Test/Tren/DHB cycle - Thoughts on combo

Has anyone run a cycle with Test/Tren/DHB? If so what dosage and how'd you like it?

Was thinking of running my next cycle (after my current one) something like this:

Next cycle?

Test E 250mg
Tren A or E 400mg (maybe up this a little but max 500)
DHB 300mg (maybe up this a little but max 400)
Maybe an oral like Winstrol or Tbol? but might be overkill

Just started

The current cycle is:
525mg Test Weeks 1 -15
200mg Tren A 1 - 10
75mg Tbol Weeks 3 - 8
T4/T3 - 100mcg /50mcg 1- 12 weeks (might knock this one off the cycle)

*used Tren before, used Test, used Orals, never used DHB

5th cycle currently. Have all AIs, HCG, PCT for these compounds.
Nac 1200mg daily, Tudca 1500mg daily, a gallon of water (at least). Not drink, not eat like **** (obviously)

So what are your thoughts on the combo?
It's a good combo for high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes lipids and blood pressure and a lot of stress on the kidneys.

All gear works relatively similar, pick combinations with lower health risks Angel make more progress because you can stay healthier running longer cycles at higher doses with less side effects. The faster your health markers go downhill the faster your progress stalls.

In my opinion, running tren and orals multiple cycles in a row is pretty foolish too.

Test with masteron, or primo or EQ or npp with no orals but ran at higher doses. That's what I would do. 600 test with 600 EQ or primo would be my suggestion to get someone away from all these "fancy" sounding cycles.

Save the tren, dhb and orals for when your single digit body fat and in striking distance from contest shape when you can't eat much food. That's where orals and tren shine
Diet is king for sure the supplements you have are good. Check out cordyceps mushroom for the kidney.