


  • Established
My brother has been diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. His L5 vertebra is broken.

The doctor says that the only solution is to fuse it with the L4. I was wondering if perhaps anyone here might know any information about possible other treatments. I know there are a few docs here and a number of folks who are familiar with some bleeding edge medicine. Especially when it comes to bone and muscle.

Important to note is that this injury, from what the doctor said, appears to be an old one; possibly as old as 15 years.


More Cowbell
  • Established
I have mine in L4.. For me, the Dr. sent me to Health South for rehab. They Told me I can do a ton of abdominal work for strength around the spinal area. They also gave me a bunch of stretches to do. They told me to do all that, or get the surgery.. It would have been the fusion type. I went to two different chiropractors to find this out. Finally, after the 2nd one, he gave up on me & sent me for x-rays..

This is what they came up w/. See where the pen is? That's 50% off. Like your brother, the Dr. said this has probably been like this for years, possibly since birth. I know when I lived in Michigan, shoveling snow for $1.00 a driveway didn't help matters.. Sorry I can't help more.

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