If you are predisposed to hairloss, primo & mast are probably not any safer. Individual specific, but odds are it will increase shedding. For some it can be much worse per mg, and especially compared to someone who needs to use finasteride already.
Your cycle goals & experience depending, things like EQ, Nandrolone, Anadrol, even Anavar are all things I would be looking at before Ostarine. Ostarine doesn’t reportedly go well with elevated testosterone. A bit of EQ or Deca could be pretty ideal for growth/size as long as you blast & cruise and don’t need to PCT.
I can tell you S4 definitely quickly crushes SHBG and causes a lot more free test (and therefore aromatization of it to estrogen), and I’d expect the same with Ostarine. I was cruising 180 test & 80 mast, and adding 75mg S4 all of a sudden I swoll up with estrogen, oily skin, acne, fullness, weight & strength gain. Obviously you can mitigate that with an AI and you’re already on Fin so it might work out, but be ready if you see similar sides when introducing Ostarine.
I am not predisposed to hairloss at all, but I have heard of people more concerned with their hair than arteries using bare replacement levels of testosterone and leaning on Deca, Anadrol, S4, Ostarine as Anabolics for extended periods.