Smuckers Natty Peanut Butter with Honey


All I have to say is this stuff is awesome.:thumbsup: I've had plenty of natty, and regular peanut butter in my days but this stuff beats them all. I highly reccomend it to anyone thats bulking, or anyone that needs a couple extra decent calories. The downside is that it's a little more expensive then regular peanut butter, but it's definetly worth it.
It has a little more sugar in it than regular natty peanut butter. But I'm bulking so I figured why the hell not?
And the sugar content is from the honey. It's not like it has added high fructose syrup or something. It looks fine to me. Enjoy!
ShopRite in the peanutbutter section... its pretty much everywhere... 2.79 for a jar as large as other natty butters
I believe i have seen it in Wal-Mart and SweetBay...IDK if that helps anyone?

I myself prefer the smuckers though cause there is nothing like natty PB with some honey on it when I'm craving something sweet. Then again I have a PB addiction :whiner:
