Super 4 andro cream with Mk677


New member
I'm thinking of cycling Iron Mag Labs 4 android cream with Mk677. Would the two of them together have canceling or adverse affects. I'm 18 years old and my growth plates are still open and I'm wondering if the potential for estrogen from the 4 andro will close the plates? Should I take an estrogen blocker? The estrogen appears to be the only threat as the mk677 will give me growth hormone. Thoughts?
Shouldn’t be messing with your hormones at 18 buddy, and I don’t think it’s wise for anyone to critique what you posted above.

You’re far too young to be messing about with this stuff. You can achieve everything you want by eating; sleeping and training properly.

You shouldn’t be touching SARMS period, and there is no reason for you to be touching 4DHEA as you’re 18 with most likely amazing testosterone levels.

Stay natty and enjoy the journey mate, Gains will come slow, but steady & you won’t jeopardise your long term health.
4-andro would literally do nothing for an 18 year old. It might actually hinder your results as at 18 your test should be higher than your test after the 4-andro suppression. Basically it would just be counterproductive.
At 18, 4-Andro will suppress you and the yield from it would be less than natural test levels at your age. Strength and physique gains are not like Tik-Tok w instant gratification. Max out natty gains b4 you contemplate any “enhanced” lifting. All gains come from consistency over time. It takes hard work and effort.

Not to mention, this is your first post. There is a such a thing as forum etiquette w an introduction. Pretty sure there is an entire string on here for introductions…
At 18, 4-Andro will suppress you and the yield from it would be less than natural test levels at your age. Strength and physique gains are not like Tik-Tok w instant gratification. Max out natty gains b4 you contemplate any “enhanced” lifting. All gains come from consistency over time. It takes hard work and effort.

Not to mention, this is your first post. There is a such a thing as forum etiquette w an introduction. Pretty sure there is an entire string on here for introductions…
Oh I'll introduce myself, I didnt mean to come off as rude if I did. I'm an 18 year old male, been training for 3 years. First 2 years, trained 4 days for 1 to 2 hours each session and been on a training blast for past year, and upped it to 6 days and been full throttle on my diet. I joined this forum to increase my immersion in the bodybuilding community. Thanks for the responses, I appreciate your opinions as I'm still learning.
What about the MK677?
Do you want to potentially have insulin issues? Libido issues? MK hasn’t been studied long term. Short term it messes with your insulin resistance and also drives your prolactin up, which can cause sex drive issues and gyno if not properly monitored and appropriate supps taken to keep this at bay.

Is it really worth it to risk this just to be more hungry?
What about the MK677?
I honestly don't know much about MK-677 or GH for someone your age. I've personally never even tried MK-677. But common sense would tell us that 4-andro would be counterproductive for someone your age; all negative effects with no positive.
Just don’t do it. Your test is probably thru the roof right now. No reason to mess with it by taking one step forward the two steps back. Eat a ton of protein and enjoy being able to see gains and having a good libido. I’m 55 and don’t get to experience that anymore.
What about the MK677?
If you have ever used cannabis and gotten “the munchies”, Mk-677 is like having the munchies constantly. Factor in the raised blood glucose and it can be a bad combo. Russo Lifts on YouTube has some candid info on Mk-677. Mk-677 to real hgh is like a otc test booster to real testosterone