Has anyone run a cycle with Test/Tren/DHB? If so what dosage and how'd you like it?
Was thinking of running my next cycle (after my current one) something like this:
Next cycle?
Test E 250mg
Tren A or E 400mg (maybe up this a little but max 500)
DHB 300mg (maybe up this a little but max 400)
Maybe an oral like Winstrol or Tbol? but might be overkill
Just started
The current cycle is:
525mg Test Weeks 1 -15
200mg Tren A 1 - 10
75mg Tbol Weeks 3 - 8
T4/T3 - 100mcg /50mcg 1- 12 weeks (might knock this one off the cycle)
*used Tren before, used Test, used Orals, never used DHB
5th cycle currently. Have all AIs, HCG, PCT for these compounds.
Was thinking of running my next cycle (after my current one) something like this:
Next cycle?
Test E 250mg
Tren A or E 400mg (maybe up this a little but max 500)
DHB 300mg (maybe up this a little but max 400)
Maybe an oral like Winstrol or Tbol? but might be overkill
Just started
The current cycle is:
525mg Test Weeks 1 -15
200mg Tren A 1 - 10
75mg Tbol Weeks 3 - 8
T4/T3 - 100mcg /50mcg 1- 12 weeks (might knock this one off the cycle)
*used Tren before, used Test, used Orals, never used DHB
5th cycle currently. Have all AIs, HCG, PCT for these compounds.