The classic bb look is so much more bad@ss in my opinion, Seeing those guys do the vacuum pose and comparing in the ronnie who looks like he just ate a turtle before going on stage is amazing.
i don't know much about bodybuilding to this degree, but the boys of yesteryear seem to look healthier to me.
i don't know much about bodybuilding to this degree, but the boys of yesteryear seem to look healthier to me.
yeah I have to agree, I'd really like to look into the major nutritional
and supplement changes between then and now; because science is advancing, and so is training technique, yet the classic guys have so much more visual appeal than the new guys. the new guys are a lot bigger, but it looks all bloated, like they're holding a ton more water or something. I'd much rather be a smaller guy with undeniable quality and tone of muscle like stone, than a juggernaught who looks like their muscle is made of prison bologna
injected with water. At first I just assumed it was modern steroids doing it, but Arnold did steroids and look at him, aand I'm sure the peers of his time were on similar anabolic setups...
It is the difference in the AMOUNT OF STEROIDS. Sure Arnold used, but at much smaller dosages and not stacked with everything under the kitchen sink. I have ZERO respect for the current pros because of this. They look like sh*t to me, but I hate bodybuilding anyway, it is just not interesting and won't ever catch on mainstream as a real "sport".