If your goal is to push to a power lifting meet, I think I would pass on the mini cut. Use maintenance maybe slight surplus to add some tissue. Maybe a mini cut later on down the road if trying to fit into a certain weight class.
But currently I would think best course of action would be more calories.
Well, the likely meet I'm targeting now isn't until end of year (Nov), so not really anytime in the near future. Want to make sure I get a few meets under my belt as a spectator first to get familiar with rules, cadence, etc.
I’m not exactly sure what your overarching goal is. So whether you should be at a deficit right now should be guided off what your big picture plan is:
If it’s just “I want abs” but you claim your goal is to lift X weight, which is larger than what you currently do, those 2 goals do not particularly align at the moment. You don’t need to get fatter, but losing weight intentionally puts you farther from that goal.
If there are no number stipulations and you primarily want to lean out while continuing to strength train at whatever capacity that allows, but physique is first, then you need to suck it up and try harder to cut.
I guess I'm having similar problems. Also why I haven't posted a goal in Kleen's/Rocket thread.
Given the stressors currently in other aspects of my life, trying to cut weight might not be the right thing for me right now. But nor is chasing a big weight goal tbh. Might need to just get comfortable with maintenance until I can get things right.
But also feeling kinda tubby, so we'll see lol.
Back Session
Foam rolling
Lacrosse ball work
Bird Dogs x10,5,3
TRX rows 3x10
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns:
Warm up,
3 plates x 12
Working sets,
6 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
Worked on a slow controlled squeeze at the top.
Deadlifts, double overhand grip:
Warm up, 45x10
95x6 - plan was 8, but unbelted this AM I felt a little unsure so cut bait.
135x6 - Belted, resistance band pullaparts prior.
135x6 - Same as above.
Probably had another set in me, but was feeling a little winded so pulled the plug.
Been really trying to keep my core tight and shoulders pulled back during the lift. Right side felt a twinge the other day doing nothing other than belting my son into his car seat. So while I'd like to push, now is not the time.
Stretching / Cat Camels to finish.
48:37, 129 cals.
Pre: 1 scoop LFG Burn, 1 cap Stress & Anxiety Support, 2 caps Pepti-Plex, 3 caps PrimeXT.
Intra: Same as usual
Finished up ReduceXT, so basically down to just staples aside from the Pepti-Plex/PrimeXT combo and still some added Caloriburn.