Realy debated posting this question here but really curious as to other members thoughts on this one(Sorry if this has been posted before but couldn't find anything). Everyone always talks about safe cycling of gear, and age limits etc...But what are your thoughts on Trey Brewer, and Evan Centipani, and other young up and comers in the sport? I don't care what they take or haven taken to get where they are because striving to be a professional in the sport, they do what it takes. However what are your thoughts on them using gear at such a young age, and for them does it even matter? Don't want to drum up a debate on this, or about what's right and what's wrong just curious really. I agree everyone should wait until they are 21 and should always be responsible but when you look at guys as young as Brewer, and Centipani(I know there are others these two come to mind first) it makes me wonder. Sorry for the rant but it's early, and I've been meaning to post/ask this for a while now.
PS...thanks for the move wasnt sure where to post this.
PS...thanks for the move wasnt sure where to post this.