pick 2 olympians and call the pose


This is great!! From the 2007 Mr.O
Dennis Wolf takes the cake up next to Jay Cutler.

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cutler is blocky and his waiste is disgusting. wolf has a harder and more striated appearance. his traps are much better and his delts almost rival mine!
Markus Ruhl is by far my favorite, good find btw Trip. Ronnie is just to damn huge, he doesn't even resemble a human anymore. His gut just kill's me, I just meant him at this year's arnold and if you seen him in a hoodie or something you would just think he is a fat big guy because his v-taper just isn't proportioned right. Dextor Jackson IMO probably has the best all around physique though.
Wolf didnt place higher, JUST because he's a newbie. He looks unreal....needs some serious calves though.
Wow. Wolf looked better than jay in 80% of those shots. Jay's bigger, but his proprtions and cuts didn't look nearly as good (atleast in those photos.
Bodybuilders today bring a shame to what bodybuilding used to be. But out of the guys now I got to say top 3 is Wolf, Vic, and Dex.
Vic Martinez vs Dennis Wolf.. Thus Vic wins on symmetry check his bowling ball delts are AMAZING and he makes this look effortless!
still the way the ifbb works is based on who will make them the most money as a mr.olympia.. the idea is to draw a croud and as mr.olympia you need to be bringing in the fans.
Wolf has the most impressive most muscular IMO. The way his traps and shoulders tie in is ridiculous. In some of his magazine shots it looks like his traps tie into the top of his upper pecs, it's fricken insane.

I like Victor M's build overall and also his attitude & personality is really chill.

Jay's getting better with his social skills, I think he's taking PR courses or something, but I used to get so damn bored listening to his soft spoken, monotone & apathetic sounding interviews.