Segansational's Motivation Log

Yep. Was moving pretty slow compared to my normal pace. I put it on the spinning setting. So all estimated anyways and just relative to my other fitbit workout calorie counts.
Yeah nothing is going to be spot on but that explains it more then what I was thinking.

I like using my apple watch I k ow it’s not accurate but over time it’s kinda neat to see trends and I like the heart rate aspect of it, how accurate it is no idea but gives me a idea of a range. Never ever would I have said I would wear a smart watch, funny how that has changed.
Morning gents. I'm struggling today. Yesterday was a rough work day. Things were crazy busy right up to the last day before the holidays and it seems we're right back in the deep end of it all since the new year. When I get stressed about things, it impacts my sleep. Basically up tossing & turning from 3:15-5:45 when my alarm went off. Stayed in bed for another 10 mins and then got up to workout.

Foam rolling / stretching
Scap Push Ups
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Rotator cuff ex, resistance bands 2x12,12

Bench Press
Warm up sets:
135x8 - just lost count and kept going, meant to do only 6 for warm up.

Working sets:

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Caloriburn
Intra: Same as usual.

44:04, 149 cals.

My new years SNS order came in. Just picked up a few health staples this time around. Certainly may add in the Stress & Anxiety Support to my current Mood Support XT given the comments earlier.

That seems really low calories burned for 30 minutes? That off your fit bit?
Unfortunately the bike just really doesn't burn a lot of calories. You are pretty much limited to quad work there, there is a little glute, ham and calf stimulation but not much. So it takes a pretty high effort on a bike to burn a lot of calories. Normally my quads get tired before I can maintain a higher BPM on them for long enough to make a big dent in the calories. It just tends to require more effort while burning less calories since working one muscle way harder than the rest of the lower body. That being said until my foot heals it will also be the bulk of my cardio too.
Morning gents. I'm struggling today. Yesterday was a rough work day. Things were crazy busy right up to the last day before the holidays and it seems we're right back in the deep end of it all since the new year. When I get stressed about things, it impacts my sleep. Basically up tossing & turning from 3:15-5:45 when my alarm went off. Stayed in bed for another 10 mins and then got up to workout.

Certainly may add in the Stress & Anxiety Support to my current Mood Support XT given the comments earlier.

it's also a rough time of year, and a rough age. This is where the men are made, unfortunately. I feel your pain. I had a panic attack in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago. worst one I've had in almost 9 years. so bad I had my wife literally rub my back at 2am till I could get back to sleep while I pondered if I could overcome my brain's idiocy, or if we had time to get to the ER before I die. I feel your pain, work stress has been a nightmare. That compounds with the short very dark cold wet days here in the PNW, no vitamin D. miserable time of year. but I got good news, it passes! and you will be stronger for it. You gotta find your zen, your peace, your happy place. Mine that night was prayer. A lot of days, it's my fish tank. And whenever possible I will tell you that playing 18 holes of golf is 4 hours in the outdoors/greenspace of constant and amazing therapy for me.

As far as supplementation goes I have found that the cardio support xt product has a calming effect on me. I also see the same in alpha gel and xpg dhea.

I wasn't sure if my weird onset was external or internal considering the heavy dose of ped's I've had the past 2 months so I started cutting down on doses of muscley things and increasing doses on calming things.

also I keep a 100mg bottle of thc juice in my bathroom. I took 5-10mg before bed the next couple nights and slept like a baby. I don't do that often, and I don't like it when I'm sober/awake but before sleep really helps if I'm desparate (we also keep 5mg melatonin gummies that I will not hesitate to pound 1-3 of if I am the least bit concerned about sleep. Sleep is VITAL).
Can you remind me what state you live in or region? I'm curious about the length of day you guys have right now during winter. I know without a shadow of a doubt our cold dark days are horrible on my health.
it's also a rough time of year, and a rough age. This is where the men are made, unfortunately. I feel your pain. I had a panic attack in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago. worst one I've had in almost 9 years. so bad I had my wife literally rub my back at 2am till I could get back to sleep while I pondered if I could overcome my brain's idiocy, or if we had time to get to the ER before I die. I feel your pain, work stress has been a nightmare. That compounds with the short very dark cold wet days here in the PNW, no vitamin D. miserable time of year. but I got good news, it passes! and you will be stronger for it. You gotta find your zen, your peace, your happy place. Mine that night was prayer. A lot of days, it's my fish tank. And whenever possible I will tell you that playing 18 holes of golf is 4 hours in the outdoors/greenspace of constant and amazing therapy for me.

As far as supplementation goes I have found that the cardio support xt product has a calming effect on me. I also see the same in alpha gel and xpg dhea.

I wasn't sure if my weird onset was external or internal considering the heavy dose of ped's I've had the past 2 months so I started cutting down on doses of muscley things and increasing doses on calming things.

also I keep a 100mg bottle of thc juice in my bathroom. I took 5-10mg before bed the next couple nights and slept like a baby. I don't do that often, and I don't like it when I'm sober/awake but before sleep really helps if I'm desparate (we also keep 5mg melatonin gummies that I will not hesitate to pound 1-3 of if I am the least bit concerned about sleep. Sleep is VITAL).

Yeah, I've mentioned before in here i think that if that whole SAD syndrome is real, I probably get affected by it. I'll take warm, sunny weather any day over short days, dark and the cold. I'm in the tri-state area, so we're generally not too bad with weather swings either way like if I lived in the NE or something. Don't think I could do that.

But regarding what my "zen" is, aside from iron therapy, music for me is usually calming/stress relieving. I play guitar and a few other instruments over the years, so doing that helps me shut out the rest and just focus on the task at hand. Problem is, for me all of my calming activities are solo ones. Frankly, my wife and kids don't understand that, so it makes it harder to fit that in without seeming "anti-social". But I've always been a little more OK spending time solo. Going to a concert this evening locally though with friends, so trying to make that a goal in 2025 - see more music and involve the wife in that endeavor.

I'm still doing vit D3 at 5000 IU / d year round. But I'm also finishing up a natty test stack. Should be done by Mon, but I just finished up FadogiaXT.

And yes, I'd 100% bet the panic attack was related to the PEDS. Would recommend you use things like Mood Support XT and similar to try and keep that at bay while running/post.
Back Day

Foam rolling / stretching
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3

Neutral Grip Pull Ups x 8,6,5
RDLs, 1" bar, 3x12

High rack pulls:
170x6 - left pinky was bugging me on this pull, double overhand.

55:11, 129 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Caloriburn
Intra: Same as usual

Felt good today. One major deliverable down, it's Friday, just trying to keep a level head about me. Looking forward to @MrKleen73 accountability challenge! Got to look back through this log and see what I want to target. My current thinking is a squat or DL goal. Both of which would be a little "catch up" from the past several months. Or, I could go for broke on bench. We'll see.
@Dustin07 With the timing was that just after you completed the cycle? If so that would make sense with the sudden spike in cortisol that can come with a sudden drop in androgens. Being on an oral, when it suppresses you then you stop it is completely cold turkey off of the androgens. Like 24-36 hours later you are at 0 for the oral compound and if suppressed you simply don't have the androgens available that the body is used to having. So it sees this situation as a stressor causing high cortisol issues and anxiety. Often taking something for cortisol control can go a long way in alleviating that, as well as the resulting muscle loss that can result from the cortisol spikes as well.

@Segansational looking forward to seeing / watching you reach your goal for the thread. As far as your goal for this one, I would look at your overall goal for your upcoming meet. Do you intend to only do bench, or are you doing all 3 lifts? If only doing bench then I would likely just keep the focus on that. Think long game and improving it the whole year. In that case the question is do you want to build the chest earlier this year. If so then you might set a Strength / Hypertrophy based goal like benching whatever x5, so you are working in a strength related rep range but also doing enough volume to grow the chesticles some more. Spend time building the muscle you are going to use to move the weight for the actual meet. I probably wouldn't try peaking for this, then peaking again relatively quickly after when you can just spend longer building up then do one strength peaking cycle for the meet.
Huh, just weighed in. First week drop was a little aggressive. 168.8, 15.7% BF - so a -4# drop and -0.6%. Know it'll rebound a bit over the weekend, but that was unexpected.
Hey man, just wanted to know that I’ll be praying for you to get through this rough season. I feel like there is a let down after the holidays for us that lingers most of January. Not seeing the sun here in Michigan just sucks!
Hey man, just wanted to know that I’ll be praying for you to get through this rough season. I feel like there is a let down after the holidays for us that lingers most of January. Not seeing the sun here in Michigan just sucks!
I appreciate you, brother.

33:14, 185 cals on the bike this morning.

Plan is to start up some Pepti-Plex/PrimeXT next week for a 3 month run. May throw Alpha One in there at some point, but not right off the bat.
Foam rolling / stretching
Scap Push Ups
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3

BB squats:
Warm ups,

Working sets, banded pull aparts prior, belted:

RDLs, 1" bar

All I had time for this morning.

My right shoulder was bugging me all afternoon yesterday. Have no idea why or what I would've done, other than just generally being old, LOL. Same shoulder that had the injury all those years ago. But it's still bothering me today, so benching is likely out for tomorrow...

44:49, 119 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Caloriburn, 3 caps PrimeXT, 2 caps Pepti-Plex
Intra: Same as usual.
Hopefully your shoulder feels better, be careful with it.
Foam rolling / stretching
Scap Push Ups
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3

BB squats:
Warm ups,

Working sets, banded pull aparts prior, belted:

RDLs, 1" bar

All I had time for this morning.

My right shoulder was bugging me all afternoon yesterday. Have no idea why or what I would've done, other than just generally being old, LOL. Same shoulder that had the injury all those years ago. But it's still bothering me today, so benching is likely out for tomorrow...

44:49, 119 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Caloriburn, 3 caps PrimeXT, 2 caps Pepti-Plex
Intra: Same as usual.
Change in weather your area by chance? Sometimes that can aggravate things, I don’t know why exactly?

Nice session though!!
Quick question for @sns8778

Been taking Mood Support XT 2 caps per day in the evening. On my second bottle and adding Stress & Anxiety Support to it. Been just adding 2 caps at the same time in the evening, but should I actually splir up or space them out and maybe do one product in the AM and one in the PM?
Quick question for @sns8778

Been taking Mood Support XT 2 caps per day in the evening. On my second bottle and adding Stress & Anxiety Support to it. Been just adding 2 caps at the same time in the evening, but should I actually splir up or space them out and maybe do one product in the AM and one in the PM?

I do 2 caps of Mood Support XT at one time.

I do 1 capsule of Stress & Anxiety Support in the morning and 1 capsule at night.
Hopefully your shoulder feels better, be careful with it.
Thanks, kept it all very light today to be careful.
Change in weather your area by chance? Sometimes that can aggravate things, I don’t know why exactly?

Nice session though!!
Not that I can tell, mostly been cold and snowy though lately.
I do 2 caps of Mood Support XT at one time.

I do 1 capsule of Stress & Anxiety Support in the morning and 1 capsule at night.
Ok, will try doing that moving forward.

AM: 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support
PM: 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support, 2 caps Mood Support XT

Foam rolling
Bird Dogs
Lacrosse ball
Rotator cuff ex, resistance bands 2x12,12

Spent a good deal of time warming up this morning giving how my body has been feeling lately.

Machine Chest Press
Warm up, 3 plates x 12
Working sets, 6 plates x 3 x 10

DB Bench Press

Resistance band flys, 3x12

Right shoulder was still bugging me a bit, so kept it all lighter and without barbell movements. Focused on activation and controlled movement. Fitbit battery was dead this AM, but managed to wake up naturally on my own at 5:45 anyways.
30 mins of cardio this AM, 164 cals on the fitbit.

Weighed in on Monday at 168.8#, but went up today mid-week at 169.6#. I did start up PrimeXT on Monday though and had a protein bar or two in that span, so tbh either one could've contributed here. Will switch to shakes mid-day for protein and see if I can get the weight to drop or level off again by end of week.
30 mins of cardio this AM, 164 cals on the fitbit.

Weighed in on Monday at 168.8#, but went up today mid-week at 169.6#. I did start up PrimeXT on Monday though and had a protein bar or two in that span, so tbh either one could've contributed here. Will switch to shakes mid-day for protein and see if I can get the weight to drop or level off again by end of week.
Yeah sounds like water being held, probably glycerin in the protein bars. Add that to the extra fiber from the bars and you probably have your culprit right there.
Not feeling great physically or mentally this week. But here we are.

Foam rolling / stretching
Machine Curls, 2 plates x 3 x 12
Resistance band triceps pressdowns, 20x3x12
EZ bar curls, +40x3x10
Dips 2x10

Quick session, 38:23 mins.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 3 caps PrimeXT, 2 caps Pepti-Plex
Intra: Same as usual.

Woke up late (not until 6) this morning. Also given my shoulder, decided to do an arm dedicated session and skip shoulder movements. So, a quick in and out pump up session.
Not feeling great physically or mentally this week. But here we are.

Foam rolling / stretching
Machine Curls, 2 plates x 3 x 12
Resistance band triceps pressdowns, 20x3x12
EZ bar curls, +40x3x10
Dips 2x10

Quick session, 38:23 mins.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 3 caps PrimeXT, 2 caps Pepti-Plex
Intra: Same as usual.

Woke up late (not until 6) this morning. Also given my shoulder, decided to do an arm dedicated session and skip shoulder movements. So, a quick in and out pump up session.
Sorry to hear the week is not been great brother. Here’s to hopefully a better weekend 💪🏻💪🏻
Sorry to hear the week is not been great brother. Here’s to hopefully a better weekend
Thanks brother.

My schedule is off for working out, but today hit my primary bench day. Still kept lighter as my shoulder is recovering and my lower back is feeling tight.

Primary Bench Day
Foam rolling / stretching
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Cat Camels
Rotator cuff ex, resistance bands 2x12,12

Bench Press:
Warm ups,

Working sets:
Benching felt OK today. Right shoulder feels about 85-90%.

TRX chest press
2x10 - focusing on a stretch at bottom and squeeze at the top

52:48, 151 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop Zeus, 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT
Intra: Same as usual.

Today's session all in all felt pretty good. Could've been the stims, could've been the lighter weights. Just trying to get things in order going into next week. Rest day tomorrow. No work on Monday, so will just be spending time with my kids who are also off from school. Have a great weekend all.
Thanks brother.

My schedule is off for working out, but today hit my primary bench day. Still kept lighter as my shoulder is recovering and my lower back is feeling tight.

Primary Bench Day
Foam rolling / stretching
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Cat Camels
Rotator cuff ex, resistance bands 2x12,12

Bench Press:
Warm ups,

Working sets:
Benching felt OK today. Right shoulder feels about 85-90%.

TRX chest press
2x10 - focusing on a stretch at bottom and squeeze at the top

52:48, 151 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop Zeus, 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT
Intra: Same as usual.

Today's session all in all felt pretty good. Could've been the stims, could've been the lighter weights. Just trying to get things in order going into next week. Rest day tomorrow. No work on Monday, so will just be spending time with my kids who are also off from school. Have a great weekend all.
Sounds like an improvement! You still taking magnesium?
Sounds like an improvement! You still taking magnesium?
Nah, it didn't really seem to make an impact particularly for my sleep quality.

Cardio this AM, 30 mins on the stationary bike, 190 cals this time. So legs clearly picked up the pace a bit. Few other random thoughts, my weight came back down around mid-end of this week, but past two evenings of eating I'm guessing will put me right back up again. Been hungry + additional stress = no Bueno.

Do I deep six the mini cut? Just try to coast maintenance until I get things at work/home right?

Or is it one of those, suck it up buttercup, moments? And stay the course?
Also, recently got targeted for an add for these. Basically turns any standard barbell into neutral grip for any pulling movements (eg, deadlifts, bent BB rowws, BB shrugs, etc.). Thinking about grabbing a pair as going more neutral might benefit me - particularly for DLs - more similar to the trap bar?

Anyone familiar or use?
Also, recently got targeted for an add for these. Basically turns any standard barbell into neutral grip for any pulling movements (eg, deadlifts, bent BB rowws, BB shrugs, etc.). Thinking about grabbing a pair as going more neutral might benefit me - particularly for DLs - more similar to the trap bar?

Anyone familiar or use?
In the huge box of randomness at the gym they have a pair kinda similar but the handle can rotate 360 and metal. Those look plastic but can’t tell for sure.

I have tried them a couple times, meh, didn’t think much of them. Mostly because if I was not paying attention and you set the bar down and take pressure of the handles, since they are not fixed they can move.

To be fair though the ones I used seemed to long, these you show look short so might be better.
Nah, it didn't really seem to make an impact particularly for my sleep quality.

Cardio this AM, 30 mins on the stationary bike, 190 cals this time. So legs clearly picked up the pace a bit. Few other random thoughts, my weight came back down around mid-end of this week, but past two evenings of eating I'm guessing will put me right back up again. Been hungry + additional stress = no Bueno.

Do I deep six the mini cut? Just try to coast maintenance until I get things at work/home right?

Or is it one of those, suck it up buttercup, moments? And stay the course?
If your goal is to push to a power lifting meet, I think I would pass on the mini cut. Use maintenance maybe slight surplus to add some tissue. Maybe a mini cut later on down the road if trying to fit into a certain weight class.

But currently I would think best course of action would be more calories.
Nah, it didn't really seem to make an impact particularly for my sleep quality.

Cardio this AM, 30 mins on the stationary bike, 190 cals this time. So legs clearly picked up the pace a bit. Few other random thoughts, my weight came back down around mid-end of this week, but past two evenings of eating I'm guessing will put me right back up again. Been hungry + additional stress = no Bueno.

Do I deep six the mini cut? Just try to coast maintenance until I get things at work/home right?

Or is it one of those, suck it up buttercup, moments? And stay the course?
I’m not exactly sure what your overarching goal is. So whether you should be at a deficit right now should be guided off what your big picture plan is:

If it’s just “I want abs” but you claim your goal is to lift X weight, which is larger than what you currently do, those 2 goals do not particularly align at the moment. You don’t need to get fatter, but losing weight intentionally puts you farther from that goal.

If there are no number stipulations and you primarily want to lean out while continuing to strength train at whatever capacity that allows, but physique is first, then you need to suck it up and try harder to cut.
If your goal is to push to a power lifting meet, I think I would pass on the mini cut. Use maintenance maybe slight surplus to add some tissue. Maybe a mini cut later on down the road if trying to fit into a certain weight class.

But currently I would think best course of action would be more calories.
Well, the likely meet I'm targeting now isn't until end of year (Nov), so not really anytime in the near future. Want to make sure I get a few meets under my belt as a spectator first to get familiar with rules, cadence, etc.
I’m not exactly sure what your overarching goal is. So whether you should be at a deficit right now should be guided off what your big picture plan is:

If it’s just “I want abs” but you claim your goal is to lift X weight, which is larger than what you currently do, those 2 goals do not particularly align at the moment. You don’t need to get fatter, but losing weight intentionally puts you farther from that goal.

If there are no number stipulations and you primarily want to lean out while continuing to strength train at whatever capacity that allows, but physique is first, then you need to suck it up and try harder to cut.
I guess I'm having similar problems. Also why I haven't posted a goal in Kleen's/Rocket thread.

Given the stressors currently in other aspects of my life, trying to cut weight might not be the right thing for me right now. But nor is chasing a big weight goal tbh. Might need to just get comfortable with maintenance until I can get things right.

But also feeling kinda tubby, so we'll see lol.

Back Session
Foam rolling
Lacrosse ball work
Bird Dogs x10,5,3

TRX rows 3x10

Close Grip Lat Pulldowns:
Warm up,
3 plates x 12
Working sets,
6 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
Worked on a slow controlled squeeze at the top.

Deadlifts, double overhand grip:
Warm up, 45x10
95x6 - plan was 8, but unbelted this AM I felt a little unsure so cut bait.
135x6 - Belted, resistance band pullaparts prior.
135x6 - Same as above.

Probably had another set in me, but was feeling a little winded so pulled the plug.
Been really trying to keep my core tight and shoulders pulled back during the lift. Right side felt a twinge the other day doing nothing other than belting my son into his car seat. So while I'd like to push, now is not the time.

Stretching / Cat Camels to finish.

48:37, 129 cals.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT.
Intra: Same as usual

Finished up ReduceXT, so basically down to just staples aside from the Pepti-Plex/PrimeXT combo and still some added Caloriburn.
Sounds like trimming slightly would make sense now. You also need to be realistic as you have said.

I set a goal for myself that, as long as I give it a proper focus, I am basically assured to succeed. It’s a low bar for me, BUT represents something that will undoubtedly leave me better than now because I am simply not there yet - and if I can’t do that, I am definitely off track for what I want for the rest of the year. I need a win, and to build positive momentum. Not necessarily huge wins, just going in the right direction.
Sounds like trimming slightly would make sense now. You also need to be realistic as you have said.

I set a goal for myself that, as long as I give it a proper focus, I am basically assured to succeed. It’s a low bar for me, BUT represents something that will undoubtedly leave me better than now because I am simply not there yet - and if I can’t do that, I am definitely off track for what I want for the rest of the year. I need a win, and to build positive momentum. Not necessarily huge wins, just going in the right direction.
Yep, I think I'm in the same boat. With everything going on, plus realistically even my body not fully cooperating right now, moderate goals are still a win. Get my mind & body right, so I'm ready come mid year to start prepping for the meet at full strength & capacity.

So, with that in mind, I'm thinking just a rehab style strength goal for deadlifts might be in order. Something like 185# for 3 sets of reps. Nothing crazy, but over a 10 week period perhaps just get that solid core back underneath me. That'd give me a goal of end of March to be back in a good place. I ran that Bromley program back a while ago that was a 10 week progression. Or I might just give myself a linear +10# from where I was today every two weeks.
If it’s just “I want abs” but you claim your goal is to lift X weight, which is larger than what you currently do, those 2 goals do not particularly align at the moment. You don’t need to get fatter, but losing weight intentionally puts you farther from that goal.
the single greatest juxtoposition in this sport, IMO.
Nothing to write home about, just a slow light weight leg session to save my lower back after yesterday's DLing & snow blowing the driveway. I have one of those gigantic dinosaurs of a blower... it's powered forward, but turning is a real pain in the azz.

Foam rolling / stretching
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs

TRX squats 3x12
TRX alt lunges 3x10 per side
TRX calf raises, plate raised, 3x12
Seated leg ext, 3 plates, 3x10
RDLs, 1" bar only, 3x10

Foam rolling / lacrosse ball work.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Caloriburn, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT
Intra: Same as usual

Edit and adds below.

Weight check in: 169.4#
BF: 15.9%
Workout time: 1 hr 8 mins
Fitbit readiness score: 77 - it's telling me that while my readiness is high, I should consider some lighter activity as I've been pushing myself recently.
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So the Vitamin Shoppe near me is closing but the one positive is that everything is going on 75% clearance until they move the products. Was able to snag essentially a case full of various energy drinks, a case of Quest protein bar singles for less than $20. Went back yesterday to see what was still left and grabbed another bunch of snacks (mostly 1st Phorm bars) and drinks, a Rule1 Source 7 protein tub for $10, some Liposomal K2, some other staples (multi, etc.).

Tried a Legendary chocolate covered cinnamon roll for $1. Usually these cost like $4, so I've never had one. Pretty tasty and 20g of protein.

Here's a pic of the first haul. Didn't take a photo from yesterday's...

Cardio on the bike this AM, 31 mins, 209 cals.

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Accessory Chest Day
Foam rolling / stretching
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Resistance band rotator cuff ex, 2x12,12

Incline Bench Press:
Warm up,
Working sets,
Working sets felt a little tough this morning. Slow reps and last rep was a bit of a grind.

Resistance band flys, 3x10

Foam rolling to finish.

Fitbit only said ~33 mins, but pretty sure it was closer to 40-50 total.

Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Eria Jarensis, 1 cap Stress & Anxiety, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT
Intra: Mix of Rule1 BCAAs & Ryse BCAA Focus to finish it off, so probably an additional 35mg caffeine. Plus Glycofuse, glutamine, and creatine as per usual.

Added a cap of EJ for bench day. LFG Burn on paper has a good formula and a decent dose of caffeine, but it just doesn't hit like I need to for bigger days like other similarly dose pre's. But I should remember that I have capped stims I can add to this, including some of the VL brand stims to doctor things up. Almost used more Zeus this AM...

Also thinking about adding something extra into my routine for Feb, either the new Formeron (DHEA + ecdy) or Alpha One (a-cedrene). Have both on hand.
Such a hard thing to figure out for goals. I would think of the two options you have for yourself, the one you actually have control over is the one I would select. Even if hurt you can create a deficit to lose weight. Your injuries could sideline the other goal so unless doing a rehab style strength goal the option that is the most under your control would be a weight loss goal. That being said, do whatever you feel is going to earn you a win. If you are feeling like me right about now I could really use a win to get things going.
Such a hard thing to figure out for goals. I would think of the two options you have for yourself, the one you actually have control over is the one I would select. Even if hurt you can create a deficit to lose weight. Your injuries could sideline the other goal so unless doing a rehab style strength goal the option that is the most under your control would be a weight loss goal. That being said, do whatever you feel is going to earn you a win. If you are feeling like me right about now I could really use a win to get things going.

Yes, could definitely use a win right now too. Hope you're doing well brother.
Well, today's WO got a little derailed.

Started with some warm up / prehab work, about 20 mins and then began my light shoulders work. Into my 2nd exercise and my son woke up complaining about his ear / head. So 20 mins after trying to get him to settle again, we gave up. Just did a quick shoulder pump up to burn off the energy.

Foam rolling / stretching
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Lacrosse ball work

Incline bench reverse DB Flys 3x12
Incline bench single arm laterals raises 2x10
Resistance band facepulls 3x12
EZ bar uright rows, +40x2x12

That's it folks! Have a great Friday!

43:27, 120 cals.

Pre: Same as yesterday.
Intra: Back to normal with just Rule1 BCAAs.
prehab stuff is always a great opportunity to protect the CNS while getting that meaningful foundation built, IMO.

poor kiddo though, I hate how kids tend to get ear infections so much worse than adults. for whatever reason the two ptsd things I can remember from childhood illnesses are those miserable ear infections and one winter when I had the croup and thought I was going to suffocate (I was fine, lol).
You are doing a great job keeping moving in the face of everything. Way to stay motivated.
Well, today's WO got a little derailed.

Started with some warm up / prehab work, about 20 mins and then began my light shoulders work. Into my 2nd exercise and my son woke up complaining about his ear / head. So 20 mins after trying to get him to settle again, we gave up. Just did a quick shoulder pump up to burn off the energy.

Foam rolling / stretching
Cat Camels
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
Lacrosse ball work

Incline bench reverse DB Flys 3x12
Incline bench single arm laterals raises 2x10
Resistance band facepulls 3x12
EZ bar uright rows, +40x2x12

That's it folks! Have a great Friday!

43:27, 120 cals.

Pre: Same as yesterday.
Intra: Back to normal with just Rule1 BCAAs.
Hope the little guy gets to feeling better!
prehab stuff is always a great opportunity to protect the CNS while getting that meaningful foundation built, IMO.

poor kiddo though, I hate how kids tend to get ear infections so much worse than adults. for whatever reason the two ptsd things I can remember from childhood illnesses are those miserable ear infections and one winter when I had the croup and thought I was going to suffocate (I was fine, lol).

I take the approach of something is definitely better than nothing, and in my case, particularly when it comes to shoulders / lower back it's probably beneficial for these "forced" type of days.

You are doing a great job keeping moving in the face of everything. Way to stay motivated.

Thank you, it's mostly inertia, but again it's also that idea of "iron sanctuary". It might sometimes be the only thing keeping me sane...

Hope the little guy gets to feeling better!

Thanks! Turns out it was nothing really. He's totally back to normal.

Today was my scheduled rest day, but just ended up doing an hour of snow shoveling to clear the driveway of the remaining ice since we have people coming over tomorrow to watch the football game. Last thing I want is one of them slipping on the ice! Rest should hopefully melt Sunday into Mon as we'll get up to the low-40s again here. But maybe that counts as cardio?? Tomorrow's actual cardio day for me.

Weight seems to be settling in for average at 168#. Basically I've been 167 mid-week and 169 at the start/end now two weeks in.

One last VS haul on closing day. Some more bars/snacks, picked up some greens and BCAAs on sale, some nattokinase and a probiotic. Cleared our their adaptogen drinks.

Cardio, 30 mins, 154 cals low & slow this morning. Left hammy felt a little off yesterday evening, so maybe something to do with that. Or not. May need to start doing HIIT style if really burning fat is the goal.
Cardio, 30 mins, 154 cals low & slow this morning. Left hammy felt a little off yesterday evening, so maybe something to do with that. Or not. May need to start doing HIIT style if really burning fat is the goal.

Do you have a treadmill as well or just the bike?

Glad your boys all good! Have fun watching the games today!