Sure feck it I'll post them now.
This is my baseline, wasn't taking anything except nightly ZMA at the time.
Testosterone: 13.5 nmol/L, range 8.6-29
Estradiol: 112 pmol/L, range 28-156
LH: 3.3 U/L, range 2-9
FSH: 1.9 U/L, range 2-12
Prolactin 214 mU/L, range 86-324
Pretty appalling baseline as you can see, hence my desire to fix it with some AI activity. So I took OG Erase Pro for eight weeks and got the following bloods at the end of the, during week 8:
Testosterone: 16.1 nmol/L, range 8.6-29
Estradiol: 424 pmol/L, range 28-156
LH: 4.8 U/L, range 2-9
FSH: 2.2 U/L, range 2-12
Prolactin 349 mU/L, range 86-324
Prolactin minus macroprolactin: 276 mU/L, range 63-245
Unmitigated disaster as you can see. I therefore stopped Arimistane at eight weeks, and took nothing further until early 2015.
In early 2015 when I heard Formestane was being banned I hoovered up the last Formestane to be sold by JW Supplements. Two bottles of Formeron, three bottles of TransFORM. Both dosed at 50mg per ml, but slight difference in that Formeron had 1.5 ml per pump while TransFORM had 2ml.
Pre Forma 1w Forma 2m Forma + 1m Prolactrone
Estradiol 104 54 77
Testosterone 12.5 13.98 13.9
SHGB 30.4 32 31.7
Prolactin 174 191 170
LH 3.5 N/A 2.6
FSH 2.2 N/A 2.1
My final set of bloods was done in the final week of my Formestane run, in July:
Estradiol: 80
Testosterone: 16.3
SHGB: 31.3
LH: 3.6
FSH: 2.5
Prolactin: 242
So essentially in summary, Formestane drops E2 and increases testosterone and gonadotropins, but beyond a certain dose it actually doesn't become any more effective than it was. Remember that the two higher E2 results were while I was taking a double dose of Formestane compared to the first result - this ties in with what Brundel has said previously about Formestane being limited both in how long it remains effective on a single run and how high you can dose it while continuing to see better results.
The Arimistane bloods could be a coincidence, but I've heard from several others who experiences massive increases in prolactin while on Arimistane so I'm inclined to advise people to give it a wide berth. This could be related to how my E2 wound up triple what it should have been, despite the allegedly anti aromatase activity of Arimistane. I'm sure it's possible that it was caused by something else, but given the number of blood tests I've had and the fact that E2 and Prolactin were only *ever* cited as being above the normal range was during my Arimistane run... My advice is avoid avoid avoid.
Prolactrone succeeded in bringing down my prolactin during the run, albeit not by as much as I'd been hoping. However, this could be related to the fact that I stopped taking ZMA around the time I was taking Prolactrone which could have depleted my levels of dopa decarboxylase too much (tricky business - you want enough of it in the brain but not enough outside it, and by stopping ZMA I would have dropped my vitamin B6 intake which would affect both the in and out of brain levels of dopa decarboxylase).
So saying, I might do another Prolactrone run at some stage while taking ZMA and see if that makes it more effective. Regardless, even just by dropping prolactin by 20 mU, my libido and motivation for life in general rocketed through the roof and I found myself popping awkward, random boners during lectures in a way that hadn't happened to me since I was around 14.