So F'ing mad right now



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This was not a good weekend for me. In a span of 36 hours I lost my favorite necklace, my girlfriend and I have hit a major snag, and I spilled water on my phone in my sleep. Well, I wasn't really asleep because I haven't really slept since Friday night and that was drunk sleep. I really wish I had the time right now to go to practice so I could alleviate some stress, but grad school is kicking my ass, ATM.:rant::smite::aargh::frustrate


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She has major commitment issues because her parents have each gone through several divorces. I haven't pushed anything upon her and I have always respected her desire for space, but something has gone awry. I felt her kinda pull away last week and I went to her apt on Saturday to talk about it. We sat there for a sec and she sighed for a sec and I immediately asked, "Are you about to break up with me?" Stunned her that I knew what she was about to say. We talked for about an hour about everything and we have decided to take a break for a bit because, in her opinion, it's gotten too serious.


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I could buy you a new necklace if you would feel better. :)

On a more serious note, but not that much more serious, dont any of these supplement junkies around here have something you can take to help you sleep better? One of those bulk powders has to help with sleep or something.

Ok, now actually being serious here. That sucks about the girl. Hopefully you guys can work things out and she finds that this time apart makes her want to be more commitment oriented with you. Good luck man. Things will get better.


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She has major commitment issues because her parents have each gone through several divorces. I haven't pushed anything upon her and I have always respected her desire for space, but something has gone awry. I felt her kinda pull away last week and I went to her apt on Saturday to talk about it. We sat there for a sec and she sighed for a sec and I immediately asked, "Are you about to break up with me?" Stunned her that I knew what she was about to say. We talked for about an hour about everything and we have decided to take a break for a bit because, in her opinion, it's gotten too serious.
Sometimes they are weird like that. I feel ya bro. Take some time for yourself, and good luck.


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Since misery loves company,
My car took a sh!t friday night and I had to push it along a highway in the rain.
Saturday my cats dry food got recalled by the manufacture and he puked a couple times later that night so I got really nervous ( turned out he was OK )
Yesterday there was some high winds in my area and as I was outside trying to get some breakable stuff in the garage and chasing down a garbage can I got slapped in the face by the branch of a willow tree and got a nice across my neck now.
Finally today I found out I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, got kicked out of a class in grad school because I would give a dummy CPR because I was sick and didn't want to spit all over the thing, found out my car is pretty much totaled, got my electrical and gas bills from my landlord, had the shower head spit out a bunch of cold water when I started to turn my water on (valve to send the water to the shower head was still open ) and its raining....Killer Birthday weekend huh.


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Sucks hardcore about the girl, Rodja. You seemed like you were really into her. Was the drunk sleep after your talk with her? I know I've been there.


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Sucks hardcore about the girl, Rodja. You seemed like you were really into her. Was the drunk sleep after your talk with her? I know I've been there.
No, Friday night I hung out with my friend and we got way too drunk. I can't sleep right now because everytime I have too much on my mind between school, her, my mom, etc. 1-carboxy can only do so much to ease my mind.


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Sorry to hear man but if it's any consolation at all my life is pretty much rock bottom :)

My brother tried telling me about the Footprints in the Sand poem but I asked him, what if you don't see any prints at all because you can't seem to move? That one stumped the **** out of him lol... Got to keep laughing about it to keep sane man
Zero V

Zero V

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sorry to hear this bro. I hope you can take it with a grain of salt, I hate when life gets retarded on us. Sorry to hear about you to jay. Crappy things always seem to happen to good people. Hoping things improve for you all,


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hey, i live day to day with no answer for existence. i HAVE TO LAUGH so i won't break down.


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Also, as an FYI, this is the same gal that I made a thread about in June. We have never had an argument, disagreement, or anything that would have led to this. I'm not sure whether I should move on or maintain some level of hope for a reconciliation with her. I still care about her immensely and I love having her in my life, but it may be in my best interest to take a step back and reassess everything.
Iron Warrior

Iron Warrior

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Sorry to hear about life taking a bit of a dump on you bro :( I'm lucky to have a really good woman by my side right now, the best one I've been with. All I can say is things will get better. I know it's hard to forget someone like that but the best thing to do is to take a step back and look for another woman. There might be someone better for you out there.


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Sorry to hear about life taking a bit of a dump on you bro :( I'm lucky to have a really good woman by my side right now, the best one I've been with. All I can say is things will get better. I know it's hard to forget someone like that but the best thing to do is to take a step back and look for another woman. There might be someone better for you out there.
there's always someone better in some respect(s) out there. we, as people, all have varying qualities. you just gotta find the ones that have the best of the qualities you like most. when i look at it like that, it makes me feel better. cause i guess looking at it in that way, it doesn't leave me with that, "ooooooooooh no. she was the one" feeling.


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You also don't want to throw away a good thing if she's just needing some time to reevaluate what's going on in her life. Just let her know you're there for her and give her space.


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Ha! Wow... I feel ya. It just happened to me today. I'm single again. Oh well. Part of life. At least I did my training, chat with friends, and I feel pretty damn good. I don't know why, but I feel good anyways.


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Ha! Wow... I feel ya. It just happened to me today. I'm single again. Oh well. Part of life. At least I did my training, chat with friends, and I feel pretty damn good. I don't know why, but I feel good anyways.
I'm usually on a 24-hour tape delay. It always takes a while before everything settles in and then I reflect on everything.


It's gonna be hard. Just let her have her space. She'll end up missing you and she'll come back, especially if you treated her as well as you say you have. Just keep your chin up, think positive and relieve your stress in the gym. I wish you the best of luck!


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Sorry to hear about this rod. I can tell you though when i first met my wife, she had commitment issues as well. I remember i was in a similar situation as you at one point. I sat down one day and really looked at my life and the whole situation overall.

I knew that in my heart she was the one though, and i was going to help her face her issues and conquor them. It took some time, but i can honestly tell you it was the best decision i ever made in my life to stick with my feelings. She tells me to this day it was the little things (not the big things) i did in the relationship that made her see the light.

This may not always apply to every situation, but my advice would be to sit down and assess the situation and your feelings in regard to the big picture. If it's meant to be, it will my man. Being true to yourself and your feelings. It will guide you down the right path, whichever way it may be.

Good luck buddy, and keep your head up. You're AM bro's send their support. :)


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I broke my necklace today at the senior picnic :(

Red Rover got a little out of control.


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I broke my necklace today at the senior picnic :(

Red Rover got a little out of control.
Mine was a dogtag with bushido in Kanji on the front and Rodja on the back. It was like my amulet that helped me to rise up. I never have been overly religious, so that necklace was like my crucifix.


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Mine was a dogtag with bushido in Kanji on the front and Rodja on the back. It was like my amulet that helped me to rise up. I never have been overly religious, so that necklace was like my crucifix.
That puts me to shame. Mine just said "I <3 Hooters"

But really, the pendant had an engraving that read "Faith" in medieval penmanship kind of writing. Cool, but useless now.


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On a more serious note, but not that much more serious, dont any of these supplement junkies around here have something you can take to help you sleep better? One of those bulk powders has to help with sleep or something.

With that said why is it that so many people have sleep deprivation problems?


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Sorry to hear that Rodja. By all your posts, I can tell you're a real quality guy, and it would ultimately be her loss is she lets you slip through her fingers.

Having said that, I'd say give her the space she wants and don't "close the door" to getting back together. However, it is in your best interest to find or be around other girls now. This does 3 things:

1. it's for your personal well-being/ego/distraction

2. it will help you get on with your life by being available to other potential life partners

3. girls are generally MORE attracted to a guy when some other girl is attracted to him (I'm not saying flaunt/make her jealous or even let her know - just saying you socializing with other interested girls INCREASES your odds of her wanting you back.

My father gave me some advice when I broke up with my ex (2yrs ago). He told me to "not worry about HER feelings. Just worry about your own."
He did not mean be mean or inconsiderate to her, but make sure everything you do, you do for YOU and not HER first. Women are much better at manipulating emotion, and the guys often care too much for the girl, and show they care too much for the girl when the girls have already gone beyond that.

So that's my advice: do not "pine" for her, but rather get out there now in the social world. You don't have to "date" these other girls, just be around them, feel popular, etc. Do not flaunt or even "tell" her you're doing this - chances are she'll hear about it from someone anyways.

When it comes to relationships, women are NEVER STUPID. They know what they want. When they say "I don't know what I want", that means "I know exactly what I want, but I don't know how to get it right now, so I need to keep certain options open in case."

If she truly wants to be with you, then she'll be with you.
If she doesn't want to be with you...well, then she's going to regret leaving you at some point in her life...

And as for your necklace - understand that the "power" we derive from such devices are just energy that WE'VE placed in them. This energy is returned to us when the item is lost - it was just a conduit. ie: it's replaceable.

I'm not a religious guy either, but I know a lot of ppl get strength from wearing a cross. I'm quite sure though, that a really strong willed man named Jesus did NOT have such an item around his neck to derive his strength from. The "new" Rodja about to be reborn doesn't need this either.

Best solution: a girl (new or old, leaving that ambigious) buys you a new necklace with even greater meaning. Best of luck bro!


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Well, we met up on Wednesday night. I texted her at about 5 AM that day because I needed to break the ice and I wanted to get some things off of my chest. We sat there for a second and I finally started the conversation by letting her know that I wasn't mad at her. We kept talking for about 90 minute or so and we talked about every part of our relationship. We have both been slightly overwhelmed lately between school and her parents live in Houston, so she was freaking about Ike. I could tell for the past week that her head was somewhere else, but I didn't want to place too much on it. We decided to give ourselves some time to get adjusted to everything and to spend more time together doing fun things instead of just doing a pizza/movie night. She was also looking for something slightly more than just another little fling, which was a complete departure from our original plan. I am totally down for this, but we are going to take some time before we start to move forward again.

We spent all day yesterday together and we had a really good time. I wanted to stay with her that night, but it was in both of our best interest to not jump back into the old routine.


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dude.. glade to hear stuff if calming down between u two..
i have had my fair share of girl commitment issues.

after years of research.. i have found the cure for a broken heart.

deep breathes!!!

sometimes when we are overwhelmed with emotion we all forget to breathe!

good luck


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My solution: punching and getting punched. I wish I had more time to go to MMA practice, but I haven't had much free time because of grad school.
Mrs. Gimpy!

Mrs. Gimpy!

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Awww I'm glad to see that this be are
moving in a positive direction :)

You seem to be handling the situation with a clear head. I'm sure that everything will work out the way it should. Rough spots in relationships can be very rewarding later on.


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Awww I'm glad to see that this be are
moving in a positive direction :)

You seem to be handling the situation with a clear head. I'm sure that everything will work out the way it should. Rough spots in relationships can be very rewarding later on.
So true and if you are both done and there is a relationship void for you then this is truly to make way for the woman who will make you whole, to move into your life!


If you believe, it will be so.


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Sorry to hear about the downers Rodj, but it seems like things are going a lil' better then how they started. Things always get worse before they get better right? I remember when I broke up with my ex back in June, you had some very helpful things to say, and I appreciate that. I wish I could help you here, but it seems you are handling things as best you can, with a mature outlook. Best of luck bro.


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A little update:
We had 2 date nights last week-one on Wednesday and one on Saturday. Wednesday, we went out to eat at an Italian restaurant, had some wine, and went back to her apt for a little snuggle time. Saturday, I made her dinner, which was ahi tuna steaks with stuffed shells (the stuffing was a mix of scallops, ricotta, cream cheese, and spinach) topped with a tomato and basil sauce. It came out great and we eat that over a bottle of champagne. We watched a movie at her apt and we took a bubble bath afterward. It was quite the romantic affair and could not have gone better. We still haven't stayed the night with each other again and that is probably the best thing for both of us. We truly are taking it slowly, but damn I miss waking up beside her.

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