Pre-workout meal vs low GI intra-workout carbs


Well-known member
I recently started my bulking season and would like to bulk up as efficiently (there are different definitions, I’m open to hearing all of them) as possible.
I’ve been training fasted for years now and am used to it but I’m considering experimenting with having a pre-workout meal and/or adding low GI intra-workout carbs to my intra-workout shake which is currently comprised of an intra-workout mix (Controlled Labs Purple Wraath + OL endur3), AAKG and HMB.
I’m currently making strength gains every session and good strength gains 9/10 sessions whilst training fasted.

What would be the pros and cons of having a pre-workout meal and of adding low GI carbs to my intra, compared to training fasted?

For the pre-workout meal, what would you guys suggest?
I’ve read that 25-50g carbs with a protein source high in leucine’s best.

For the intra-workout carbs I’m thinking highly branched cyclic-dextrin or that stuff made by a Japanese company (I forget the name). What would you suggest?
Food > Powdered Carbs.
That is why they are called "Supplements"
If you want to maximize MPS you will spread out your meals and fuel your body properly for optimal training. What happens when you workout? Your body goes into a catabolic state and muscle is being broken down. Give your body adequate protein and carbs (Glycogen/energy) and you will get greater performance and endurance benefits.

Training fasted is identical to fasted cardio where the benefits are next to none. Its personal preference.


Good guidlines.

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Which leads us towards an ideal of post-workout nutrition. First and foremost I should point out that if you train and don’t eat anything afterwards (and this assumes you haven’t eaten a few hours before), the body will actually remain in a net catabolic state. That is, protein breakdown will be greater than protein synthesis. That’s bad. But only really applies if you’re training first thing in the morning after a fast (how many studies are done) and haven’t eaten anything.

The answer there is clearly protein alone which will be vastly superior to carbohydrate alone. Because while consuming carbohydrates will decrease protein breakdown, only protein will increase protein synthesis (and provide the building blocks for building new muscle).

In any case, that’s the overall conclusion that I draw from looking at the body of literature: while protein alone is superior to carbohydrates alone, the combination of the two will have the greatest impact on promoting muscle growth (as well as having other beneficial effects on muscle glycogen, etc). How much of each? Well that depends on a host of other factors that will have to wait for a later article (The Protein Book)

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When are Carbs and Protein VERY Important Post-workout?

- During leg Training + HIIT Cardio or doing a 2-3 hour intense workout session
-Resistance Training in a fasted state (no meal consumed at least 3-4 hours prior)

When are Carbs and Protein of lesser importance Post-workout?

- 1-2 hour training session after a pre-workout meal (Small or mixed 2-3 hours prior to session)
- Training after a meal composed of 20-40g Protein at least 1-2 hours prior to a workout in a fed state.

Overall Cliffs:

- Nutrient Timing can be beneficial but window of opportunity is not as what it is believed
- Provided protein rich meal 3-4 hours prior to training, there is no stress about immediate post-workout protein supplement or meal
- Consume .4-.5g/kg of LBM in a pre/post workout exercise window spaced 4-6 hours depending on meal size.
- Post workout carb intake does not meaningful increase aabolicsm unless doing a 2 a day workout session involving same muscle groups. Glycogen is not a limting factor if you can consume enough Carbohydrates daily in the 24 hour period.
I don’t understand why you would change something that’s giving strength gains and 9/10 sessions every time you go to the gym?
I don’t understand why you would change something that’s giving strength gains and 9/10 sessions every time you go to the gym?

OP is notorious for making threads on anything and everything. Sometimes too much opinion is more harm then good when it comes to over analyzation. Experience trumps science or what works best for you doesn’t apply to the next person of what is generalized as best. Research is simply a tool but we need to modify what we learn to suit our lifestyle and what works for us.

That’s why the human body is not a textbook. Why fix what ain’t broken

i mean he makes a ridiculous amount of threads.
whas better no sleep or 4 hours
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Ursolic Acid which may make .000001% differnce.. when food would be cheaper and provide more benefits:
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reducing time in gym to make gains.. when in reality a consistent caloric surplus and beating the log book is all you need. Not a super advanced split for an intermediate at most
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he made the same thread twice
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Eating all his carbs in one meal.. Which is not optimal for MPS at all
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and how you can double dose or take extra upon what is suggested for a GDA
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if you spread the carbs out and time your carbs accordingly the use for them is mininal

how to target just your upper chest
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There comes a point where there is way too much overlooking the big picture and trying to fine tune so many small details it takes away from your progress.
You’re better off asking and finding out before you put the time and effort in than doing that after you’ve made a mistake.

Ursolic acid
I’m not sacrificing food to buy it. It goes on top.
That .00001% difference ‘stat’ is more than half a dozen multiples of 10 off target

The one about sleep, not proud of. Figured I’d check with the community

Time in the gym
My phone struggles with AM’s website sometimes and I wasn’t sure whether it’s posted

Targetted training
Some folks’ chest aren’t ideal aesthetically for some reason. Some people don’t do flies. Some people don’t do enough incline bench. Some people do too many dips. Some people don’t do landmine presses, etc
If your training may be lacking something important, you should really ask.

Whisky To answer your question, I’m trying to increase the return on the time and effort I invest. The fact that I’m making good progress doesn’t mean I couldn’t be making better progress.
Even though some people tell me that I look ridiculously strong for someone who’s been training for 2.5 years, or that i’m gifted, I’m not satisfied.
Most things are simple to implement. I’ll try the advice, if it doesn’t work for me, then I’ll go back to my tried and tested.

****, I mean the Solution’s been training for, I’m guessing at least two decades, so yeah some stuff’s gonna be obvious to him.
There’s no sense in wasting time and effort because you’re too scared to ask questions because you’re worried about what others would think.
You only have so much of those two things.
You’re better off asking and finding out before you put the time and effort in than doing that after you’ve made a mistake.

Easy answer
Change comes through trial and error and mistakes. Asking a bunch of random strangers is giving you multiple options which will make you overthink a simple answer. When you grow up do you make all the right decisions? No we are human. We all make mistakes, that is how we learn.

do you need sleep ? Yes.. Asking if you get 0 or 4 is not going to make a major difference to a factor that is not "Consistent"
Are you going to run U-Acid year round? Most likely no. And if you base your theories off a few studies that doesn't dictate the big picture.
At 2.5 years of training thinking you need a "highly" individual or specific routine is far from true. You have a lot of time to still become an advanced / intermediate trainee given your age and experience.

If you already came to a conclusion on something that it tried and tested why would you fix what aint broken? Your contradicting your own statements asking others for advice if you have found something that "Works for you". Everyone and their mother will give you an opinion. That does not mean it is always true. Jumping from idea to idea and changing so many variables just leads to never understanding how it works without proper time and dedication.

Instead of flooding a message board with questions Do your own trial and error research, see how it works, and go from there. Nobody else can give you advice if we don't know all the variables (training, diet, nutrition, cardio, NEAT etc) This is why people hire coaches to fine tune their bodies. Most people will overpay for supplements, but don't ever think about investing in a coach which could illict 5x better results.
Easy answer
Change comes through trial and error and mistakes. Asking a bunch of random strangers is giving you multiple options which will make you overthink a simple answer. When you grow up do you make all the right decisions? No we are human. We all make mistakes, that is how we learn.

do you need sleep ? Yes.. Asking if you get 0 or 4 is not going to make a major difference to a factor that is not "Consistent"
Are you going to run U-Acid year round? Most likely no. And if you base your theories off a few studies that doesn't dictate the big picture.
At 2.5 years of training thinking you need a "highly" individual or specific routine is far from true. You have a lot of time to still become an advanced / intermediate trainee given your age and experience.

If you already came to a conclusion on something that it tried and tested why would you fix what aint broken? Your contradicting your own statements asking others for advice if you have found something that "Works for you". Everyone and their mother will give you an opinion. That does not mean it is always true. Jumping from idea to idea and changing so many variables just leads to never understanding how it works without proper time and dedication.

Instead of flooding a message board with questions Do your own trial and error research, see how it works, and go from there. Nobody else can give you advice if we don't know all the variables (training, diet, nutrition, cardio, NEAT etc) This is why people hire coaches to fine tune their bodies. Most people will overpay for supplements, but don't ever think about investing in a coach which could illict 5x better results.

I will inevitably make mistakes. We are merely human.
I will learn from my mistakes and readings and put those to good use. Nonetheless, I’m keen to learn from others and their mistakes and readings.
The fewer mistakes I make in this life and the smaller they are, the better life will be.

You guys may be strangers/acquaintances but at least a good number of you have a fair bit of experience and knowledge. You’re not completely random.
What I’ve found on this site and in general is that with scientific subject matter, most knowledgable folks will point me in roughly the same direction and the right direction. From their advice, I can deduce something that’s probably worth trying. If it doesn’t work out, no worries. The experience will still help me refine my knowledge

Let’s use making money as an analogy for making gains. Making good money’s good, but refining your method can allow you to make better money (better gains) from the same number of hours.

I don’t make significant changes to my method often. Usually I just change my schedule a little if need be or change some habits. Maybe try a different exercise and see how it feels.

As for U Acid. If further research suggests to me that you can maintain the gains from it long-term, I might use it year-round. I just don’t want to spend money on temporary gains like those offered by rhaponticum

I’ll take all of this into consideration and have more faith in what works for me.
As for U Acid. If further research suggests to me that you can maintain the gains from it long-term, I might use it year-round. I just don’t want to spend money on temporary gains like those offered by rhaponticum

If you thikn spending $500 on U.Acid is going to illict great results, in a year put that money towards your groceries and let me know how much better that does for you. This is not even arguable. That is just being narrow minded and a true supplement whore.
I recently started my bulking season and would like to bulk up as efficiently (there are different definitions, I’m open to hearing all of them) as possible.
I’ve been training fasted for years now and am used to it but I’m considering experimenting with having a pre-workout meal and/or adding low GI intra-workout carbs to my intra-workout shake which is currently comprised of an intra-workout mix (Controlled Labs Purple Wraath + OL endur3), AAKG and HMB.
I’m currently making strength gains every session and good strength gains 9/10 sessions whilst training fasted.

What would be the pros and cons of having a pre-workout meal and of adding low GI carbs to my intra, compared to training fasted?

For the pre-workout meal, what would you guys suggest?
I’ve read that 25-50g carbs with a protein source high in leucine’s best.

For the intra-workout carbs I’m thinking highly branched cyclic-dextrin or that stuff made by a Japanese company (I forget the name). What would you suggest?

I use intra workout carbs on certain days. I use them on days where I cannot get a decent amount of carbs in me because I am training early morning or on the days I squat and deadlift. I use them on those days because my pre workout meal is very light because I cannot squat or deadlift comfortably with a lot of food in me pre workout. Even if I give myself three hours to digest a meal pre workout, I still feel as though it negatively impacts my lifting on those two days.

I would try regular Gatorade at first. I use Gatorade and IntraMax. Some people do not like Gatorade because it bloats them, but if it does not, I would opt for that since it is a lot cheaper. Another product I keep in the rotation is Glycofuse by Gaspari.
I recently started my bulking season and would like to bulk up as efficiently (there are different definitions, I’m open to hearing all of them) as possible.
I’ve been training fasted for years now and am used to it but I’m considering experimenting with having a pre-workout meal and/or adding low GI intra-workout carbs to my intra-workout shake which is currently comprised of an intra-workout mix (Controlled Labs Purple Wraath + OL endur3), AAKG and HMB.
I’m currently making strength gains every session and good strength gains 9/10 sessions whilst training fasted.

What would be the pros and cons of having a pre-workout meal and of adding low GI carbs to my intra, compared to training fasted?

For the pre-workout meal, what would you guys suggest?
I’ve read that 25-50g carbs with a protein source high in leucine’s best.

For the intra-workout carbs I’m thinking highly branched cyclic-dextrin or that stuff made by a Japanese company (I forget the name). What would you suggest?

I use intra workout carbs on certain days. I use them on days where I cannot get a decent amount of carbs in me because I am training early morning or on the days I squat and deadlift. I use them on those days because my pre workout meal is very light because I cannot squat or deadlift comfortably with a lot of food in me pre workout. Even if I give myself three hours to digest a meal pre workout, I still feel as though it negatively impacts my lifting on those two days.

I would try regular Gatorade at first. I use Gatorade and IntraMax. Some people do not like Gatorade because it bloats them, but if it does not, I would opt for that since it is a lot cheaper. Another product I keep in the rotation is Glycofuse by Gaspari.
I recently started my bulking season and would like to bulk up as efficiently (there are different definitions, I’m open to hearing all of them) as possible.
I’ve been training fasted for years now and am used to it but I’m considering experimenting with having a pre-workout meal and/or adding low GI intra-workout carbs to my intra-workout shake which is currently comprised of an intra-workout mix (Controlled Labs Purple Wraath + OL endur3), AAKG and HMB.
I’m currently making strength gains every session and good strength gains 9/10 sessions whilst training fasted.

What would be the pros and cons of having a pre-workout meal and of adding low GI carbs to my intra, compared to training fasted?

For the pre-workout meal, what would you guys suggest?
I’ve read that 25-50g carbs with a protein source high in leucine’s best.

For the intra-workout carbs I’m thinking highly branched cyclic-dextrin or that stuff made by a Japanese company (I forget the name). What would you suggest?

I use intra workout carbs on certain days. I use them on days where I cannot get a decent amount of carbs in me because I am training early morning or on the days I squat and deadlift. I use them on those days because my pre workout meal is very light because I cannot squat or deadlift comfortably with a lot of food in me pre workout. Even if I give myself three hours to digest a meal pre workout, I still feel as though it negatively impacts my lifting on those two days.

I would try regular Gatorade at first. I use Gatorade and IntraMax. Some people do not like Gatorade because it bloats them, but if it does not, I would opt for that since it is a lot cheaper. Another product I keep in the rotation is Glycofuse by Gaspari.
I recently started my bulking season and would like to bulk up as efficiently (there are different definitions, I’m open to hearing all of them) as possible.
I’ve been training fasted for years now and am used to it but I’m considering experimenting with having a pre-workout meal and/or adding low GI intra-workout carbs to my intra-workout shake which is currently comprised of an intra-workout mix (Controlled Labs Purple Wraath + OL endur3), AAKG and HMB.
I’m currently making strength gains every session and good strength gains 9/10 sessions whilst training fasted.

What would be the pros and cons of having a pre-workout meal and of adding low GI carbs to my intra, compared to training fasted?

For the pre-workout meal, what would you guys suggest?
I’ve read that 25-50g carbs with a protein source high in leucine’s best.

For the intra-workout carbs I’m thinking highly branched cyclic-dextrin or that stuff made by a Japanese company (I forget the name). What would you suggest?

I use intra workout carbs on certain days. I use them on days where I cannot get a decent amount of carbs in me because I am training early morning or on the days I squat and deadlift. I use them on those days because my pre workout meal is very light because I cannot squat or deadlift comfortably with a lot of food in me pre workout. Even if I give myself three hours to digest a meal pre workout, I still feel as though it negatively impacts my lifting on those two days.

I would try regular Gatorade at first. I use Gatorade and IntraMax. Some people do not like Gatorade because it bloats them, but if it does not, I would opt for that since it is a lot cheaper. Another product I keep in the rotation is Glycofuse by Gaspari.