
6 x 185
2 x 205, 225, 245, 265
1 x 280, 290

1 x 305, 315

8 x 230

Accessory F around
RDLs, cleans, powercleans, hang cleans

5 min warmup
4 x .25mile sprints at 7mph
90seconds walk in-between

Mostly just a screw around day, bench focused them we worked on some of the other lifts my boy is doing in school so I could see his power clean form, introduce him to RDLs etc.
Feet are crazy sore today, I expected it but after using the foot massager last night they felt great before bed.
I didn't add as my boy and I were walking out the door last night we stopped at the sled and did pushes. It was my way of introducing him to the sled and sneaking "cardio" in without telling him it's cardio, lol.

got him up to 335lbs added to the sled, as he was coming back it kept stalling on him so I kept telling him you got it down there, you get it back. break it and when it moves don't let it stop. a big dude stopped to watch my boy do a few laps, then gave him a speech on how great he was doing and the amount of power he's building, it was an awesome moment. my boy gets a LOT of kudos at that gym, people are often shocked by how strong my 15yr old is.
0 x 0

0 x 0

etc etc

pounded preWO on the highway on my way to the Tacoma gym. got inside, stripped down of work clothes and reached into my gym bag to find that instead of pants, I packed a hoodie. I briefly contemplated lifting in slacks before throwing the white flag lol. Will give it another go today.
Feet are crazy sore today, I expected it but after using the foot massager last night they felt great before bed.
I didn't add as my boy and I were walking out the door last night we stopped at the sled and did pushes. It was my way of introducing him to the sled and sneaking "cardio" in without telling him it's cardio, lol.

got him up to 335lbs added to the sled, as he was coming back it kept stalling on him so I kept telling him you got it down there, you get it back. break it and when it moves don't let it stop. a big dude stopped to watch my boy do a few laps, then gave him a speech on how great he was doing and the amount of power he's building, it was an awesome moment. my boy gets a LOT of kudos at that gym, people are often shocked by how strong my 15yr old is.
That’s awesome. I have my boy doing sled pulls and pushes also. How far do you say you have him push per set? How many sets?
That’s awesome. I have my boy doing sled pulls and pushes also. How far do you say you have him push per set? How many sets?

that was our first time doing it, I haven't measured the track we push on but I'd guess 10 yards+?
we just kept adding plates until we found a max on the sled. normally if I were doing it I'd probably run EMOTM type sleds for 10 rounds or something.
Sorry to hear about the lack of clothing shutting you down! A shirt is one thing, but that would have been a great way to ruin your slacks for sure. Even just a bit of knurling rubbing could be all it takes to mess the front up for good, nevermind blowing the ass out.

I learned the hard way many years ago, blowing my work shorts out after a hot summer day on squats, with no backup clothes obviously. Just left the bar loaded and walked directly out of the gym in my exposed underwear 😂
2 x 10 x 135
6 x 185, 225
3 x 275, 315, 345
5 x 365
12 x 275 - DOH

H/S shrugs
3 x 15

SS with standing DB curls
3 x 10+

Rear delt swings
3 x 15

SS with seated incline DB curls
3 x 10+

Lat pull downs
3 x 10

Easily had more than 12 on the AMRAP set of deads but went doh hook grip and thumbs were yelling uncle. Lol
Man that session winded me, my work capacity is LOW!

Sorry to hear about the lack of clothing shutting you down! A shirt is one thing, but that would have been a great way to ruin your slacks for sure. Even just a bit of knurling rubbing could be all it takes to mess the front up for good, nevermind blowing the ass out.

I learned the hard way many years ago, blowing my work shorts out after a hot summer day on squats, with no backup clothes obviously. Just left the bar loaded and walked directly out of the gym in my exposed underwear 😂
ahaha yeah I normally keep like 2 pairs of everything at minimum, in my car. often times an extra like golf shirt or something too in case I hit the range after work . My buddy with the big squat years ago was going to prove to me he could do a pistol squat (he can't) at work in his slacks, ripped a perfect hole down the asscrack of his slacks 😅 😅
0 x 0

0 x 0

etc etc

pounded preWO on the highway on my way to the Tacoma gym. got inside, stripped down of work clothes and reached into my gym bag to find that instead of pants, I packed a hoodie. I briefly contemplated lifting in slacks before throwing the white flag lol. Will give it another go today.
Ah man, the worst! You should've just turned that sweatshirt upside down, stuck your legs in the arms and gone for it.
that was our first time doing it, I haven't measured the track we push on but I'd guess 10 yards+?
we just kept adding plates until we found a max on the sled. normally if I were doing it I'd probably run EMOTM type sleds for 10 rounds or something.
Maybe I’ve been pushing my son too hard on it. It’s working because he’s getting stronger for sure (and other dads on the teams have commented how much faster he is). Our gym has a runway that I roughly measured to 20-25 yards and I have him push down and back 4-5 times, with 4-5 plates loaded on it. Maybe I’ll shorten for him though. But, he can’t squat well still because of knee pain (oschgood shlater’s or something), so I don’t know.
Maybe I’ve been pushing my son too hard on it. It’s working because he’s getting stronger for sure (and other dads on the teams have commented how much faster he is). Our gym has a runway that I roughly measured to 20-25 yards and I have him push down and back 4-5 times, with 4-5 plates loaded on it. Maybe I’ll shorten for him though. But, he can’t squat well still because of knee pain (oschgood shlater’s or something), so I don’t know.
For reference, most strongman events are 60ft if they have the space. So 20-25 yards is definitely not out of line at all to ask of an athlete expected to do magnitudes more moving for his sport than a sweaty roided-up guy wrapped in neoprene.
Maybe I’ve been pushing my son too hard on it. It’s working because he’s getting stronger for sure (and other dads on the teams have commented how much faster he is). Our gym has a runway that I roughly measured to 20-25 yards and I have him push down and back 4-5 times, with 4-5 plates loaded on it. Maybe I’ll shorten for him though. But, he can’t squat well still because of knee pain (oschgood shlater’s or something), so I don’t know.

For reference, most strongman events are 60ft if they have the space. So 20-25 yards is definitely not out of line at all to ask of an athlete expected to do magnitudes more moving for his sport than a sweaty roided-up guy wrapped in neoprene.

I counted ten of these marks but I haven't measured the marks. seems like 10 x 1 yard probably though to me. My experience is you can't really push a teenager harder than they choose to push themselves. if the kid is alive and not puking, he has more in him lol

Maybe I’ve been pushing my son too hard on it. It’s working because he’s getting stronger for sure (and other dads on the teams have commented how much faster he is). Our gym has a runway that I roughly measured to 20-25 yards and I have him push down and back 4-5 times, with 4-5 plates loaded on it. Maybe I’ll shorten for him though. But, he can’t squat well still because of knee pain (oschgood shlater’s or something), so I don’t know.
Oversimplified answer is you can think of it like lifting. Longer distances are higher reps (more steps).

There’s plenty of reasons to all sorts of distances.

Kids can get tons of benefits from pretty much anything so if he’s getting stronger and faster don’t overthink it for now.

Also don’t compare loads on the sled between different places, different surfaces, locations, sled types, skids, etc. will all change the difficulty and effect the load.
For reference, most strongman events are 60ft if they have the space. So 20-25 yards is definitely not out of line at all to ask of an athlete expected to do magnitudes more moving for his sport than a sweaty roided-up guy wrapped in neoprene.
I meant 40-50 yards total…4-6 sets of that.
Cardio day

5 min incline
5 x .25mi sprints at 7.5mph
90second walk in-between

5 x .1mi sprints at 8.0mph
30 second walk in-between

2.41 miles / 298 cal / 30min

EMOTM x 10
1 sled push(down and back 20yds)
5 pullups (strict)

Increased speed and added a rep to last session. Wind capacity greatly increased already. Feet will be sore though.

Did one push at four plates opted to finish at 3 plates.

Congrats on the boys PR's and your wind improving!
My sales guys and I all have desks with windows overlooking our parking lot. we are on the second floor so we literally look down at our own cars. I saw a car flip a bitch on the road and didn't think twice about it. a couple minutes later I hear one of my guys yell "WHAT THE FUK!" and start running for the stairs. I look out the window, there is a car parked (the one that just made the uturn a minute ago) in front of his truck and a guy hanging out his broken passenger window. 4 of us made a run for the parkinglot, I was the last one to get there, my dad was packing. as the guys start to get into it , lots of yelling from both the thugs and my guys "fuk you, no fuk you, get the **** out of here, don't come any closer or i'll break more windows" I'm frantically looking everywhere in our lobby for ANYTHING at all that I can use as a weapon. i threw aside the umbrellas, almost grabbed a potted plant because the weight of the ceramic pot would do damage.

I gave up and ran outside to support my boys. the thug raises his hammer and dad pulls his piece. a Judge revolover loaded with 410 shot. the thug in all his defiance continued to just smash windows as he made his way to the get away car. dad never shot, my buddy took pictures. I grabbed my keys and tried to run them down but lost them.

Cops showed up much faster than usual, probably within 3-4 minutes. a police helicopter was circling our building within like 10 minutes. I asked the cop what would have happened if we had shot him, he said "well, he had a hammer and raised it and could have used it as a weapon against you right?"

3 trucks, two dodge rams, and a GMC were hit. they were obviously the targeted vehicle. 10 or so other cars were hit but only in a destructive "FUK YOU" way as they rode off. the guy was standing between my new cadillac and an older toyota when the firearm was pulled on him. he took his hammer and swung at the toyota.

Last night my mom was talking about how she prays for us daily, and me in particular, at family dinner. I saw this wave of destruction today surrounding myself and my posession and I took zero damage, I feel grateful and blessed.

The driver we believe took pictures of the guys and possibly my dad. I'm concerned about what that might mean since dad was the one holding the revolver.

I've been in this town almost 25 years since we started this company. I've watched our locals supposedly vote in these crooked democrats over and over again (not one republican elected in my lifetime to the governors mansion). Every one of our crime metrics have skyrocketed in the not two, but THREE terms that Inslee has had in Washington.

Since Trump was elected on Monday I have seen cops absolutely everywhere from Tacoma and to the North. everywhere. many of them. tuesday there was a raid in lakewood, yesterday multiple raids in Seattle.

I think things will continue to get worse before they get better. Like spraying poison into a bees nest, the thugs and illegals are coming out swinging and stinging as Homan and Trump go to work.

I'm a little bit grateful that I'm out of Var and off epiandro so my aggression level is lower and I didn't engage in a brawl. I couldn't tell if the guy was holding a piece at his waist or just holding his pants up. I don't know if he was white or mexican cause he wore a mask. I couldn't see the driver behidn the tint but the guys said he was holding something on his dash and they think it was a gun, although I wonder if it was his camera.

I'm so sick of the crime and the democrats. The hardest part of running a business in Washington state for years has been the government. the over regulation, the over taxation, many of these 1st year businesses fail because they can't afford the taxes and fees even if they aren't profitable. WA state has the worst 1st year success rate for businesses. But we have been broken into at least a dozen times. and most of them in the last 4 years. big break ins too, lots of smash and grab, busted windows. we aren't even a retailer, just a 25 year old domestic manufacturer with 60 employees that we buy health insurance for.
I don't know if he was white or mexican cause he wore a mask.
I wan't to clarify that this comment is me stereotyping because local rumors are that the cartels are desperately seeking 1/2 ton trucks and sure enough we had 3 hit in this event. Its not a comment of racism, I've studied spanish for nearly 3 years and my wife and I have contemplated moving to Mexico or snowbirding there in retirement.
I'm incredibly frustrated by all of this. the boldness of the thugs. the lack of resolution. the fact that we continue to vote in "leaders" who neuter the local cops. The fact that I have 60 wonderful, hard working employees who are trying to earn and build and create jobs and contribute to the society, and I feel like even here at work while we are all just trying to be "good" contributors, we aren't safe from these petty thugs. Its hard enough for people to just wake up, fight traffic, put in their 8-10 hours days or more, go home, try to be families, try to be wives, mothers, fathers, husbands, pay bills, keep their houses warm, then some piece of $hit decides to smash up their transportation.
Man that is unreal…..glad you, your Dad, and friends were not hurt. And kudos and a big thumbs up to you guys confronting and running off those thugs. And also your Mom for uplifting you guys in prayer, bless her. But your right, the way the Dems and the left has defunded the police, opened the borders, and basically attacked America with their crap has paved the way for lawlessness, but thankfully President Trump and his team are already working to clean things up and make us a safer and powerful country again. But like you said, things will still be tough until they can start cleaning this stuff up, but I firmly believe he will get the job done. Again though brother glad you and yours are okay. Just be ready for anything and stay safe.💪
2 x 10 x 95
10 x 135
3 x 175, 205, 235, 255
2 x 275
12 x 225 (PR?)
12 x 185

3 x 15 x 25s

SS with DB skull crushers
3 x 10-15

Standing OH cable ext
3 x 10-15
+1 x 15 dropset

Pec deck
3 sets

Paralette push-ups
3 x 10

No spotter today, he needed to repair that window.
My sales guys and I all have desks with windows overlooking our parking lot. we are on the second floor so we literally look down at our own cars. I saw a car flip a bitch on the road and didn't think twice about it. a couple minutes later I hear one of my guys yell "WHAT THE FUK!" and start running for the stairs. I look out the window, there is a car parked (the one that just made the uturn a minute ago) in front of his truck and a guy hanging out his broken passenger window. 4 of us made a run for the parkinglot, I was the last one to get there, my dad was packing. as the guys start to get into it , lots of yelling from both the thugs and my guys "fuk you, no fuk you, get the **** out of here, don't come any closer or i'll break more windows" I'm frantically looking everywhere in our lobby for ANYTHING at all that I can use as a weapon. i threw aside the umbrellas, almost grabbed a potted plant because the weight of the ceramic pot would do damage.

I gave up and ran outside to support my boys. the thug raises his hammer and dad pulls his piece. a Judge revolover loaded with 410 shot. the thug in all his defiance continued to just smash windows as he made his way to the get away car. dad never shot, my buddy took pictures. I grabbed my keys and tried to run them down but lost them.

Cops showed up much faster than usual, probably within 3-4 minutes. a police helicopter was circling our building within like 10 minutes. I asked the cop what would have happened if we had shot him, he said "well, he had a hammer and raised it and could have used it as a weapon against you right?"

3 trucks, two dodge rams, and a GMC were hit. they were obviously the targeted vehicle. 10 or so other cars were hit but only in a destructive "FUK YOU" way as they rode off. the guy was standing between my new cadillac and an older toyota when the firearm was pulled on him. he took his hammer and swung at the toyota.

Last night my mom was talking about how she prays for us daily, and me in particular, at family dinner. I saw this wave of destruction today surrounding myself and my posession and I took zero damage, I feel grateful and blessed.

The driver we believe took pictures of the guys and possibly my dad. I'm concerned about what that might mean since dad was the one holding the revolver.

I've been in this town almost 25 years since we started this company. I've watched our locals supposedly vote in these crooked democrats over and over again (not one republican elected in my lifetime to the governors mansion). Every one of our crime metrics have skyrocketed in the not two, but THREE terms that Inslee has had in Washington.

Since Trump was elected on Monday I have seen cops absolutely everywhere from Tacoma and to the North. everywhere. many of them. tuesday there was a raid in lakewood, yesterday multiple raids in Seattle.

I think things will continue to get worse before they get better. Like spraying poison into a bees nest, the thugs and illegals are coming out swinging and stinging as Homan and Trump go to work.

I'm a little bit grateful that I'm out of Var and off epiandro so my aggression level is lower and I didn't engage in a brawl. I couldn't tell if the guy was holding a piece at his waist or just holding his pants up. I don't know if he was white or mexican cause he wore a mask. I couldn't see the driver behidn the tint but the guys said he was holding something on his dash and they think it was a gun, although I wonder if it was his camera.

I'm so sick of the crime and the democrats. The hardest part of running a business in Washington state for years has been the government. the over regulation, the over taxation, many of these 1st year businesses fail because they can't afford the taxes and fees even if they aren't profitable. WA state has the worst 1st year success rate for businesses. But we have been broken into at least a dozen times. and most of them in the last 4 years. big break ins too, lots of smash and grab, busted windows. we aren't even a retailer, just a 25 year old domestic manufacturer with 60 employees that we buy health insurance for.
Man that sucks, I have heard the bad stories that started a few years ago from a buddy on mine that owns a Auto repair shop in San Antonio for over 20 years. He had to put razor wire on his fence and get a 3rd Rottweiler.
Glad I live in Tulsa where the police, citizens and most elected officials don't tolerate this kind of crap.
Hopefully Tom can get ICE back to doing what they were designed for.
I wouldn't want to be looking down the barrel of a Judge! 😁
Man, that is wild, sorry you had to deal with that. Good that all of you are okay, and hopefully they just move on. Find another parking lot and not try to pay any retribution.
Man that is unreal…..glad you, your Dad, and friends were not hurt.
not yet. the driver was taking pictures they think while he was in the car as my old man pulled his revolver. I don't like the idea of them being potentially cartel affiliated with pictures but I have no control over what happens next only how we respond to it...

And also your Mom for uplifting you guys in prayer, bless her.

She's a good strong woman who slaps me around a lot even in my 40s. she keeps me based.

But your right, the way the Dems and the left has defunded the police, opened the borders, and basically attacked America with their crap has paved the way for lawlessness, but thankfully President Trump and his team are already working to clean things up and make us a safer and powerful country again. But like you said, things will still be tough until they can start cleaning this stuff up, but I firmly believe he will get the job done. Again though brother glad you and yours are okay. Just be ready for anything and stay safe.💪

I totally agree with all that. I'm just so bummed that this place where I grew up as become such a cesspool where violence is the only answer.

Man that sucks, I have heard the bad stories that started a few years ago from a buddy on mine that owns a Auto repair shop in San Antonio for over 20 years. He had to put razor wire on his fence and get a 3rd Rottweiler.
Glad I live in Tulsa where the police, citizens and most elected officials don't tolerate this kind of crap.
Hopefully Tom can get ICE back to doing what they were designed for.
I wouldn't want to be looking down the barrel of a Judge! 😁

My buddy is at the window place now getting his window fixed. the guy sitting next to him is getting his fixed too because at 4:15am this morning in the next town over the guys did the same thing to him, but they stole the gun out of his truck. so these guys were definitely packing by the time they got to us at 8am.

Tom is going to make life miserable for the miserable. Its not Grandma that they are targeting. they're specifically going after high risk targets and I'm seeing a lot of gang affiliation being taken out by ICE this week. Even Seattle, where they are passing laws to RESIST ICE had a massive raid this week right after Trump's oath. I appologize for getting political in my thread but I've watched my home be destroyed for so many years and they continue to dismantle our cops and protect the villians.

at the end of the day I'm a farm raised country bumpkin show's been shooting since age 11. twice this year I've been in events with guns pulled. in an area where millionaires are everywhere and the cost of living is now the 2nd worst in the nation. its disgusting and I could see us looking like maui and palisades soon.

Man, that is wild, sorry you had to deal with that. Good that all of you are okay, and hopefully they just move on. Find another parking lot and not try to pay any retribution.

I keep asking myself if I should have been more aggressive. When I caught perps in my yard I put my wife and daughter behind me and I had no hesitation to approach with 9 in hand. in this scenario I really had no people to protect, only car windows, and I assessed the situation a lot. the risk was high. one guy with a hammer, the other I could not see behind his tinted windows (that we now know for sure had a gun). so while I wish I could have done more, I think the fact that none of us were hurt is the big win. I'm really upset and frustrated about the whole thing though. I'm so tired of how this crime has destroyed these towns. the local safeway is barred up, I had a long talk with the SECURITY at fred meyers of all places. this **** didn't exist 20 years ago when we started this company!! it was a safe, clean community.
My sales guys and I all have desks with windows overlooking our parking lot. we are on the second floor so we literally look down at our own cars. I saw a car flip a bitch on the road and didn't think twice about it. a couple minutes later I hear one of my guys yell "WHAT THE FUK!" and start running for the stairs. I look out the window, there is a car parked (the one that just made the uturn a minute ago) in front of his truck and a guy hanging out his broken passenger window. 4 of us made a run for the parkinglot, I was the last one to get there, my dad was packing. as the guys start to get into it , lots of yelling from both the thugs and my guys "fuk you, no fuk you, get the **** out of here, don't come any closer or i'll break more windows" I'm frantically looking everywhere in our lobby for ANYTHING at all that I can use as a weapon. i threw aside the umbrellas, almost grabbed a potted plant because the weight of the ceramic pot would do damage.

I gave up and ran outside to support my boys. the thug raises his hammer and dad pulls his piece. a Judge revolover loaded with 410 shot. the thug in all his defiance continued to just smash windows as he made his way to the get away car. dad never shot, my buddy took pictures. I grabbed my keys and tried to run them down but lost them.

Cops showed up much faster than usual, probably within 3-4 minutes. a police helicopter was circling our building within like 10 minutes. I asked the cop what would have happened if we had shot him, he said "well, he had a hammer and raised it and could have used it as a weapon against you right?"

3 trucks, two dodge rams, and a GMC were hit. they were obviously the targeted vehicle. 10 or so other cars were hit but only in a destructive "FUK YOU" way as they rode off. the guy was standing between my new cadillac and an older toyota when the firearm was pulled on him. he took his hammer and swung at the toyota.

Last night my mom was talking about how she prays for us daily, and me in particular, at family dinner. I saw this wave of destruction today surrounding myself and my posession and I took zero damage, I feel grateful and blessed.

The driver we believe took pictures of the guys and possibly my dad. I'm concerned about what that might mean since dad was the one holding the revolver.

I've been in this town almost 25 years since we started this company. I've watched our locals supposedly vote in these crooked democrats over and over again (not one republican elected in my lifetime to the governors mansion). Every one of our crime metrics have skyrocketed in the not two, but THREE terms that Inslee has had in Washington.

Since Trump was elected on Monday I have seen cops absolutely everywhere from Tacoma and to the North. everywhere. many of them. tuesday there was a raid in lakewood, yesterday multiple raids in Seattle.

I think things will continue to get worse before they get better. Like spraying poison into a bees nest, the thugs and illegals are coming out swinging and stinging as Homan and Trump go to work.

I'm a little bit grateful that I'm out of Var and off epiandro so my aggression level is lower and I didn't engage in a brawl. I couldn't tell if the guy was holding a piece at his waist or just holding his pants up. I don't know if he was white or mexican cause he wore a mask. I couldn't see the driver behidn the tint but the guys said he was holding something on his dash and they think it was a gun, although I wonder if it was his camera.

I'm so sick of the crime and the democrats. The hardest part of running a business in Washington state for years has been the government. the over regulation, the over taxation, many of these 1st year businesses fail because they can't afford the taxes and fees even if they aren't profitable. WA state has the worst 1st year success rate for businesses. But we have been broken into at least a dozen times. and most of them in the last 4 years. big break ins too, lots of smash and grab, busted windows. we aren't even a retailer, just a 25 year old domestic manufacturer with 60 employees that we buy health insurance for.
Man sorry to hear that, that’s crazy.

Exactly why I can’t wait to move out of the city back to rural middle of nowhere.

They been doing that **** here since dec 24th they have broke into 65 vehicles over on the side of town we live in. The last round was 2 weeks ago and they just broke windows like just purposely damaging property for no reason they didn’t even steal anything.

I have footage of people checking my car doors at night, one even try the keyboard for the garage door.

Prayers out your way bud 🙏🏻
I keep asking myself if I should have been more aggressive. When I caught perps in my yard I put my wife and daughter behind me and I had no hesitation to approach with 9 in hand. in this scenario I really had no people to protect, only car windows, and I assessed the situation a lot. the risk was high. one guy with a hammer, the other I could not see behind his tinted windows (that we now know for sure had a gun). so while I wish I could have done more, I think the fact that none of us were hurt is the big win. I'm really upset and frustrated about the whole thing though. I'm so tired of how this crime has destroyed these towns. the local safeway is barred up, I had a long talk with the SECURITY at fred meyers of all places. this **** didn't exist 20 years ago when we started this company!! it was a safe, clean community.
I totally get it but as mentioned the main thing is that no one was hurt.

Honestly I haven't seen too much difference here in Houston. I am not really sure if it is just that there has always been a little bit of a seedy element here, it is a big city. My neighborhood specifically is not really much different. It is an older low-middle income neighborhood and I still leave my car unlocked, and don't spend time worrying about safety or theft. Their are definitely areas around that are higher risk, but they always have been. I also think it has a lot to do with the fact we already have a very large Hispanic population, so they are simply not obvious to us. That being said I know that crime and murder has gone up in Houston overall, but I think that also has more to do with some of the new liberal bail policies letting violent criminals out on bail easier.

I think the bussing people out wherever they wanted to go really helped in that case because if I came to America illegally I would want to go to a sanctuary city. Not stay somewhere that was not offering support.
They been doing that **** here since dec 24th they have broke into 65 vehicles over on the side of town we live in. The last round was 2 weeks ago and they just broke windows like just purposely damaging property for no reason they didn’t even steal anything.

I have footage of people checking my car doors at night, one even try the keyboard for the garage door.

we need more states to eliminate the requirement for conceal permits, and to open up castle doctrine a little more loosely.


Honestly I haven't seen too much difference here in Houston. I am not really sure if it is just that there has always been a little bit of a seedy element here, it is a big city. My neighborhood specifically is not really much different. It is an older low-middle income neighborhood and I still leave my car unlocked, and don't spend time worrying about safety or theft. Their are definitely areas around that are higher risk, but they always have been. I also think it has a lot to do with the fact we already have a very large Hispanic population, so they are simply not obvious to us. That being said I know that crime and murder has gone up in Houston overall, but I think that also has more to do with some of the new liberal bail policies letting violent criminals out on bail easier.

I think the bussing people out wherever they wanted to go really helped in that case because if I came to America illegally I would want to go to a sanctuary city. Not stay somewhere that was not offering support.

Right! We don't lock up the cars at home but we have a long driveway so anyone that's there without a big blue amazon truck is an immediate suspect. we live in a quiet town but we have seen a huge spike in the crime come into our town since COVID that all flowed over from Tacoma.

Seattle is a sanctuary city. these nut jobs in WA immediately started filing lawsuits against Trump this week and said they will not comply with the ICE work but it's all for show, ICE had raids all over Seattle this week successfully with many of the arrests being gang affiliated criminals. some already known to be murders, molesters, and rapists. I think a lot of people don't understand that ICE's focus is not on the grandmas but the criminals that they haven't been able to detain up until now.
we need more states to eliminate the requirement for conceal permits, and to open up castle doctrine a little more loosely.

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Right! We don't lock up the cars at home but we have a long driveway so anyone that's there without a big blue amazon truck is an immediate suspect. we live in a quiet town but we have seen a huge spike in the crime come into our town since COVID that all flowed over from Tacoma.

Seattle is a sanctuary city. these nut jobs in WA immediately started filing lawsuits against Trump this week and said they will not comply with the ICE work but it's all for show, ICE had raids all over Seattle this week successfully with many of the arrests being gang affiliated criminals. some already known to be murders, molesters, and rapists. I think a lot of people don't understand that ICE's focus is not on the grandmas but the criminals that they haven't been able to detain up until now.
Here in Texas if you own a gun legally you can carry it legally concealed or open, doesn't matter. Combine that with it being a "Stand your ground" state tends to alleviate some of the violent assaults I think would otherwise be a bigger issue.
Heck, In Oklahoma you can open carry, as long as you are 21 or over.. Don't even need a permit. most still carry canceled, No need to advertise you have a hand gun.
Heck, In Oklahoma you can open carry, as long as you are 21 or over.. Don't even need a permit. most still carry canceled, No need to advertise you have a hand gun.
I saw a guy walking around the other day in basketball shorts with a snub nose revolver in a holster hanging off of the front pocket of his shorts just a dangling there loosely. It looked so odd to me. Like Uhm, that doesn't look very secure...
Heck, In Oklahoma you can open carry, as long as you are 21 or over.. Don't even need a permit. most still carry canceled, No need to advertise you have a hand gun.
We can open carry but, it's Washington so culturally speaking it's not like walking into a saloon in Arizona and seeing a piece on every hip in the establishment lol
Warm up - 5 min incline walk

1 mile jog/run 9:30 (slow)

5 minute walk
10 min fast walk steep incline

Total: 30 min

Played 18 holes today with dad, hit the gym after to try to keep this every other day cardio thing going. After a couple sessions of increasing sets and speed at 1/4mile intervals wanted to get a full mile attempt in. Didn't by any means yet to set a record just wanted a little longer endurance work.
Little back/trap and biceps day

Cybex t bar rows
5 x 10

SS with ez bar curls
5 x 10

Seated DB curls
4 x 10
+ 1 x 10 dropset

H/S shrugs
3 x 15
+ 1 x 20 drop sets

Hang power cleans
10 x 95, 115
5 x 135, 155, 175
3 x 195, 205
(Kinda wish I had brought my belt now, might have gone heavier)

Hang power snatch
2 x 10 x 95

Lat pull downs
3 sets

Very cold, tough to motivate so started with some light weight easy movements to build momentum.

Had a fat ribeye, baked potato, little bourbon and a fire last night

Woke up down 3lbs at 195

Only supps right pretty much is

M Test
Cardio support XT (about 3 days left)
Alpha Gel
And today I hit some Pump Gel preWO

Saving anabolic XT for Feb.
