Short Superdrol cycle.. How does this look?


New member
I was thinking about just doing a 2 week cycle of Superdrol, followed by a 3 week PCT. I recently (months ago) did a 3 week cycle of Superdrol but I felt the third week was entirely unnecessary. I was still gaining strength, but the mass gains had really slowed down by the third week, and the sides had continued to progress, so for me the cons outweighed the pros. And I gained the most during my second week. Overall on my last cycle I ended up keeping a good 10-11lbs. Anyway, I was thinking about doing something like this...

Week 1 - 10mg/ED
Week 2 - 20mg/ED

Then do a PCT of nolvadex running at 40/20/20. As far as supplement support stacks go, pre-load and all that stuff, I got that under control.

Main question was, do you think this would be beneficial enough to try? My goals were to increase my lifts a little while maybe gaining and keeping about 6lbs.
2 weeks? Unless this is your first cycle I would say NO. That's just too short... 6lbs is reasonable, but what experience do you have? Is it a clone?
Well to be honest all the weight comes in the first 2 weeks. I think it would be interesting to see you do this and log it.

Imo SD is best used on a pulse ,but whatever.(to negate side effects)
This isn't a clone of Superdrol. I think I'm going to run it for the 2 weeks just to see how it works out. This would be my second cycle. Like I said, my first cycle was a 3 week cycle of Superdrol. For what mass I did gain, most of it came during the second week, while maybe 2lbs at the most came during the third. Strength gains did continue to increase, but so did side effects. The one thing I'm going to do differently this time is take taurine, because lower back and shoulder pumps were by far the most annoying side effects I experienced. Some lethargy, but nothing I couldn't just deal with, and other than that, no other (physically noticeable) side effects.

Hey, if I can gain a good 5-6lbs, add some strength to my lifts, with minimal side effects, I'll say it's at least worth a shot. I'd almost rather do that than gain a few more pounds with the worser side effects.

I'm probably going to start this cycle in 3 weeks, so I'll make a log of it and post it in case anyone wants to see how it goes.
This isn't a clone of Superdrol. I think I'm going to run it for the 2 weeks just to see how it works out. This would be my second cycle. Like I said, my first cycle was a 3 week cycle of Superdrol. For what mass I did gain, most of it came during the second week, while maybe 2lbs at the most came during the third. Strength gains did continue to increase, but so did side effects. The one thing I'm going to do differently this time is take taurine, because lower back and shoulder pumps were by far the most annoying side effects I experienced. Some lethargy, but nothing I couldn't just deal with, and other than that, no other (physically noticeable) side effects.

Hey, if I can gain a good 5-6lbs, add some strength to my lifts, with minimal side effects, I'll say it's at least worth a shot. I'd almost rather do that than gain a few more pounds with the worser side effects.

I'm probably going to start this cycle in 3 weeks, so I'll make a log of it and post it in case anyone wants to see how it goes.

Ya dude log it....i think it would be a good one seeing your using the real deal sd!
Have you ever considered a 3x aweek pulse for a few weeks?
Looks good! I might have to give this a try. I still have some of the org. SD laying around.
I'd also like to see it, I'm looking for low sides options for superdrol, I've got three bottles of the original that have been in the freezer for two years, just waiting.
Have you ever considered a 3x aweek pulse for a few weeks?

At this point I'd feel better just cycling it for 2 weeks because it's worked for me before, and due to time constrictions. I'm always extra precise while on any compound, so stretching the time frame would put me into a bind due to other obligations. But for those 5 weeks I'll be good to go 100%.
At this point I'd feel better just cycling it for 2 weeks because it's worked for me before, and due to time constrictions. I'm always extra precise while on any compound, so stretching the time frame would put me into a bind due to other obligations. But for those 5 weeks I'll be good to go 100%.

First cycle is what we call "newb gains." Everyone ALWAYS gains the most on their first cycle. Then it tends to slope slowly downward. I'm currently cycling REAL steroids for 15 weeks and I expect to gain somewhere between 10-15 lbs. Thats over 15 weeks, not 3.

Oh I see, Is that with every compound? Or if u changed them up you could still gain alot.

Real Steroids? Aren't Superdrol and others out now real steroids? Just because they aren't injectable they aren't consider real?


Oh I see, Is that with every compound? Or if u changed them up you could still gain alot.

Real Steroids? Aren't Superdrol and others out now real steroids? Just because they aren't injectable they aren't consider real?



Gixxer is just mad cause he was dosing dhea at 40mg a day thinking it was superdrol:trout:(hit u with a trout gixx) ......dam fake CEL clones
1.) No, you will not keep gaining "a lot"

2.) Superdrol is not a real steroid. It is a designer steroid. Real steroids are Dbol, anadrol, oral turinabol, etc. in addition to injects.

Madol and THG are considered designers and real steroids. I hear you chief.
My friend has 15 of the original superdrol. He said he'll sell them to me but I didn't want to do it because I thought it would be a waste. I never even considered pulsing cause I've always thought of it as waste of a good product. But if I only have 15 it would be interesting. After I bounce back from my Epi cycle and take some time off I might just to a log of that to see how it goes.
Maybe this time run it for 3 weeks, you already ran it for 2 and gained 10lbs, you will NOT get those gains this time around I guarantee it.

I guess I said it wrong..

Last time I cycled I did a three week cycle. I found that the third week wasn't really necessary because although my strength kept increasing, I wasn't really gaining much more weight (maybe 1-2lbs total during the third week), and the sides continued to worsen. During that cycle most of my weight gained was during the end of the first week and throughout the second week, so I figure I'd just do a short cycle this time to see what it would do for me. I'm hoping for around 5-7lbs gained by the end of the cycle. But Superdrol does wonders for strength gains, so even if I don't gain as much weight as I'd like, my strength should increase which would help me down the road.
I forgot to say that I'm going to start this cycle in three weeks, so if you care, look for the start of the log then. I'll log the whole thing too, not start it and stop it halfway through like a lot of the logs out there.
Thanks for stating this thread Flexo, I was just about to ask the same thing. Reasons why...I have to keep my hair for atleast the next 7 months, cant risk loss of libido from a longer cycle and I noticed most gains in the 1st 2 weeks on this stuff anyway. Ill run low dose nolva for 3-4 weeks and a variation of the NHA stack, amongst other odds and ends. Also Ive got existing gyno, so I figure getting in and out quick is the best way to avoid alot of further aggrevation. I really wanted to do phera plex but I cant risk the shedding at this point. Ill also use a lil dhea and resveratrol to make sure my libido stays up. Ive got a lot of experience with this stuff and I havent used anything in over a year so my receptors should be fresh. I tought about a pulse instead but I mostly listen to my bodyto decide what days I lift and that obviously wont fly on a pulse. Please keep the thoughts and recommendations coming. Ill be doing 20 mg ed BTW.
I cannot see why you should not use the experience that you already have to make the decision for yourself and learn and add it to your own experience.

It's two weeks. 336hrs. Be safe. Learn and enjoy.
Thanks bro, Im sure Im just over thinking it. The libido and shedding issues have me on edge anytime I think about cycling again. Once my blood work comes back OK, Ill go for it and post a summary of how it went.
I was thinking about just doing a 2 week cycle of Superdrol, followed by a 3 week post cycle therapy. I recently (months ago) did a 3 week cycle of Superdrol but I felt the third week was entirely unnecessary. I was still gaining strength, but the mass gains had really slowed down by the third week, and the sides had continued to progress, so for me the cons outweighed the pros. And I gained the most during my second week. Overall on my last cycle I ended up keeping a good 10-11lbs. Anyway, I was thinking about doing something like this...

Week 1 - 10mg/ED
Week 2 - 20mg/ED

Then do a post cycle therapy of nolvadex running at 40/20/20. As far as supplement support stacks go, pre-load and all that stuff, I got that under control.

Main question was, do you think this would be beneficial enough to try? My goals were to increase my lifts a little while maybe gaining and keeping about 6lbs.

Flexo: I've done 2 week cycles of superdrol, as part of a sort of 2-week on, 1 month off, 2-week on protocol. In the future, I'll take longer than 1 month off. 1 month is just post cycle therapy time. Most of the gains came in the first 2 weeks. Barely a pound or two came off in the off time, but not much more weight was gained in the next mini-cycle. IMO first 2-weeks if a superdrol cycle is solid gold, and like you said, all the bad stuff (limp noodle, fatigue, bad blood tests) happens later. I've also done longer protocols; up to a little over 6 weeks. Why? Because strength gains come later than size gains do with superdrol. Also because (to be honest) I like being on stuff. :head: My last cycle, I actually injured myself with those crazy strength gains, since tendons don't increase in strength at the same rate steroidal muscles do, so I figure there is no point in ruining my health *and* getting dumb injuries with that big strength increase.

There is the possibility that the extra weeks after the first two "solidify" the gains. Like, maybe the first two weeks are just glycogen deposit, which makes later muscle fiber building possible. That seems logical. I haven't done enough experiments with 2 weekers to test this idea. While some of it is certainly water (which is why going on, I am always thirsty, and coming off it, I pee like crazy), I strongly suspect based on my experience that the new muscle is actually all there in the first 2 weeks. This is just my "seat of pants unscientific opinion" -but, well, you asked. Flame away guys!

Also: you might consider pulsing. This is something I have done very productively with nasal 4-AD -no post cycle therapy required. Might work well with SD as well. Lots of people seem to have big success this way with low sides.

Finally, if I were you, I'd pitch the nolva and use torm. I'll never use nolva again if I have access to torm. Torm is a revelation; you don't have to feel like a sickly girlie man during PCT!
How quick does superdrol shut you down? I've heard it occurs pretty quickly. Just wondering if you could possibly get by with a legal OTC PCT if you merely did a 2 week cycle.
pick up some aPCT
How quick does superdrol shut you down? I've heard it occurs pretty quickly. Just wondering if you could possibly get by with a legal OTC post cycle therapy if you merely did a 2 week cycle.

I wouldn't risk it. I love my testicles too much, and SD shuts you down pretty hard.