SPP SLINtensity Log


I will be logging SLINtensity from SPP. Thank you to the people that chose me to review it. I am very excited about SLINtensity. I used ALA and r-ALA when they were first popular in the past. I have been using SlinSanev2 for the past months and am very curious about how SLINtensity works in comparison.

I have two interests in SLINtensity, the first is that it must be taken with 60 grams of carbs. I am curious as to how potent it is in comparison to SSv2. With the high amount of carbs needed I think it will be perfect for a bulk or just gaining size.

My second interested in SLINtensity are the ingredients themselves. I have not taken 4-OH Isoleucine, Momordin Bitter Melon Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre. So I'm interested in how I will respond to them.
Just got mine today and just took a pill. Will be eating lunch in 15 minutes after I took the pill.

Lunch is 1 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Pasta
3 Turkey Meatballs
1 Cup Pasta Sauce

Total Carb count about 75 grams.

I felt a little tired after eating, not sure if I needed more carbs than the 75. Stuff seems pretty strong and kicks in relatively quick
Today was my first workout with SLINtensity. I took SLINtensity when I first woke up. Had a bowl of Oatmeal with some honey; then went to the gym. I have been taking 1 scoop White Flood with 3/4 scoop Hemavol as my preworkout. I wanted to gauge the pumps of SLINtensity by itself so I took 1 scoop of Craze today.

Pumps were really good. I did chest and triceps and felt really pumped and full after the workout. It was pretty awesome. I don't think I could take the pumps from Hemavol and SLINtensity so if I dose SLINtensity preworkout again I will have to use Craze or Rage. I don't think I'll be using SLINtensity as a pump product so I won't dose it preworkout very often, probably only Saturdays as it is the only day I train in the morning. I think I will be saving the SLINtensity for high carb meals only.

I bought a tub of Glycomyx to try. I had my first dose with my post workout shake, Protean Red Velvet. I mixed a 1 scoop Glycomyx with 1 scoop Protean and 10 oz of water. Had to add more water since it was super thick. Glycomyx didn't have much of a taste but seemed to dilute the taste of the Protean. Next time will have to use only 1/2 a scoop of Glycomyx.

It went down pretty smooth and acted as a good post workout/meal replacement carb. I had to help a friend move today and the added Glycomyx really seemed to help me from getting fatigued.
Glad you got some nice pumps from your first use, man.

And yeah, Glycomyx is awesome, but it can definitely mix up super thick lol. You definitely want to drink it a-sap and not let it sit around.
Day 4 of SLINtensity

Not much to report. I haven't felt a rise in temp with SLINtensity. I know some people report that with the Bitter Melon Extract but I haven't felt it; wished I would as I was hoping for a slight thermo effect. I think I will be mostly recomping during this time. I was thinking about bulking but I think I need to lean up a little more before bulking.

I do notice being more vascular with SlinSane v2 but my muscles; especially biceps feel a lot fuller with SLINtensity.
Patuba said:
Day 4 of SLINtensity

Not much to report. I haven't felt a rise in temp with SLINtensity. I know some people report that with the Bitter Melon Extract but I haven't felt it; wished I would as I was hoping for a slight thermo effect. I think I will be mostly recomping during this time. I was thinking about bulking but I think I need to lean up a little more before bulking.

I do notice being more vascular with SlinSane v2 but my muscles; especially biceps feel a lot fuller with SLINtensity.

I agree with this.
The more I use SLINtensity the more I love it. I had a good size carb meal last night WITHOUT taking SLINtensity. I felt really bloated and just aweful. SLINtensity really seems to help me with digestion and for me that is a huge plus.

Day 5 of taking SLINtensity and nothing really more to report. This product is kind of odd to keep a detailed log of. I'm not expecting strength or size gains so there are really no numbers for me to log/track. I mainly notice the effects of this supp when eating a meal or dosing it pre-workout. Pumps are great with this product and my muscles constantly feel fuller.

This is becoming a staple product. I hope I start noticing more effects so I can report them to everyone.
Patuba said:
The more I use SLINtensity the more I love it. I had a good size carb meal last night WITHOUT taking SLINtensity. I felt really bloated and just aweful. SLINtensity really seems to help me with digestion and for me that is a huge plus.

Day 5 of taking SLINtensity and nothing really more to report. This product is kind of odd to keep a detailed log of. I'm not expecting strength or size gains so there are really no numbers for me to log/track. I mainly notice the effects of this supp when eating a meal or dosing it pre-workout. Pumps are great with this product and my muscles constantly feel fuller.

This is becoming a staple product. I hope I start noticing more effects so I can report them to everyone.

What you're noting is exactly what we like to hear. Just take note of what you experience, just like you've been doing. What you've said already is pretty awesome to hear. Hope it keeps going well!
Hows it going patuba?
Have been traveling with almost no internet access. Sprint's network sucks! Will post more tomorrow.
Patuba said:
Have been traveling with almost no internet access. Sprint's network sucks! Will post more tomorrow.

Haha i use sprint too! I know what ya mean.
I was traveling for a couple of days and wasn't able to take my SLINtensity as I normally would; big mistake. I constantly felt bloated with about every meal I ate. Just felt bloated and gross and since I was traveling my diet wasn't as good as I would of liked it to been. Am back on taking SLINtensity twice a day now and am feeling less bloated after eating.
I took SLINtensity about an hour before workout today with a bowl of oatmeal with honey. Surprisingly I didn't have great pumps. I did back, legs, and biceps. Pumps were good for legs but nothing abnormal.

Took another SLINtensity 20 minutes before Thanksgiving meal. Mashed potatoes, dressing, and pumpkin pie were no problem at all. Didn't have any bloat or felt disgusting after I ate. Had enough energy to put Christmas lights outside; normally, I would want to take a nap. I love this taking this stuff before a big meal as I don't feel worthless after eating it.
Took more SLINtensity today. Not noticing much physically; actually I think my midsection ares is starting to look a little more pudgy. I'm going to have to cut down the simple carbs/sugars. I was hoping to lean out with SLINtensity but right now it looks like I'm gaining fat in the stomach. Going to have to crack down on the diet more.
Not much new to report. People say I look like I lost weight even though I feel a little big pudgy and the scale doesn't show I've lost weight. Not sure what that's about.

Pulled a groin muscle on Thursday. So I had to take a couple of days off from the gym. Should be able to lift tomorrow.
Nothing really new to report. Effects from SLINtensity have seemed to have leveled off. I still take it twice a day before my higher carb meals and I still don't get bloated or feel any GI distress so that is good. Muscles still seem fuller than normal but it isn't increasing anymore.
I took SLINtensity with a meal with only about 30 carbs and sort of felt crappy for awhile. Had a class of milk to help get some carbs in. Was mentally tired until I got more sugar. This is first time since the first couple of doses of SLINtensity that I had low blood sugar. Wasn't too much of a concern as I knew to get some more carbs in.
Yeah, you gotta be a bit careful with it. Slintensity without adequate carbs is going to get you low :)
Geoforce said:
Yeah, you gotta be a bit careful with it. Slintensity without adequate carbs is going to get you low :)

How so? 4-oh from what i interpreted doesnt work without a spike of insulin. I know if i take one without eating i feel fine still.
oogaly_boogal said:
How so? 4-oh from what i interpreted doesnt work without a spike of insulin. I know if i take one without eating i feel fine still.

I think it's user-dependent. I'm the same way as you; with any GDA I've ever used, but I know people from the other camp, too.

I took 3 Slintensity prior to my Thanksgiving meal (hadn't eaten anything all day prior) and I felt amazing after 2 solid plates. I was full and content, but not sick feeling or tired.
Things are going the same. I noticed being a lot more vascular on Slin Sane V2 than SLINtensity. The only thing I notice with SLINtensity now is low blood sugar when I don't eat enough carbs. And better digestion when eating big meals.
Patuba said:
Things are going the same. I noticed being a lot more vascular on Slin Sane V2 than SLINtensity. The only thing I notice with SLINtensity now is low blood sugar when I don't eat enough carbs. And better digestion when eating big meals.

I took 1 cap roughly 20 mins before breakfast one day, and started getting cold sweats and shaking, insulin bottomed out? It was mid meal when it started but after my meal it subsided. Slintensity is making me smell like a waffle covered in syrup! Im a walking log cabin bottle! Stupid fenugreek...
lmao yeah it definitely increases insulin sensitivity. would be great for pre diabetics
Almost done with the bottle. Nothing new to report. SLINtensity has always been great to take before big carb meals.
Im going to give slinshot or n force a try next.. i cant stand the syrup smell.. that kinda knocks slintensity out of my must have list
tyga tyga said:
Im going to give slinshot or n force a try next.. i cant stand the syrup smell.. that kinda knocks slintensity out of my must have list

Syrup smell?

Can't say I've ever noticed it.
Syrup smell?

Can't say I've ever noticed it.

First I've heard of this as well? The capsules smell or burps or something? My capsules have no odor, but my sniffer seems to be on clog 24/7 anyways.
Syrup smell? Someone pissed on your bottle bro.
In my defense, I REALLY had to go.

Hahaha, man I'm taking a break from slintensity. My insulin sensitivity is way too high, I get hypo if and when I forget to eat (happens quite often).
First I've heard of this as well? The capsules smell or burps or something? My capsules have no odor, but my sniffer seems to be on clog 24/7 anyways.

I started a whole thread on this a week back lol my body literally wreaks of syrup (fiance licked my forearm and shoulder, skins even mildly sweet! Webmd suggested the taste part...) slintensity and glycomyx are the only supps ive never used. Then i read up on fenugreek (can cause your body to secrete the aroma of syrup) and maple urine disease. Coop chimed in.. as well. Fenugreek = culprit. Doesnt happen to every one... guess im the lucky canidate?
I can honestly say that I have never smelled like honey.
I can honestly say that I have never smelled like honey.

Awesome. Like i said, doesnt happen to everyone.. when you piss out BCAAs it can smell of maple syrup as well. Think its the l-leucine and l-valine specifically
Hmmm, never noticed that before. I only notice my pee smelling when I eat asparagus.
I started a whole thread on this a week back lol my body literally wreaks of syrup (fiance licked my forearm and shoulder, skins even mildly sweet! Webmd suggested the taste part...) slintensity and glycomyx are the only supps ive never used. Then i read up on fenugreek (can cause your body to secrete the aroma of syrup) and maple urine disease. Coop chimed in.. as well. Fenugreek = culprit. Doesnt happen to every one... guess im the lucky canidate?

Hmm, odd. Never heard of this, but the more you know. I missed the thread, but found it now. Sticky situation! (ok, that was just lame).
I started a whole thread on this a week back lol my body literally wreaks of syrup (fiance licked my forearm and shoulder, skins even mildly sweet! Webmd suggested the taste part...) slintensity and glycomyx are the only supps ive never used. Then i read up on fenugreek (can cause your body to secrete the aroma of syrup) and maple urine disease. Coop chimed in.. as well. Fenugreek = culprit. Doesnt happen to every one... guess im the lucky canidate?

I'm not gonna lie, I'm still laughing. I'm just picturing the conversation:

"I smell like syrup!"
"I smell like syrup!" *holds arm up to fiance's nose*
*sniffing, casually looking side to side to make sure no one is looking before licking forearm, then licking lips together while appearing in deep thought* "Okay, your skin tastes kind of sweet..."
"See! I told you!"
*grabbing forearm* "Hold still." *starts licking forearm again*
I'm not gonna lie, I'm still laughing. I'm just picturing the conversation:

"I smell like syrup!"
"I smell like syrup!" *holds arm up to fiance's nose*
*sniffing, casually looking side to side to make sure no one is looking before licking forearm, then licking lips together while appearing in deep thought* "Okay, your skin tastes kind of sweet..."
"See! I told you!"
*grabbing forearm* "Hold still." *starts licking forearm again*

I also think he definitely picked the wrong areas to have the fiancé check for syrupy taste. Rookie mistake.
Hmm, odd. Never heard of this, but the more you know. I missed the thread, but found it now. Sticky situation! (ok, that was just lame).
I see what you did there lol
I'm not gonna lie, I'm still laughing. I'm just picturing the conversation:

"I smell like syrup!"
"I smell like syrup!" *holds arm up to fiance's nose*
*sniffing, casually looking side to side to make sure no one is looking before licking forearm, then licking lips together while appearing in deep thought* "Okay, your skin tastes kind of sweet..."
"See! I told you!"
*grabbing forearm* "Hold still." *starts licking forearm again*
Basically it. Except she smelled it before i did.. but the licking part is almost spot in lol
I also think he definitely picked the wrong areas to have the fiancé check for syrupy taste. Rookie mistake.
HAH! ... well that was a spot to check as well... smelled of syrup.. but wasnt sweet lol maybe its because i just got done lifting?
Awesome. Like i said, doesnt happen to everyone.. when you piss out BCAAs it can smell of maple syrup as well. Think its the l-leucine and l-valine specifically

There is a specific disease called maple syrup urine disease lol. It's due to an error in the metabolism of branched chain amino acids. Look it up, it's actually legit!