bdc; it was ergo 1-ad 4 wk cycle and i gained overall 25%.
wieght went from 225- 243 and gained about 1/2 inche over all total. i can post exact stats if needed. i never had prob with lethargy, only got headaches for frsit 4 days. i was also on 4000-4500cals daily. basic sups were.
protien powder
liver tabs
flaxseed oil
multi vit
zma post cycle now
6 0x0 post cycle. now
i am 39 young 5'10 and 245 now 14%bf.since bulking. i want to cut in march 2003.
ww7 and i were talking and i think i would do good with t1pro.
all advise will be listen to intently. thanks guys.:shoot: