Thoughts on Trey Brewer, and others...

Realy debated posting this question here but really curious as to other members thoughts on this one(Sorry if this has been posted before but couldn't find anything). Everyone always talks about safe cycling of gear, and age limits etc...But what are your thoughts on Trey Brewer, and Evan Centipani, and other young up and comers in the sport? I don't care what they take or haven taken to get where they are because striving to be a professional in the sport, they do what it takes. However what are your thoughts on them using gear at such a young age, and for them does it even matter? Don't want to drum up a debate on this, or about what's right and what's wrong just curious really. I agree everyone should wait until they are 21 and should always be responsible but when you look at guys as young as Brewer, and Centipani(I know there are others these two come to mind first) it makes me wonder. Sorry for the rant but it's early, and I've been meaning to post/ask this for a while now.
PS...thanks for the move wasnt sure where to post this.
i think alot of guys that turn pro used from early teens. thats just my opinion. If they want to devote everything to bodybuilding then let um, i think its very irresponsible and careless not to mention unhealthy but hey, its their body.
I agree. At a certain point its all or nothing. If youre goin to be a recreational user then thats fine. You keep it simple, low, safe, spread out etc.

I think if you decide to make it a commitment then you have to use. Especially if you wanna get outta local shows and hit the bigs eventually.

I guess what im sayin is, to be the best, you gotta push the limits. These guys wont spend their whole lifes at it. MAybe from 20-mid 30s actually using alot of gear and pushing the limits. After that it has to turn to healthy living and making it last as long as you can.

I mean a decent example(i dont like him so i say decent :P) is Jay Cutler. I saw a show of him on youtube where he was about 19 and prolly on a little test or something. Not saying he had to of been.

I Think since you knwo youll be on it pretty much at a constant at a certain point its now your body, so you accept it.
After I read the title with Trey Brewer, Evan Centiopani also came to my mind. Those guys started using the drugs early and they are both extremely young men. Hopefully they feel that the risks they are taking are worth what the long run brings.......both good and bad.
I agree with what reaper said, I hope in the long run its worth it for both of them. And I have a lot of respect for both of these young men and what it takes to become pro it just seems like these new pros are getting and younger and it makes me ask the question. How young is too young, because brewer has only been at it for what 3 years?
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

at 1:37 everybody who has ever watched this video wants to yell "STEROIDS!! An endless ocean of steroids!!" ..

You can see it's a touchy question by the way the way he and his buddy react to it haha that's funny to me.
I agree with what reaper said, I hope in the long run its worth it for both of them. And I have a lot of respect for both of these young men and what it takes to become pro it just seems like these new pros are getting and younger and it makes me ask the question. How young is too young, because brewer has only been at it for what 3 years?
Pro's are getting younger?? i really don't think that is true at all. Arnie retired at what 26, after competing on the world stage at 19. The hulk dude was only 25 or 26 in Pumping Iron? the pro's are getting older because it takes longer to build quality muscle. Yes there are some young pro's but look at Ronnie, Melvin, Tony F and various others....

Evan Centopani said he had 20 inch arms in highschool. No one would have fcked with him.
Trey is pretty heavy in that video. He's carrying quite a bit of fat. I don't actually know what the ages are, but for Trey and Evan to be going after pros they undoubtably have tons of gear and peptides flowing in their blood at all times.

If they think it is worth it, more power to them, it's their body. Seeing Trey @ 22 yrs old and as big as a lot of the pros already makes me want to see what his internal organs look like.
i met trey at the arnold, he is a great guy. he gave us some tips and stuff. he took the time to talk to us and was ignoring the other people that were trying to but in until we were done talking to him. my camera died right before we got a pic together but there is always next year...
It's a touchy subject and it's just a matter of if they think it's worth it or not. The guys were obviously monsters before they started using and they just realized pretty early on that they had a shot to make it as a pro and once you decide that's what you want to do 100%, then there is no reason why they shouldn't go ahead and go on. I'm not saying every 18 year old should go on, but these guys are just delaying the inevitable if they wait. Sadly, pros nowadays stay on continuously and never come off, it's just what is required to compete at the highest level these days.

I do worry however wonder what some of these guys insides look like. To be at the same size as guys who have pros 10 years longer and have been cycling at least 10 years longer really makes you wonder. In that video they said Trey competed at 225 and then a year later at 265. That's a 40 pound increase in pure muscle mass in one year. I don't care how good your genetics are, it takes an incredible amount of gear to achieve gains of that nature in that sort of time span, especially for someone who is already way above average size.
The old school bb'ers used to only use deca, d-bol, and V.

With D-bol they were using 5mg-50mg/ED approx.

I think highschooler today use more than that.

I'm wholly intrigued as to what will happen with these current pros.
The old school bb'ers used to only use deca, d-bol, and V.

With D-bol they were using 5mg-50mg/ED approx.

I think highschooler today use more than that.

I'm wholly intrigued as to what will happen with these current pros.

Very true. The types of gear available back then was completely different than whats available now. Not to mention all of these peptides pros pump into their bodies nowadays.
Very true. The types of gear available back then was completely different than whats available now. Not to mention all of these peptides pros pump into their bodies nowadays.

Dexter Jackson looks worn out. I think he's somewhere in his 30s, but that guy just looks worn down and unhealthy. It shows in his face.
Dexter Jackson looks worn out. I think he's somewhere in his 30s, but that guy just looks worn down and unhealthy. It shows in his face.

The lifestyle certainly is not the easiest. I feel that Dexter might be one of the guys that keeps his gear usage semi-reasonable. He never puts on more than 5 to 10 pounds a years. Instead he worries about staying proportional and coming into every competition with the absolute best conditioning of any contestant. So maybe he isn't submitting his body to the immense amounts of gear and peptides the other pros do in order to simply try and slap on as much mass as they can during every off season.
I agree. Also too this is where your genetics really matter the most. Guys with better genetics don't have to rely quite so heavily on gear.

Lee Priest has been pretty candid about his gear usage which has been surprisingly small. He claims people assume he uses so much more.
Sadly, pros nowadays stay on continuously and never come off, it's just what is required to compete at the highest level these days.
Man, I met this guy the other day said he was a pro BB, not sure if he was IFBB, or just NPC. But for whatever reason he came right out and said "I only stay on the gear during season. Off season is off cycle." He said the same about another very well known pro as well which I thought was interesting.
Trey Brewer is a Beast, at 320lbs though seriously that mofo is holding more water than a bath tub!!! If he comes down to 275lbs or so cut he's gonna turn some heads I think. Also look at Phill Heath he's in his early twenties and he just won the Iron Man!! And he looked Fing sick, muscular, proportional, and shredded!!
I, as well as probably a good number of you guys went to high school and saw tons of football players that were 16-18yrs old on gear so this is nothing new. Is it the safest idea, probably not but hey I was eating cid and doing all kinds of other sht back then as were many of us and we're still here. So it's a personal choice, most of us grow out of such reckless behavior but these guys have incentives not to.
It is IMO the inevitable evolution of the sport that has brought this about and I for1-see BB's getting younger and bigger than ever before in the time to come. I think one reason there aren't more youngsters comin in roided of their ass is simply because, lets face it gear is expensive and most kids allowances wont cover a HGH, insulin, deca, test prop, dbol, anavar, winny 10 weeker!! To each there own.
Trey Brewer is a Beast, at 320lbs though seriously that mofo is holding more water than a bath tub!!! If he comes down to 275lbs or so cut he's gonna turn some heads I think. Also look at Phill Heath he's in his early twenties and he just won the Iron Man!! And he looked Fing sick, muscular, proportional, and shredded!!
I, as well as probably a good number of you guys went to high school and saw tons of football players that were 16-18yrs old on gear so this is nothing new. Is it the safest idea, probably not but hey I was eating cid and doing all kinds of other sht back then as were many of us and where still here. So it's a personal choice, most of us grow out of such reckless behavior but these guys have incentives not to.
It is IMO the inevitable evolution of the sport that has brought this about and I for-see BB's getting younger and bigger than ever before in the time to come. I think one reason there aren't more youngsters comin in roided of their ass is simply because, lets face it gear is expensive and most kids allowances wont cover a HGH, insulin, deca, test prop, dbol, anavar, winny 10 weeker!! To each there own.
so true.


(i liked cid) ;)
This kid beats Brewer or 50-Centipani

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Its horrendous what they did to that kid. Have you seen him now? He looks like a regular guy but with gyno and obvious androgen use look to his face.
i remember this kid...little hercules or something. im curious to see what he looks like now. i think he was 12 last time i saw him on tv. His dad was feeding him all sorts of sh1t and wouldn't tell the police what it was.
there are pics of him now, he looks pudgy. Further evidence that the kid was on roids. The dad should have his **** and balls cut off, what a douche.
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this kid's face looks weird, plus he has gyno that needs to be taken out.
I have to wonder what the long term effects will be on his body. All those crazy hormone manipulating chemicals in such a young, developing body.
I REMEBER THAT KID...hes not big just ripped.

where are the gyno pics?

why would he be on roids at such a young age, your body is growing like weeds... if i ate more food in hs , i would be well over 240 now.
why would he be on roids at such a young age, your body is growing like weeds... if i ate more food in hs , i would be well over 240 now.
he would be on roids at such a young age because his father was supplementing them to him as "vitamins"...thats why.

I'm not sure who you are referring to, but to suggest that Evan or Trey are natural is ridiculous.

I'm not sure who you are referring to, but to suggest that Evan or Trey are natural is ridiculous.

Uhh, yea.........................I mean what? Evan and Trey are all natty, any educated human being knows that!
On a side note: Happy 420 MOFOs!!!!!!!!!!!:drunk:
lol of course evan and trey are natty i mean they bulk bulk and then come in at a chisled 275(trey) and the only supp they use are liver tabs and a multi vitamin combined with food and lots of sleep! :toofunny:
lol of course evan and trey are natty i mean they bulk bulk and then come in at a chisled 275(trey) and the only supp they use are liver tabs and a multi vitamin combined with food and lots of sleep! :toofunny:
dont forget dat dere cell tech!:djparty:
I gained 30lbs in 2weeks off dat der cell-tech!! Is wasz crazie for pct Iz had tu use dat nolva, clomid and dat mofcukin letro!! But I still retained 28lbs after pct!!!

I'm not sure who you are referring to, but to suggest that Evan or Trey are natural is ridiculous.
im just saying that I am a die or ride animalpak guy.. and on the fourm, no roid talk is allowed and animal prides its self that their bodybulders are natty...

fyi u ever seen wrath or house?
im just saying that I am a die or ride animalpak guy.. and on the fourm, no roid talk is allowed and animal prides its self that their bodybulders are natty...

fyi u ever seen wrath or house?

ride or die animal pak guy ? Huh ?

Animal the supplement line, or just the multivitamin ?

I'm not sure what you are talking about.
fyi u ever seen wrath or house?

Frank McGrath is an absolute fvcking monster and, actually, is my favorite modern bodybuilder -- Zane is my favorite, and I'm not about mass at all, but McGrath looks such a badass haha..

and your right -- absolutely no way he is natural.. he is like 275 lbs for christ sake.
I googled Frank McGrath. If he is that same guy I always see in Animal ads in magazines with the white wife beater, then that guy is loaded on chemicals without a doubt in my mind.
That guy's all die or ride :fool2:
Brolic what forum do you think your in where you can't talk about roids??? This is a Bodybuilding forum and there is a steroid section so...............I don't know, I know it sounds crazy but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I think steroids are exactly what your supposed to talk about here WTF!!!!
i meant. i am tru follow of the animal lifestyle... i just want know when is house and wrath gonna take the "stage" and get some real press
That guy's all die or ride :fool2:
Brolic what forum do you think your in where you can't talk about roids??? This is a Bodybuilding forum and there is a steroid section so...............I don't know, I know it sounds crazy but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I think steroids are exactly what your supposed to talk about here WTF!!!!
i meant on the animalpak forum. its NOT ALLOWED
im just saying that I am a die or ride animalpak guy.. and on the fourm, no roid talk is allowed and animal prides its self that their bodybulders are natty...

fyi u ever seen wrath or house?

Who exactly did you say Animalpak claims is natty again?
That guy's all die or ride :fool2:
Brolic what forum do you think your in where you can't talk about roids??? This is a Bodybuilding forum and there is a steroid section so...............I don't know, I know it sounds crazy but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I think steroids are exactly what your supposed to talk about here WTF!!!!
i meant on the animalpak forum. its NOT ALLOWED