thats interesting....a good option for users that epherdrine, caffeine and aspirin. be interesting to see if the price for being an unique fat burner is worth it. of course, the link you showed us is that of the manufacturers so i assume the stack didnt cost you the 49.99 that is shown. personally, ive tried xenadrine rfa (not efx) and ripped fuel without mahuang. (both only at half dose prior to workouts) both gave good energy, but i lean towards the regular. plus, xenadrine and even hydroxycut, you can get on ebay real cheap. got my 180 cap bottle for 19.00. (thats 3 month supply for me.... ) but yes, keep us informed as use eca/fatburners before? and if yes which? results?
I felt none of the typical stimulation like you do from caffeine and Ehpedra but I did have a big increase in my anxiety levels wich is side effect of Yohimbine. I'm going to pass on Thermic because I hate feeling that way but other than that it did not HAVE any of the typical sides that ECA's can give. If it ends up working it will be a great alternative, I just wont be able to share in its effectiveness.
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