steroid board rules?


The True Warrior is one who conquers oneself
WYD-- nice set of rules, I just have one question.

Why would you not let someone say 17 yrs old post on this forum. WIth the increased temptation for Highschool athletes to enter the world of Black market substance use/misuse, I would think we as more experienced, and hopefully more knowledgeable adults would want to help them out. Lets face it, chances are HS kids will use them. If we are trying to have a board here that is educational I think we should invite anyone with any questions to post. If we don't, these kids will go to other boards, and get the assholes telling them

Try this cycle for your first one

weeks 1-12 500mg/wk test
weeks 1-4 40-mg/day dbol
weeks 7-12 75mg/day Tren

etc. etc.

Im not trying to be a dick here, and go against what you had said, I really think that to genuinely be helpful and educational, you can not discriminate against people due to age.

I mean obviously these kids who are 17 are thinking about using, or else they wouldnt even be here. Why not help.

OF COURSE THEY ARE TOO YOUNG!!! don't get me wrong.

I just think we (the board) should not ignore them, and fill them with as much useful knowledge as possible. To each is own, and kids will do what they want regardless of what you or I or anyone says.

and by the way Im not

If you want to delete this post feel free, but I just wanted to get my opinion out there...

later bros

People 17 and under are free to start learning and researching. We can't stop them from reading posts on our board. However, at this age, I am almost certain that they haven't acquired enough knowledge to start developing educated, well thought out, specific questions. 9 times out of 10, most people at this young age ask ridiculous questions that have been covered over and over again. Furthermore, alot of those questions demonstrate that they don't know jack **** out lifting and diet let alone steroid use. This rule was developed by the mods and we adopted it here.

At the same time, I see your point. Instead of just turning them away, we can begin to educate them. This presents us with an interesting situation.

Is it better to educate a 17 year old so that, even though they are outright ignoring our advice not to juice, at least they know how to properly do it...

OR - should we just take the stance that we don't want to hear it..... Make it clear that their are risks physically and mentally involved with taking steroids and that we do not want the liability of giving advice to a minor on how to use steroids.

I personally feel that if the person is that impatient to start using at such a young age, they are not worthy of receiving advice from people who have spent their time researching. I would rather not give them any more fuel to go out and do it by explaining cycles and post cycle recovery etc etc... They don't listen in the first place..... They only listen to what they want to hear....

Ok, put setting all of this aside, lets look at the facts...

We are going to know who has or hasn't done their research... Someone who comes in the board, be it 14 or 40 and says I am going to do a dbol only cycle is going to get lit up. These rules are a set of guidelines...The 17yr old rule is meant to get these younger people to close their mouths for a minute, and start reading. At the same time, lets say someone comes in and says:

"I am 17yrs old and trying to educate myself. I have been reading on various websites and I understand that I should not use steroids until I am 21. In order to further my understanding, I have specific question about the use of HCG in post cycle recovery. BLAH BLAH .... "

You get the idea.. If the person comes in, demonstrates respect, and a clear understanding for the rules, I doubt anyone will give them a hard time. The idea was to set a guideline for pencil necks who are looking for an easy way out.

Does this help?

whosyourdaddy02 said:

I personally feel that if the person is that impatient to start using at such a young age, they are not worthy of receiving advice from people who have spent their time researching. I would rather not give them any more fuel to go out and do it by explaining cycles and post cycle recovery etc etc... They don't listen in the first place..... They only listen to what they want to hear....


good point. Not trying to get on anyones bad side either by questioning too many things around here

Its cool that you said if someone is young and comes in educated that its ok to post...Personally, I only did 2 cycles, and the 2nd one was **** b/c the "deca" I had was supposedly 300mg/ml, however after it was tested (not by me, but same "brand" by someone else) it came back 53mg/ml

anyway, I did my research on my own for at least 3 yrs before touching anything, personally I enjoy doing research, and posting it for others. I wish more people did the same.

helped a lot, thanks.
