Resolved: to lift heavier crap with Hypertrop-X (Sponsored Log)


The BPS Rep
Apr 8, 2008
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Resolved: to lift heavier with Hypertrop-X (Sponsored Log)

(If you find this log informative, please also check out the AMS sub-forum: Advanced Muscle Science)

Purpose: To continue and finish my cutting cycle, hopefully increasing my 1RMs in the process with the help of AMS' Hypertrop-X. This journal will continue until June 28, about six weeks away; my wedding day! Yeah, I'm cutting in prep for my honeymoon.

Inital observations: Beta-Alanine, Leucine and Yohimbine; what's not to like? Basic ingredients, with which I am familiar stacked together in what should prove a very effective whole.

Protocol: Lazedragon has generously given me 2 bottles of his fine product (Thanks LD!) which would normally last for 2 months if the recommended dosage is taken daily. I however, only have 6 weeks, so after initial trials to ensure tolerance, I plan on taking half a dose in the mornings as well as the full dose prior to wo. On recovery days, I was thinking I'd split one dose, taking half in the morning, half in the afternoon.

Vital Statistics: 23yo male, 228.9lbs as of this morning, 6-7%BF, 6'4" tall

Workouts currently consist of a 3-day 5x5 split. I am finishing up the 2nd week of this routine and feel my past performance in it form a nice baseline to judge Hypertrop-X's (Trop-X) against.

Tuesdays are Chest and Biceps: Incline Press (Last WO lifted 240lbs, 4th set 4reps), Gironda Dips (Bodyweight+20), Weighted Chin-ups (BW+35, 5th set 4reps), Gironda Barbell Curls (105)

Thursdays are Legs and Shoulders: Squats (290), Snatch(145), Military Press (150), Snatch-grip Podium Deadlifts (305)

Saturdays are Back and Triceps: Wide-grip Pullups, Power Cleans, Narrow-grip Dips, Decline Narrow-grip bench press (will edit in current weight for these movements tomorrow)

Cardio: 30min fast walking 5days/week, additional 30min walk 2-3days/week, 15min HIIT +15min steady state cardio 3days/week following wo.

Diet:~2300kcal/day; ~50%prot, 10-20%carbs (dependant on training or recovery day), 30-40%fat.
Pretty obviously a cutting diet, I will fill in more on it later, when I have all my notes in front of me.

Daily Supplementation:
40g BCAAs
10-15g Fish Oil
4 Tea-GCG caps
2-3g Vitamin C
Usp Labs Recreate (Every cut needs a thermogen...)

As you can see, Recreate is the only "Namebrand" supp I am currently taking. I was on AP as well, but am ceasing its use while running Trop-X in an effort to better evaluate its effects through each workout. Recreate I will continue, as Trop-X's yohimbine I think should stack well with it and the performance of each still be idependently evaluable. I was thinking I would like to cycle between Recreate and something else every 2wks or so to keep up sensitivity - anyone have any interesting ideas as to what would synergize well with the Hypertrop-X?

Workouts using Hypertrop-X will begin next Tuesday - I will report in promptly as possible. Between now and then, I will do my best to upload my diets and some current photos for your viewing pleasure. :P
Alright, yesterday I worked back and triceps, the last workout I will have prior to beginning Trop-X.
The workout consisted of 5 sets of 5 of each:

Wide Grip Pull-ups - Bodyweight +25lbs, 5th set 4reps
Power Cleans - 185lbs
Narrow-grip Dips - BW+35, 4th set 4reps, 5th set 3reps
Narrow-grip decline bench - 235lbs

15mins HIIT+15min steady cardio.

Here are a couple of photos taken shortly ago of me, consider these "Before"


Yeah, I don't know why the 2nd is blurry, but whatever.

I will upload the specifics of my diet soon, this weekend is just very busy - yesterday was my engagement party and now I am supposed to go tux shopping with my groomsmen.
Alright, so yesterday was my first day actually taking Trop-X. Two pills first things upon waking stacked with two Recreate made for a nice wake-up, with plenty of energy throughout the morning.
Later, at about 5pm, I took a full dose of 4 pills, half an hour prior to my 5:30 workout.

This consisted of Back and Biceps, 5x5
Incline Bench Press: 240lbs: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4 (Reps per set)
Gironda Dips: BW+25: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3
Chin-ups: BW+35: 5, 5 , 5, 4, 4
Gironda Curls: 115: 5, 5 , 5 , 4, 3

So, I saw some improvement, not drastic overall, but I was pleased. Dips increased by 5lbs, Curls by 10. My latter sets suffered a little as a result, but I would rather do less reps than force another whilst sacrificing form. Next week, I can focus on increasing reps and hopefully get all sets up to 5.

As far as the Hypertrop-X is concerned, it's impact was different than I had anticipated. Unlike my past experiences with Beta-alanine, there was no major tingly sensation in my hands and arms. I was a little disappointed in that, but in the midst of my workout, suddenly the "tingles" (I really gotta find a better word for that) erupted in my face and neck. That is really an unimportant side effect however.

Mainly, Trop-X seemed to deliver a greater drive and reduced rest periods. A set would end and I'd feel ready to start another almost immediately. This is probably due in part to both the Yohimbine and the BA - Y giving me the energy, BA giving me the stamina. A good workout, I'm looking forward to doing legs tomorrow with Trop-X.
lookin good but i have read that after a 4-6 gram dosage BA has the same results. i will be following though!
So, my fiance went to Disneyland last night/this morning. It was Grad night and even though she's been out of high school for some time, she tagged along with my little sister and her friends. This left me with no training partner/spotter for last nights workout. Lifting's just not the same without a pretty woman spurring you on. ;)

Nonetheless, I got a great workout; shoulders and legs are shot, I beat the hell out of 'em. Took my 2 Trop-X in the morning and another 4 about 40mins prior to workout. I think the longer span of time between ingestion and working out made a positive difference - the energy had more fully kicked in and I definitely felt the BA all over.

And Texas, I don't think I'm taking more than 4-6g of BA a day - the ingredients in Hypertrop-X state that a serving contains 4g total of BA and leucine together. Unless that ratio is 3:1, I shouldn't be going overboard. If, however, you know something I don't, I like to hear it! :)
Also, thanks for the subs guys! I'll be checking in on your logs too.

Anyways, my workout Thursday night was:
Squats (295):5,5,5,4,3
Snatch (150):5,5,4,4,3
Military (150):5,5,5,5,4
Snatch Grip Podium Deads (315):5,5,5,5,3

I also did a single leg calf circuit and some abs, plus my normal HIIT and cardio. Couple of notes: I didn't realize until writing this post that I increased the squat by 5lbs - no wonder they felt harder - I thought I was just weak :rolleyes:. So that's a nice improvement I wasn't expecting, in addition to the 5lbs on my snatch and 10lbs on my dead.
Again, my endurance and enthusiasm were noticably increased, presumably due to the Trop-x. I'd finish a set and be like "c'mon, let's go, pick that **** up!" So, definitely Trop-x is having, thus far, beneficial effects.

Tomorrow I will be working Back and tris. Don't ask me why I didn't move deads to back day, I don't know :blink: Deadlifts just work everything - I'd really like to just have a "dead day" and do nothing but pull.

One final thought - I will be posting some better pictures soon hopefully. The ones I got up there now just suck - my BF looks way higher that it is and I just look...funky. :p So I'll be adding some better ones.
yeah im not really sure about the individual dosing of BA & Leucine in Hypertrop-x. but anyways looks good man!
Ok, one week in, here are some update pictures:


Still not superb in clarity or lighting, but at least I look more akin to the BF% my calipers keep telling me and what the mirror normally reflects. Hopefully these will continue to improve as I keep on using Trop-X while cutting - it should be a real boon in muscle preservation.

Will be working Back and Triceps later today, will update prolly tomorrow with that info, as I will be out most of the day.
Alright, Saturday's workout. Ah, where to begin...

Back and Triceps:
Wide-Grip Pull-ups: BW+25, made 5reps in all 5sets
Power Cleans: 190: 5,5,5,5,4
Narrow-Grip Dips: BW+45, 5reps in all 5sets
Narrow-Grip Decline Bench: 235, 5,5,5,4,3

This workout ******* rocked. I had tons of energy due to a number of factors and spent the morning greatly anticipating lifting. It was Saturday, so I had no work to get to by 7:30 and could sleep in; it was a carb refeed day (not a cheat day - a Healthy carb-up day), so I felt primed and loaded for heavy lifting, and I took 4 Trop-X 40mins prior to workout, which really seems to be the best length of time for me.

As a result - I set a personal best on Power Cleans! 190lbs for 5reps for 4sets! And I almost had that frickin' last rep on the 5th, I just missed it at the top of the pull when I couldn't get my right arm under for the catch. Still, I was stoked.
Also, I blew through my dips - the 45lbs strapped to my waist felt like nothing, but man were my tris burning when I moved on to narrow-grip bench. I was too drained to attempt more weight there, as was obvious from the number of reps I completed.

Fantastic workout through a winning combo - sleep, carbs and Trop-X. Looking forward to next Saturday...
Wow man great work! nice pics..getting ready for summer i see!
Another very satisfactory workout yesterday: Workout 1 of Week 2 on Hypertrop-X.
Chest and Biceps:
Incline Bench Press: (240) 5reps for all 5sets
Gironda Dips: (BW+30) 5,5,5,5,4
Narrow-Grip Chin-ups: (BW+35) 5,5,5,5,4
Gironda Curls: (115), 5reps all 5sets

IMO, I am seeing great progress! More reps and/or heavier weight each week while on a drastic cut cycle. I completed all 5 sets of both Incline Bench and Curls - a definite improvement over last week. Got another rep in on the Chins, and two more on the dips. I really pushed myself, but never felt like I went "too far" or actually to failure. Still enjoying the energy, determination and recovery that Trop-X is affording me.

This is the last week of my 5x5 split, and I look forward to using Trop-X on the higher-rep routine I will be starting next week. I will keep the same 3-day split, but change the movements and was thinking 2-3 sets of 12-15reps. How does that sound to you guys? I will post specific exercises this weekend before I start it.s
Well, there went an 45mins I could've used better.

Anyways - last night's workout was legs and shoulders night and it was TOUGH. I really felt "on empty". However, I was still able to push myself, and Trop-X still delivered on the determination and recovery between sets. 4pills 40mins prior to WO, as usual. Really felt the BA this time - major tingles all over on the drive to the gym.

Squats - 295 - 5,5,5,4,3
Snatch - 160 - 5,5,4,5,4
Military - 150 - 5reps all 5sets
Podium Snatch-Grip Deads - 5reps all 5sets

No improvement on my squats. Bummer. Everything else though - much better - 160 on my snatch is a personal best, but then I've only been doing snatches for a couple of months and am really just getting the form down. Military I squeezed in 1 more rep, and deadlifts I just blasted. Seriously, I love deads!

Did some abs (hanging twist leg raises) and my calf circuit, but had absolutely nothing left for cardio, so I skipped it for once and just sat in the spa and sauna. I'm glad I will be switching to higher volume next week - these uber heavy weights are begining to take a toll on me and the change will be greatly beneficial I think.
Ok, last workout of my 5x5 split - a month long endeavor of great intensity. Really felt I improved a lot overall, and honestly, I think Hypertrop-X did contribute to increasing my performance more than if I had not used it.

This last workout was again Back and Triceps:
Wide-Grip Pullups - BW+30 - 5,5,5,4,4
Power Cleans - 195! - 5,5,4,4,3
Narrow-Grip Dips - BW+45 - 5reps all 5sets
Narrow-Grip Decline Bench Press - 240 - 5,5,5,3,3

Ok, this one was another hard workout. Like Thursday, I was pretty tired going into the Gym. However, certain big honking orange pills contain a stim that I seem pretty sensitive to and that, along with a generous amount of "sugar" from my lady, gave me a severe clout of tenacity.
I was psyched and the weights were gonna die! And they did - everything increased over last week except for my dips, which I am perfectly happy with at BW+45. Power cleans at 195, even for sets of 3, is a good indication that my 1RM has increased from the 215 that it was at a month ago (bear in mind I've only been doing cleans and snatches for about 2months). With Narrow-grip bench I have never done sets at 240, so even though I only got 3 reps in later on with them too, I was still excited.

A good, taxing workout that I think finished off my 5x5 split with proper justice.
Just thought I would announce the addition of Avant Research's Napalm to my supplement Regimen. They were kind enough to ship me a bottle and I will be logging it's effects.

As Napalm does not improve or impact training performance, I do not feel it will interfere with my evaluation of Hypertrop-X, and so will be running the two simultaneously, but logging separately.

Check out my Napalm log at:
im in man! looks good so far. youre a lean ma fugga!
I would just like to say that I am officially a wimp. Last night's workout proves it. I have not done sets of 12 in ages and, boy, does it show! Really low weight (in comparison to what I'm used to moving) - look for yourself:

Superset A: Gironda Dips (BW) & Standing Preacher Curls (95lbs) - no rest between movements, 2sets of 12reps
Superset B: Incline Dumbbell Press (80lb DBs) & Seated Incline Curls (35lbs!! WTF?) - again no rest, 2s, 12r
Superset C: Cable Flies (95/side) & Hammer Curls (40lbs) - same as other supersets

Abs - hanging twist leg raises, "dragon flags", bicycles, weighted ab pull-downs.

The no rest supersets really increase the intensity of the workout so that, even though I did 2 sets of each movement, I am still so fricking sore. The "pump" (man I hate cliched terms like that) was also the most intense that I've felt in a while - I attribute it to the large amount of isolation movements. Usually I stick to a lot of compound lifts and only accentuate with single-muscle stuff.

Felt great this time around, lots of drive and determination to get those weights up, even when my body didn't want to. Really pushed and, thanks to Trop-X, had the stamina to keep up the high intensity with no rest between superset movements!
Nice workout! I love this type of workout you really feel like to did something when your done. Nice work!
Thanks for joining in Metroba!

In the mirror I'm lean, by the calipers I'm lean, I just can't get the friggin' camera to show that I'm lean!

Shave your chest. I hated how I looked after shaving like a week ago but I got used to it and it gave me more motivation to work harder due to having less hair/shading my abs/chest making me look leaner. I now like how it looks. Id reccomend it.
Shave your chest. I hated how I looked after shaving like a week ago but I got used to it and it gave me more motivation to work harder due to having less hair/shading my abs/chest making me look leaner. I now like how it looks. Id reccomend it.

Ha - You sound like my fiance - she also thinks shaving my chest would improve my physique. I guess I'll just have to give it a go sometime soon.
I was nervous about it too. But seriously tho man it looks much better now.
Legs/Shoulders Day:

Superset 1: Squats (225) - 12x3
Arnold Presses (55 Dbs) - 12, 10, 10
Superset 2: Leg Presses (4plates/side) - 12x3
Military (135) - 12,12,10
Superset 3: Jump Lunges (BW) - 15x3
Rear Delt Raises (30) - 12x3

Holy Cow. I am responding so f'ing well to the higher reps - Hypertrop-X helped during the 5x5split, but I am really feeling it now! Superset workouts take less time and rely upon incessant lifting for their intensity and that just seems to be what Trop-X was made for.
I do admit I started a little light this time around, particularly on the squats, but I wanted to make sure I could keep form with the lighter stuff before upping anything. Arnold presses are hardcore! Never used them really, man do they hit the anterior delts.
I also killed my abs and calves before and after the supersets, respectively. And, I still had energy left for some good HIIT and cardio.

I was stoked. AMS - good stuff you got there!
nice post man! Good to see things are goin well.
Back/Triceps Day:

Superset 1: Snatch-grip Deadlifts (265) - 12,12,12,9
Narrow-grip Dips (BW) - 12,12,12
Superset 2: Wide-grip Pulldowns (195) - 12,12,10
Narrow-grip Decline Bench: (205) - 12,12,10
Superset 3: Dumbbell Row (85 Dbs) - 12,10,8
Triceps Pushdowns (100) - 12,12,12

This was Saturday's workout, I just haven't had the time to post it. It was great - tons of enthusiasm, I had really been looking forward to hitting the gym all day, so when I got there, that anticipation paid off. The deads were too light, so I threw a fourth set in there when 3 left me unsatisfied. Lat-pulldowns left me feeling like a wuss, going from BW(225-230)+30 down to 195, but the additional reps certainly made up for the difference. Dumbbell rows I have not done since college (about 2 years) and now I remember why - barbell rows are so much better, IMO. The dbs did get the job done, however, as I am still feeling them mid-back.
Energy was up, focus and stamina as well - Trop-x continues to fulfill its purpose.
Another chest/bicep day!

Superset A: Gironda Dips (BW) 12,11,10
Standing Preacher Curls (95) 12,12,10
Superset B: Incline Press (80 DB) 12,11,10
Db Curls (35) 12,12,11
Superset C: Cable Flies (100/side) 12,12,11
Hammer Curls (40) 12,12,12

Definitely still feeling this workout, my bis and chest are soooorre! Two sets just wasn't enough last week, so I upped it to three - now I will focus on getting all those sets up to 12 reps. Good focus, good stamina. I kinda keep half-expecting to become desensitized to Hypertrop-X, but it's still hitting hard.
Another chest/bicep day!

Superset A: Gironda Dips (BW) 12,11,10
Standing Preacher Curls (95) 12,12,10
Superset B: Incline Press (80 DB) 12,11,10
Db Curls (35) 12,12,11
Superset C: Cable Flies (100/side) 12,12,11
Hammer Curls (40) 12,12,12

Definitely still feeling this workout, my bis and chest are soooorre! Two sets just wasn't enough last week, so I upped it to three - now I will focus on getting all those sets up to 12 reps. Good focus, good stamina. I kinda keep half-expecting to become desensitized to Hypertrop-X, but it's still hitting hard.

You'll be adding a 4th set as well very soon! dooing well man keep it up!
Some thoughts before posting tonights workout: I'm beginning to run low on my supply of Hypertrop-X and, honestly, I'm not looking forward to going back to lifting without it. I think it's a testament to a product when it affects your performance that much. I have been on a severe calorie deficit and have seen nothing but strength and endurance increases. Now, I am taking other measures (40g BCAAS, Dex/Malto PWO Shake, High Protein Diet with 7meals a day) to help preserve muscle mass, but AMS' Product has certainly added to the efficacy and potency of my nutritional regimen, as well as improving my performance in the gym. Just look at this log thus far.

Speaking of logs, here is tonight's workout for Legs and Shoulders:

Superset 1: Squats (235) - 12,12,12
Arnold Press (55DB) - 12,11,11
Superset 2: Leg Press (4plates/side) - 12,10,10
Military Press (135) - 12,12,11
Superset 3: Rear Delt Raises (30) - 12,12,12
Jump Squats (BW) - 15,13,13
Single Arm Shrugs (90DB) - 12,12,12

Hit my abs at the outset and then finished the night with calves and cardio - my legs were soooo shot, HIIT was brutal. I still had the energy, my legs were just dead. My squats are up 10lbs, though I am doing them lighter I'm emphasizing the negative and they burn alot when you go past parallel. Completed more reps on just about everything, which was my goal - so I am satisfied.
This has been a difficult weekend. I got fired friday, two-weeks before my wedding. Talk about stress. If anyone in SoCal needs a good Scientist, let me know. :)
Yesterday-back and triceps day - I spent all morning and afternoon working on my parents estate to help ready it, as they are hosting the wedding. So I was beat, and sunburnt before ever hitting the weights. I just used my baby bro's weightset and some rafter's in the carport.

Note that I took a full dose of Trop-X yesterday morning, prior to the yard and then another full dose before working out. It really helped me through the day, but I don't know as I'd really find double dosing necessary under normal circumstances.

Back and Triceps:
Superset 1: Snatch-grip Deadlifts (265) - 12,12,12
Narrow-grip Dips (BW) - 13,13,11
Superset 2: Wide-grip Pullups (BW) - 12,10,10
Narrow-grip Decline Bench: (205) - 12,12,11
Superset 3: Dumbbell Row (85 Dbs) - 12,11,10
Triceps Pushdowns (100) - 12,12,12

Didn't have the stamina for a fourth set of deads; I blame the 7hrs of physical labor. Dips, Bench and Row all increased in reps, while Pulldowns were replaced with Wide-grip Pullups, which is effectively a 30lb increase, so I was pleased over that. The workout relieved a lot of anger and emotion, and I had TONS of drive - I was tired, but I wanted more reps with a passion. Unfortunately - I overdid it a bit and ended up getting a little heatstroke towards the end. My fiance said I was very pale and I felt quite sick. But I finished my sets, so it was worth it.
This has been a difficult weekend. I got fired friday, two-weeks before my wedding. Talk about stress. If anyone in SoCal needs a good Scientist, let me know. :)

Rough time Resolve, Good luck with the Job and wedding. Look at it this way you needed some time to focus on the wedding and your new Bride anyhow. You still hit the weights after a bad day like that so you have enough drive and motivation to do anything you want. One door closes and one more opens. While your off from work, and you being a Scientist and about coming up with a new Formastane product for all of us? LOL Keep up the hard work and it WILL pay off.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Resolve again.
Alright, so with 10days now until my wedding, the countdown is really on. I am going ALL out in the gym. Yesterday was chest and biceps and they were soundly pummeled.

Superset 1: Gironda Dips (BW) - 12,12,11,10
Preacher Curls (95) - 12,11,11,10
Superset 2: Incline DB Press (80) - 12,12,10,9
DB Curls (35) - 12,12,12,10
Superset 3: Cable Flies (100/side) - 12,12,10,8
Hammer Curls (40) - 12,11,11,9

Abs as usual, along with HIIT and cardio. 4 Hypertrop-X 30-40mins prior to workout still working great. I'm really enjoying these higher volume workouts. If you haven't noticed, every week I have tried to increase my number of sets while keeping reps as close to 12 as possible - I'm up to four now and still do not feel as if I'm overtaxing myself. I believe this is a combination of my accustomation to heavier weight with less reps, a 3-day split, and Hypertrop-X.
Havent checked this in a few days. Will have to catch up. But I just saw your getting married. Congrats! I can imagine how motivating it is to shape up before the wedding! :cheers:
Heck yeah, it's great motivation - kept me more dedicated than ever before, and nutrition/exercise are my passions as it is!
Keeping this log has also helped - for accountability and feed back.
With the wedding one week from today, I'm feeling pretty ready. I will be glycogen-depleting next week, using a normal workout and diet plan for that, and posting my workouts for all to see.

Also, I'll put up last Thursday's and Today's workouts tomorrow, I have ton to get done today.
Sunday was swamped too; so I'm posting last Thursday's and Saturday's workout today. Better late than never, I suppose.

Thursday was my final leg and shoulder day and displayed encouraging progress IMO:

Superset 1: Squats (240) 12,12,12,10
Arnold Press (55) 12,11,10,10

Superset 2: Leg Press (4plates/side) 12,11,9
Military (135) 12,12,11,11

Superset 3: Jumpsquats (BW) 20,18,17,20
Rear Delt Raises (35) 12,12,12,9

My weak old legs just didn't have a 4th set of leg presses in them - those A2G squats just left them close to empty as it was. Those squats, however, made me so fricking happy - there's just something about a properly executed, past-parallel barbell squat. Just gives me great satisfaction. As the first lift too, I got the full benefit of Trop-X (4pills before w/o as usual) in regards to mental focus. Dropping so deep and keeping form and balance takes real concentration!
A good workout - more reps, more sets, some lifts more weight.
Ive been looking into super sets. Its something Ive always wanted to get into but havent yet. I can imagine it burns calories like ma fugga! Log looks good mang!
Saturdays workout was the very last of my 12rep split, a back and tricep workout that made extending my arms away from my body in any way unpleaseant through even this morning.

With 4 Hypertrop-X 40mins beforehand, the workout consisted of:

Superset 1: Snatch-grip Deadlifts (275) 12,12,11,10
Dips (BW) 13,12,12,10
Superset 2: WG Pull-ups(BW) 12,12,10,10
Narrow-grip Bench (205) 12,12,11,10
Superset 3: DB Row (85) 12,11,10,8
Triceps Pushdown (110) 12,12,11,11

Yeah boy! Those deadlifts were awesome - left me gasping for air, my back burning, and my hands permanently wrapped around the bar. ;) The increse in weight was just what I needed. Also, I like pullups so much better than pulldowns, I just feel the stretch in my back much better. My triceps also were shot - I particular felt the pushdowns; the isolation really destroyed em.
5 Days & Counting!

That's right - 5 days until my wedding, making this my first day of glycogen-depletion. For the next 4 days, I'll be eating ~50g carbs, drinking 3gallons of water and executing 6-8sets per body part of antagonistic supersets. On friday I will begin supercompensating - eating nothing but carbs and drinking next to no water. I won't be messing with my electrolyte balance: it's too dang hot in SoCal right now and I don't want to drop too much salt and end up in hyponatraemia.
I'll be updating daily, probably feeling crappy and cranky by thursday (that's what carb depletion does to me), and posting final pics on Saturday - the day of the big event!
Mondays Glycogen-Depleting Workout:
8sets per movement, 10-12reps per set, 302 Tempo

Superset 1:Leg Presses
Leg Curls

Superset 2:Seated Rows

Superset 3:Seated Incline DB Curls
Overhead Tricep Extensions

Doing so many sets, I drastically reduced weight - this week is about volume, not weight - but still it left me drained and sore after I was done. I had plenty of energy during the workout, thanks to Trop-X, and dang did I have one heck of a pump everywhere!
Tuesdays Glycogen-depleting Workout:
8sets, 12-15reps, 201 Tempo

Superset 1: Leg Extensions
Romanian Deadlifts

Superset 2: Incline DB Press
Wide-grip Pulldowns

Superset 3: Gironda Perfect Curls
Supinated, Cable Tricep Extensions

Man am I sore: two full-body workouts two days in a row! I thought my hamstrings and biceps were gonna rip off. Now that I am home and resting however, it is my back that is feeling worked the most. I can feel the lack of sugar in my system, but thus far, no drastic change to my mood. Perhaps due to Yohimbine's stimulant effect?
Youre gonna be pumped as fvck for your wedding man!
Wednesday's Glycogen-depleting Workout:
8sets, 15-20reps, 201 Tempo

Superset 1: DB Press
DB Row

Superset 2: Arnold Press
Rear Delt Raises

Superset 3: Zottman Curls
Decline DB Triceps Extensions

You know your training your upper-body hard when even your legs get sore - I was done after this workout. Didn't want to move or eat, just wanted to sit there. 3days of tons of reps, practically no carbs in that time - I am thoroughly void of sugar in my muscle. Still, I have to say, Hypertrop-X is working right up to the end - even with 8sets per bodypart, I found myself always wanting and able to get "one more rep." Now, I didn't train to failure this week, as that is a strict no-no for glycogen depletion, but I did push myself, and Trop-X gave me extra help.
Your motivation is motivating :D
This is it!

Today is the final day of my cut cycle – Tomorrow I will be leaving for a well needed rest from everything, with an entirely recomposed body. Starting in April at 12% bodyfat, I’m know right around 5%. And, for the last 6 weeks, AMS Hypertrop-X has been a daily member of my supplement regimen. Considering I was lifting while under a large calorie deficit (my diet consisted of 2300-2900kCals/day), I believe the progress I made was notable.

I began Trop-X during a 5x5, 3-day training split which I continued for another 2 weeks:

Chest and Biceps: Initial Workout Final Workout (2wks later)
Incline Press 240lbs:5,5,5,4,4 240lbs:5,5,5,5,5
Gironda Dips BW+20: 5,5,5,5,5 BW+30: 5,5,5,5,4
Weighted Chin-ups BW+35: 5,5,5,5,4 BW+35: 5,5,5,5,4
Gironda Barbell Curls 105lbs: 5,5,5,5,5 115lbs: 5,5,5,5,5

Legs and Shoulders: Initial Workout Final Workout (2wks later)
Squats 290: 5,5,5,5,5 295: 5,5,5,4,3
Snatch 145: 5,5,5,5,5 160: 5,5,4,5,4
Military Press 150: 5,5,5,5,5 150: 5,5,5,5,5
Snatch-grip Podium
Deadlifts 305: 5,5,5,5,5 315: 5,5,5,5,5

Back and Triceps; Initial Workout Final Workout (2wks later)
Wide Grip Pull-ups BW+25lbs: 5,5,5,5,4 BW+30: 5,5,5,4,4
Power Cleans 185: 5,5,5,5,5 195: 5,5,5,4,4
Narrow-grip Dips BW+35: 5,5,5,4,3 BW+45: 5,5,5,5,5
Narrow-grip Bench 235 – 5,5,5,5,5 240: 5,5,5,3,3

Though I did not make improvements in everything; overall the amount of weight, as well as reps I completed, rose noticeably.

Following the 5x5 split, I changed gears and followed a 3x12, 3-day training split for 3-weeks:

Chest and Biceps: Initial Workout Final Workout (3wks later)
Gironda Dips BW: 12,12 BW: 12,12,11,10
Preacher Curls 95: 12,12 95: 12,11,11,10
Incline DB Press 80: 12,12 80: 12,12,10,9
Incline DB Curls 35: 12,12 35: 12,12,12,10
Cable Flies 95: 12,12 100: 12,12,10,8
Hammer Curls 40: 12,12 40: 12,11,11,9

Legs and Shoulders: Initial Workout Final Workout (3wks later)
Squats 225: 12,12,12 240: 12,12,12,10
Arnold Press 55: 12,10,10 55: 12,11,10,10
Leg Press 4plates: 12,12,12 4plates: 12,11,9
Military 135: 12,12,10 135: 12,12,11,11
Jump Lunges BW: 15,15,15 BW:20,18,17,20
Rear Delt Raises 30: 12,12,12 35: 12,12,12,9

Back and Triceps Initial Workout Final Workout (3wks later)
Snatch-grip Deadlifts 265: 12,12,12,9 275: 12,12,11,10
Narrow-grip Dips BW: 12,12,12 BW: 13,12,12,10
Wide-grip Pulldowns 195: 12,12,10 BW: 12,12,10,10
Narrow-grip Bench 205: 12,12,10 205: 12,12,11,10
DB Row 85: 12,10,8 85: 12,11,10,8
Triceps Pushdowns 100: 12,12,12 110; 12,12,11,11

Improvements made on this workout were reflected more in the increase in reps and sets, though weight did increase on several of my movements. The increase in my squats, unfortunately, left me with too little strength left by the time I got to leg presses for any improvement there. Still, I continued to enjoy abnormally increased endurance, focus and recovery on Hypertrop-X during these weeks as well.

Overall: Hypertrop-X provides an extra push while in the gym. Mentally and physically I like its effects and the progress it helped me attain. The sensations that Beta-Alanine typically cause are present, but understated. This, however, doesn't seem to impede its efficacy as it still made quite a difference in the way I felt and performed. I would be curious to see if progress could by increased better by stacking additional BA with Trop-X, but also want to make clear that it stands well on its own.

Hypertrop-X is solid - it works well and a single bottle would last the average lifter a while if taken only before working out, making it an economical choice as well. I would honestly recommend Hypertrop-X: it's not an panacea of the weight room, but it doesn't claim to be. It's a pre-workout supp that can benefit anybody. If it sounds like something you'd like - give it run, lift hard, eat well and you'll see and feel the impact.

A HUMONGOUS bout of gratitude to AMS, and particularly LazeDragon, for this opportunity. I'll be spreading the word about your stuff!

Also, I will be posting my carb refeed today later on and final pics tomorrow morning!