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[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]6am-pre workout- protein shake(1 scoop pro-complex, 1 scoop caisin=51g protein
7am- workout
8:15 post workout- protein shake(2 scoops pro-complex,1/2 cup HRS-hydrolyzed rice-based carb), with 1 Tbsp Flaxseed oil 55g protein,56g carbs, 15g fat
10:30 1 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites, piece of fruit
1:00 1/2 chicken breast,1 cup brown rice, 1 cup vegetables
3:30 1/2 chicken breast, 1cup whole wheat pasta, 1 cup vegetables
6:00 1/2 chicken breast, 1 cup yams, 1 cup vegetables
8:30 1/2 chicken breast, 1 cup vegetables
10:00 protein shake(caisin) with natural peanut butter
use olive oil on vegetables with a little seasoning
take 2 fish oil caps with all whole food meals
take a multi in the morning/evening
drink about 1-1/2 to 2 gallons water a day
Comments or Suggestions welcome!!![/font]
7am- workout
8:15 post workout- protein shake(2 scoops pro-complex,1/2 cup HRS-hydrolyzed rice-based carb), with 1 Tbsp Flaxseed oil 55g protein,56g carbs, 15g fat
10:30 1 cup oatmeal, 6 egg whites, piece of fruit
1:00 1/2 chicken breast,1 cup brown rice, 1 cup vegetables
3:30 1/2 chicken breast, 1cup whole wheat pasta, 1 cup vegetables
6:00 1/2 chicken breast, 1 cup yams, 1 cup vegetables
8:30 1/2 chicken breast, 1 cup vegetables
10:00 protein shake(caisin) with natural peanut butter
use olive oil on vegetables with a little seasoning
take 2 fish oil caps with all whole food meals
take a multi in the morning/evening
drink about 1-1/2 to 2 gallons water a day
Comments or Suggestions welcome!!![/font]