Now this is just some foundation work I've done. I've compiled a list of products consisting of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This is just a general shopping list of things I would eat that I can choose from according to my goals.
Whole Wheat Pasta
Brown Rice
Kidney Beans
Lentil Soup
Pinto Beans
Garbanzo Beans
Black Eyed Peas
Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Safflower Oil
Sunflower Oil
Corn Oil
Soybean Oil
Egg Whites
Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Cod, Talapia, etc.)
Skim Milk
Whey Protein
Slow Burning Protien Mix (Ex: Casein)
The Reason I did not include creatine is because I would like to make substantial gains before adding creatine because it would make substantial improvements if I ever hit a plateau.
My workout scheme is simple and all about the basics. I used to do Olympic Wieghtlifting when I was younger hence the routine I made for lower body.
Lower Body
Cleans (For Warm-up)
Squats (Front/Back)
Leg Extensions/Curls (Finisher)
The reason I had it in this order was because I broke down all the stages of a clean.
Upper Body
Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Pulldowns (Front/Back)
Standing Barbell Curls
Pullovers (Finisher)
The reason for the order of the upper body routine is because Tri's and shoulders are used in the bench and tri's are used for the shoulder press. I'd rather not do dips first and tire out my tri's as a result making it harder to put up a beneficial wieght to work my chest or shoulders. Same for the Back and Biceps. As for the pullovers, it gives me a good stretch in my chest and back working both as well. Also, I just like them and I've always benefited from them.
Workout Split for the week
Lower Body - Monday
Upper Body - Wednesday
Repeat (As in Lower Body Friday, Upper body Sunday and on with a days rest in between)
The reason for this is because the resting/recuperating time in between working the same body parts is about 76 hours which I fell is a good enough resting time. If I have problems with this however I will add a 2 day rest period in between lower and upper.
This routine was devised because I am coming off of a few months without lifting which in my book I have no excuse for even if it was due to new jobs, college, etc. I want to go back to the basics and truely build a solid base. I don't feel the need to concentrate on each individual body part in this case. As for abdominals, they will be worked when doing legs due to squats, deadlifts, etc. If I don't feel this is enough I will add them as well as probably add calf exercises. Let me know what you think.
Whole Wheat Pasta
Brown Rice
Kidney Beans
Lentil Soup
Pinto Beans
Garbanzo Beans
Black Eyed Peas
Olive Oil
Canola Oil
Safflower Oil
Sunflower Oil
Corn Oil
Soybean Oil
Egg Whites
Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Cod, Talapia, etc.)
Skim Milk
Whey Protein
Slow Burning Protien Mix (Ex: Casein)
The Reason I did not include creatine is because I would like to make substantial gains before adding creatine because it would make substantial improvements if I ever hit a plateau.
My workout scheme is simple and all about the basics. I used to do Olympic Wieghtlifting when I was younger hence the routine I made for lower body.
Lower Body
Cleans (For Warm-up)
Squats (Front/Back)
Leg Extensions/Curls (Finisher)
The reason I had it in this order was because I broke down all the stages of a clean.
Upper Body
Bench Press
Shoulder Press
Pulldowns (Front/Back)
Standing Barbell Curls
Pullovers (Finisher)
The reason for the order of the upper body routine is because Tri's and shoulders are used in the bench and tri's are used for the shoulder press. I'd rather not do dips first and tire out my tri's as a result making it harder to put up a beneficial wieght to work my chest or shoulders. Same for the Back and Biceps. As for the pullovers, it gives me a good stretch in my chest and back working both as well. Also, I just like them and I've always benefited from them.
Workout Split for the week
Lower Body - Monday
Upper Body - Wednesday
Repeat (As in Lower Body Friday, Upper body Sunday and on with a days rest in between)
The reason for this is because the resting/recuperating time in between working the same body parts is about 76 hours which I fell is a good enough resting time. If I have problems with this however I will add a 2 day rest period in between lower and upper.
This routine was devised because I am coming off of a few months without lifting which in my book I have no excuse for even if it was due to new jobs, college, etc. I want to go back to the basics and truely build a solid base. I don't feel the need to concentrate on each individual body part in this case. As for abdominals, they will be worked when doing legs due to squats, deadlifts, etc. If I don't feel this is enough I will add them as well as probably add calf exercises. Let me know what you think.