Products Bloodwork

Adding my results to this great thread. It's from Alphamax XT, dosed at 4 pills a day. Found it really worked great. My free T skyrocketed, but so did my e2.

Pree bloods:

TSH: 3.31 - (0.27 - 4.2 mIU/L)
Total T: 24 - (8,64 - 29 nmol/L)
Free T: 44,6 (31 - 94 nmol/L)
Estradiol: 22 (11 - 44 ng/L)
DHEA: 11,2 (4,6 - 16,1 umol/L)
FSH: 1.85 (0.95 - 11.95 IU/L)
LH: 2.92 (0.57 - 12.07 IU/L)

Bloods after 3 weeks (Alpha was taken the day before bloods, bloods done in the AM):

e2: 30 ng/L ref range 11 - 44
VitD: 30,2 ug/L ref range > 30
Cortisol: 390 (101 - 535)
Free T: 18.5 (7.0 - 22.7)
SHBG 62 (14.5 - 94.6)
Totall T: 7ng/dl (1.65 - 7.53)
S-TSH: 2.33 (0.35 - 4.94 mIU/L)
LH: 2.78 (0.57 - 12.07)
FSH: 1.98
Prolactin: 11 (3.5 - 19.4 ug/L)

Bloods after 6 weeks (Alpha was taken the day before bloods at 20:00, bloods done in the AM):

LH: 3.40 (0.57 - 12)
Cortisol: 440 (101 - 535)
e2: 90 ng/L (11 - 44)

Bloods after 6 weeks. This are next day results, as the abnormally high e2 number got me scared. This time Alpha was taken 2 hours before the test at 7AM, test was 9AM:

e2 = 35 ng/L (11-44)
Free T: 30 pg/ml (range: 7 - 22.7)

To add some context to my results:
Age early 30s.
With the start of the "cycle" I was ending my cut and started to transition into a bulk. I was in a cut for a long long time (6 months) with a week or two of recomp kcal in between. Lot's of stress, little sleep all the time, now and then. At the 3rd week of Alpha I added MK677 at 20mg ed. Also tried SNS Reduce XT at week 3 through to week 6. It didn't do anything to my morning cortisol, so I stopped using it.
Started using an Ai (dex) after week 6 at 0.25mg eod. Now I'm trying out Arimistane, bumping up the dosage until I start feeling sides, then I will do a test to see if Arimistane actually works or not, once and for all lol

Any comments on my results and findings would be appreciated. I was quite surprised to see my free T levels being in supra-physiological levels from an OTC test booster.
Also adding my MK677 results:

Before: 170 ug/L (88 - 246)
3 weeks after 20mg ed. Test was done in the AM, 20 hours after last dose of MK.
After: 230 ug/L (88 - 246)

I was surprised to see my baseline igf to be so high, in spite of the high amounts of stress and no sleep I have been living with for the past 2 - 3 years. Maybe Alphamax xt raised them, as I was 3 weeks on it at the time of the first test?
Any new on the arimistane ?? Did it work ??

Not yet. Just didn't have rnough time. I bumped the dose to 100mg ed and really felt a lot of cracking joints. My neck especially. I also slept bad, it seemed as if it caused some extra anxiety on top of all the stress from work (was working 24/7). Will do the tests but just have to get more time.

Also got some acne from alphamax and I'm trying dex 0.25mg eod at the moment to see if it's e2/dht related, so also no point in doing test while Im on dex...
If it works ... it would have to lower shbg like all real anti e do... hope it does !! I have a OL bottle i need to start then ! ;)
Not yet. Just didn't have rnough time. I bumped the dose to 100mg ed and really felt a lot of cracking joints. My neck especially. I also slept bad, it seemed as if it caused some extra anxiety on top of all the stress from work (was working 24/7). Will do the tests but just have to get more time.

Also got some acne from alphamax and I'm trying dex 0.25mg eod at the moment to see if it's e2/dht related, so also no point in doing test while Im on dex...
honestly sounds like low cortisol to me. but idk for sure would love to see the bloodwork.
To add to this thread, I’ve been using pharmacom test e and exemestane, both from pharmacomstore, for my cruising phase. The first 5 weeks I ran 75mg test e Mon Thur and 12.5mg exem Mon Thur. The next two Mondays I just did 150mg and stuck to one injection per week due to being low on syringes at that time; I also bumped my exem to 25mg Mon Thur. One day after my second 150mg shot I had bloodwork drawn, which came back just as I anticipated. My total test came in at 1498ng/dl and my estradiol came in at 22pg/ml, which you can see via the pictures provided :]. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed
To add to this thread, I’ve been using pharmacom test e and exemestane, both from pharmacomstore, for my cruising phase. The first 5 weeks I ran 75mg test e Mon Thur and 12.5mg exem Mon Thur. The next two Mondays I just did 150mg and stuck to one injection per week due to being low on syringes at that time; I also bumped my exem to 25mg Mon Thur. One day after my second 150mg shot I had bloodwork drawn, which came back just as I anticipated. My total test came in at 1498ng/dl and my estradiol came in at 22pg/ml, which you can see via the pictures provided :]. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

Looking really good, looking at test and e2 -and considering the weekly dosage. What's about the high Eosinophil count? Any allergies?
To add to this thread, I’ve been using pharmacom test e and exemestane, both from pharmacomstore, for my cruising phase. The first 5 weeks I ran 75mg test e Mon Thur and 12.5mg exem Mon Thur. The next two Mondays I just did 150mg and stuck to one injection per week due to being low on syringes at that time; I also bumped my exem to 25mg Mon Thur. One day after my second 150mg shot I had bloodwork drawn, which came back just as I anticipated. My total test came in at 1498ng/dl and my estradiol came in at 22pg/ml, which you can see via the pictures provided :]. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed
Total T is a little but above where I would expect it to be, at that dose, but nothing crazy. However, those Free T levels are fuking nuts for your dosage.
Total T is a little but above where I would expect it to be, at that dose, but nothing crazy. However, those Free T levels are fuking nuts for your dosage.

Yup, exactly. What's doing that? Aromasin cant help that much. Is it genetics??
Yup, exactly. What's doing that? Aromasin cant help that much. Is it genetics??
Not enough information to be able to tell.

Could be genetics, there are some foods that increase free test to some extent, supplements, environment factors, lifestyle, aromasin does seem to increase free test (but not to this extent by itself), etc. Hell I've seen studies showing the the microbiota ON THE SKIN can effect free test!(But that would go into the environment factors category).

All these will have an effect on free test, and my guess is a combination of all the above
Total T is a little but above where I would expect it to be, at that dose, but nothing crazy. However, those Free T levels are fuking nuts for your dosage.

My total test was actually about the same when I was getting 150mg cyp shots from a trt clinic. I’m planning on going back to 75mg twice a week to see if it’ll keep the levels a bit lower and more steady. Not sure how my free test got so high tbh; I know exemestane can help lower shbg, so maybe that’s part of it.
My total test was actually about the same when I was getting 150mg cyp shots from a trt clinic. I’m planning on going back to 75mg twice a week to see if it’ll keep the levels a bit lower and more steady. Not sure how my free test got so high tbh; I know exemestane can help lower shbg, so maybe that’s part of it.
Looks like good results to me damn! I too get over 1000 on 100mg Test cup, so maybe 150mg would have gotten me similar results. Going to be using their 500mg/ml Enanthate soon and will keep people updated.
Can you use discounted labs in california? Look them up. I know I can't in NY but I see people from elsewhere using them.
To add to this thread, I’ve been using pharmacom test e and exemestane, both from pharmacomstore, for my cruising phase. The first 5 weeks I ran 75mg test e Mon Thur and 12.5mg exem Mon Thur. The next two Mondays I just did 150mg and stuck to one injection per week due to being low on syringes at that time; I also bumped my exem to 25mg Mon Thur. One day after my second 150mg shot I had bloodwork drawn, which came back just as I anticipated. My total test came in at 1498ng/dl and my estradiol came in at 22pg/ml, which you can see via the pictures provided :]. Invalid Link RemovedInvalid Link Removed

Your prolactin levels look high

you having sleep issues or sex issues???
Your prolactin levels look high

you having sleep issues or sex issues???

Yea they are in the upper range. My libido isn’t much different compared to where it’s at when I’m natty, so maybe that’s because of the prolactin. I might get some caber soon and see if it helps.
Yea they are in the upper range. My libido isn’t much different compared to where it’s at when I’m natty, so maybe that’s because of the prolactin. I might get some caber soon and see if it helps.
Prolactrone works really well and has little or no side effects compared to caber which has some pretty scary sides.
Use code LOYALTY on our site for discount :)
Prolactrone works really well and has little or no side effects compared to caber which has some pretty scary sides.
Use code LOYALTY on our site for discount :)

Take advantage of this discount code for BLR products!
I’ll probably just get caber again. I’ve had it before, it’s pretty cheap using the small doses. I could also just get it from my primary care doc.
After few years researching what’s wrong in me my analysis came : my prolactin is 92 ng/ml [4 ; 15] ; 1949 mUI/L [85 ; 324]
Never was on roids.
I have a pituitary micro adénoma and prescribed 0,5 mg Dostinex per week since 3 weeks

I tried all stimulants for add/depression and responded one time shorlty to MPH and many other did nothing like Adderall or even stronger stims like Desoxyn, caffeine worked few times then it did nothing too.

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~4 years ago free test was at 30, I don’t understand what happens to me, I can’t train, I have no energy, I feel so empty like sh*t

After seeing my endo seen my blood work she put me on hydrocortisone 20 mg to give me a boost, I take it since 3 days but it just give me hot flush but I don’t feel more energetic
scrap the hyrcrocortisone......the low test is eating your muscle as it is...

adenoma's are no joke! they can grow also!

I would look into BROMOCRIPTINE!
you need to see an endocrinologist about your

pituitary adenoma.

this is serious! different adenoma's effect different hormones. yours effects prolactin
you need to see an endocrinologist about your

pituitary adenoma

this is serious! different adenoma's effect different hormones. yours effects prolactin

Yesterday she added 10 mg of hydrocortisone and 1/2 Euthyral (50 mg T4 + 10 mcg T3)
Yesterday she added 10 mg of hydrocortisone and 1/2 Euthyral (50 mg T4 + 10 mcg T3)
Google the book

"recovering with t3"

why the half euthyral?

Thyroid is "tricky" as hell to figure out. Medical community is still clueless on how to heal low thyroid.

add dessicated liver tabs
Don’t know why just a half.. I’ll try a tab tomorrow. For what are good desiccated liver tabs ?
Thx. I did a full tab and my mood/anhedonia wasn’t affected.. damn I have no more ideas. And dont think my endo will want to put me on test just to “help me” and I have no ideas how to ask him this
I tried pregnenolone and I felt nothing, benzo nothing, ADHD meds nothing.... :’(
you need to speak with your endo

1. do you have a pit. adenoma

2. if so, that must be treated first.

3. if yours is prolactin then you must take bromocriptine.

3 days straight of 1 dose
3rd day 7pm get a prolactin blood test.

keep upping dose till your prolactin levels are in low range & SIDE EFFECTS OF THE TUMOR SUBSIDE
Yes I have a pituitary anedoma, I was given Dostinex 0,25 mg one per week for 4 weeks. A month later my prolactin was normal, but I didn’t see blood tests yet.. their in vacation so I probably have to wait September. I asked for aldosterone, dhea-s, E2 and he said I have nothing and I’m not a doctor to decide what bloodwork to do and that’s it..
I wonder if test will made me feel better, srs I prefer to pin 2 times per week and to feel normal/good
You need to be more PROACTIVE & AGGRESSIVE with your health!


WALKINLAB.COM. order any blood test saliva test, etc you want!

Try bromocriptine, stay ON till you see prolactin #'s in low range.

If you are in the low range but still getting symptoms, Titrate the dosages till symptoms subside.

You are YOU! Your physiology is unique as everyone else's is....

also add:
acetyl l TYROSINE not carnitine/ MUCUNA/ BACOPA. great dopamine agonists either by sensitizing the cell or increasing straight dopamine
How many days after last dose or last injection are you getting bloods? I feel like most people in here aren't sharing bloodwork and those that have aren't using a similar template.

Length of time on?
Length of time off?
Days/hours since last dose or injection before bloods drawn?
How many days after last dose or last injection are you getting bloods? I feel like most people in here aren't sharing bloodwork and those that have aren't using a similar template.

Length of time on?
Length of time off?
Days/hours since last dose or injection before bloods drawn?

I posted my bloodwork a while back in this thread; I was on 150mg test e pinned once weekly at the time. My bloods were pulled about 24 hours after pinning (so this wasn’t even peak levels considering that enan peaks 2-3 days after). I was on for a good 6 or so weeks prior to getting bloods done.
I posted my bloodwork a while back in this thread; I was on 150mg test e pinned once weekly at the time. My bloods were pulled about 24 hours after pinning (so this wasn’t even peak levels considering that enan peaks 2-3 days after). I was on for a good 6 or so weeks prior to getting bloods done.
Im actually holding off an extra day since I pinned later than usual on Sunday morning, it was noon when I pinned, so then I'll get bloods 8am Wednesday, that's almost 3 whole days. It's the best I can do with my schedule. It's 150 Primo / 100 Test blend, should have some decent cruise numbers.
Well here i just want to say you that i was in searching for this information and thinking to make a new thread but i got the information here. Thank you very much !!!

Cheers !
A little background first: I dropped TRT just over a year ago. I dropped it because I am trying to get the wife pregnant. I ran a good PCT, but its been an obvious struggle. I have continued with a PCT type Clomid restart since. My T levels are still not good. The first bloods I was on
1.Clomid + low dose Formeron (EOD)+ Test boosters
2. Clomid + Test boosters (no AI ran out of Formeron)
3. Clomid + Letrone (1 cap ED) + Test booster

Here are my past 3 Bloodworks:

Bloodwork 1
Free T- 10
E2- 11
FSH- 0.2

Bloodwork 2
Free T-12
LH- 1.1

Bloodwork 3
TT- 397
Free T- 15
E2- 14
LH- 2.4
FSH -2.0

Been there trying to get the wife pregnant. Actually did trt with clomid instead of test for 5 years. Sadly we did have one pregnancy but lost the baby and went through fertility treatment. Best of luck. Now in fairness i know many people including one ifbb pro who have gotten women pregnant on doses of steroids that would make the average doctor run weeping from the office to their bedroom to hide in the covers. The key would be just take test. I find it makes me hornier. NOt sure if that is an issue.
A little background first: I dropped TRT just over a year ago. I dropped it because I am trying to get the wife pregnant. I ran a good PCT, but its been an obvious struggle. I have continued with a PCT type Clomid restart since. My T levels are still not good. The first bloods I was on
1.Clomid + low dose Formeron (EOD)+ Test boosters
2. Clomid + Test boosters (no AI ran out of Formeron)
3. Clomid + Letrone (1 cap ED) + Test booster

Here are my past 3 Bloodworks:

Bloodwork 1
Free T- 10
E2- 11
FSH- 0.2

Bloodwork 2
Free T-12
LH- 1.1

Bloodwork 3
TT- 397
Free T- 15
E2- 14
LH- 2.4
FSH -2.0

Been there trying to get the wife pregnant. Actually did trt with clomid instead of test for 5 years. Sadly we did have one pregnancy but lost the baby and went through fertility treatment. Best of luck. Now in fairness i know many people including one ifbb pro who have gotten women pregnant on doses of steroids that would make the average doctor run weeping from the office to their bedroom to hide in the covers. The key would be just take test. I find it makes me hornier. NOt sure if that is an issue.
Has anyone produced bloodwork results that were in favor of any particular liver care/cycle support supps?
Not sure about particular bloodworks to determine how well a product works for that. That would basically need a bloodwork of a cycle with no support supps and then compared to similar cycle with the support supps. But many take bloods in the middle of a cycle to see if anything is alarming while taking toxic compounds, so that does tell something if everything is ok.

TUDCA is popular for liver health. NAC is too, but not ass effective for the liver, but has other benefits also. Carditone for bp as well as hawthorn berry, grape seed, celery seed. Saw palmetto for prostate. CEL cycle assist is a popular stack product. (Maybe you knew all this and was just looking for blood test results..)
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I was going to check the 5% but on recommendation i think i am going to try that CEL cycle assist. Seems its more cost effection. Maybe add tudca to it.