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What are Pheromones?

Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby. They are well documented in the animal kingdom as the force that controls all social behavior, including mating. Scientists are now finding that human behavior is also heavily influenced by these invisible airborne chemicals.

Scientists have long known that odors and subliminal scents - sex attractants or pheromones - influence how animals develop, mate, bond, and nurture their offspring. Recently, scientists discovered that human animals are no exception. Odors can accelerate puberty, control women's menstrual cycles, and even influence sexual orientation. They help us tell lovers and family members from strangers and let mothers and infants bond. Odors affect how often we have sex, and with whom. They influence how the brain develops, what we remember, and how we learn. (James Kohl - Researcher)
Are your pheromones human or animal?

They are all human pheromones. No company uses animal pheromones anymore. That was a problem long ago, maybe, but not now. Nowadays the pheromones you find in popular products are made in a laboratory. It is just as easy to make human pheromones as it is to make animal pheromones, so there is not much point in making the wrong ones. Long ago musk perfume used to come exclusively from the animal known as the musk deer. Nowadays we can make that in a lab too, so the animals are safe from slaughter.

Some companies try to scare their customers by telling them about the use of animal pheromones, but it is just propaganda, so they are probably the ones you should worry about. No company uses animal pheromones anymore, but some companies use very very little pheromones or even none at all. THAT is what you have to worry about, not animal pheromones.
Do pheromones have a smell? I thought they were scentless.

Anyone who owns a bottle of Primal Instinct or AFA or NPA can tell you that if you get a good nose full of androstenone that it has a smell. It is a musky, smell that some customers have even described as "BO". That is what one particular pheromone (androstenone) smells like. The "scentless" claim just means that pheromones are effective at levels undetectable with our normal smelling system. The magic mood-lift and attraction that users report comes as the result of the activation of a special set of organs in the nose, called the VNO (vomeronasal organs) not our normal sense of smell. So, the real pheromone effect happens subconsciously, and doesn't require that others get that musky smell. It's like the subliminal message on self-help tapes. The sound is there and you can hear it, but it slips in underneath other sounds on the tape. The pheromone smell is there, but you don't really notice it, because of other smells. That is why many people use a good cologne (or naturally scented oil) with unscented pheromone products like Primal Instinct. It blends with the pheromone smell and makes it a little more digestible (approachable). Also, if you are wearing a sexy cologne or perfume, it will wake up the sense of smell of your target, he/she will intentionally make an effort to get a good whiff of you, and then the pheromones go to work. The fragrance works as a carrier for the pheromones.
What does "VNO" mean??

VNO stands for Vomeronasal Organs. They are 2 small sensory organs located in the nose that operate separately from the part of our nose that detect normal smells. The VNO is used by the body to detect pheromones only. Some say the VNO represents a 6th sense!
Are these just for heterosexuals?

Pheromones are not just for heterosexuals or any kind of "sexuals" for that matter. Pheromones can be used to make you seem and feel more attractive and youthful to those around you regardless of your goals, sexual or otherwise. Whether you are male or female gay or straight, I am convinced that supplemental pheromones can enrich your social life.
What is the difference between androstenone and androstenol?

They are both testosterone-linked pheromones and produced in different ratios on the bodies of both men and women. Some people say that androstenone is more "male", "macho" or "strong" than androstenol. Primal Instinct contains only androstenone, and is proud of the fact, while the product "Attraction" and most of the Stone Lab products contain both.
I read that alcohol destroys pheromones. Is that true?

No, there is no evidence that alcohol destroys pheromones. In fact, alcohol may destroy bacteria that can break pheromones down slowly over time. Pure oil-base pheromone samples and products like Primal Instinct do seem to lose some potency with age, but it is a slow process that takes years and can be avoided to some extent by storing such products away from sunlight and heat, and keeping the cap on tightly.

Bottom line is... there are products that are entirely oil-base (eg: Primal Instinct); products that are entirely alcohol-base (eg: the Edge); and products that contain both alcohol and oil (eg: the Stone Lab products). All three have their fans for various reasons. Rumors that one or the other type is useless have probably been created by marketing propaganda.

Why are there so many products, what is the difference?

All the products on the site are reputable and you get what you pay for. In the case of Primal Instinct though, which is very expensive, the high price is due to the extremely high pheromone content. It is not any more effective than say APC, which has the same TYPE of pheromone in it. It just lasts a very long time, since you only need to use 2 drops per application. The others have different pheromone mixtures and many have fragrance added. You could take a look at the "pheromone forum" (link on our main page) for some user stories. All our brands have big fans.

Be careful of bootleg products and web sites. There are many phonies popping up. One has an address very similar to ours and looks almost the same. Watch out for that. All our pheromone products are the originals and carry a guarantee.
How do I choose?

If you have the time and want to make a truly educated decision, I would read as much as you can of the material located in the Pheromone Reference Library. There is a link in there to the Pheromone Forum, which is also valuable in making a decision. See: Invalid Link Removed
What is good for beginners?

There is usually a "Beginner's Special" or "Duo/Combo" of some sort available at the top of the home page that offers 1-2 of the leading products at a discount price and often with great supporting services/products and special guarantee for new folks ("Newbie Guarantee")
Attracting members of the same sex

There is now some scientific evidence that seems to indicate that gay men produce pheromones that are quite different from those produced by heterosexual males. (soon to be published article by James V. Kohl) Even though there are a few pheromone products on the market that were created for the gay community, I doubt that they are using any of this promising new technology. So, for the time being gay men and lesbians have only products designed for heterosexuals to choose from. Keeping in mind that pheromones are a bit like clothing or make up in that they can create certain style or image changes including making us appear and feel more masculine or feminine, I think that the current pheromone product selection may well be of use to some gays and lesbians who want to adjust their masculinity/femininity one way or the other. Furthermore there are a few products that have been embraced by both men and women recently. These generally do not contain the mostly masculine pheromone androstenone, and may be a good choice for either gay men or lesbians. These are:
Scent of Eros (bottled oil or gel packets)
Attraction (scented spray)
Primal Instinct for women (concentrated unscented oil originally designed for women, but contains almost entirely the unisex pheromone androsteNOL and is in use by almost as many men as women at present)
What is the difference between manufacturers?

Know your manufacturer! Manufacturers tend to produce products of similar genre/effectiveness/price range.
The top manufacturers are:
LaCroy Chemical
Stone Research Lab
Primal Instinct Inc
Is Primal Instinct your best product?

Primal clearly has the greatest concentration of androstenone we sell, but there are other factors that sometimes make other products a better choice. Every product sold at has its loyal followers. Actually, the price of Primal is due to the extremely high pheromone content. You don't need that much at any one time. The manufacturer recommends only 2 drops per application, so a 10ml bottle lasts a LONG time. It is not any more effective than say NPA (male formula), which includes the same TYPE of pheromone in it. It just lasts a very long time, since you only need to use 2 drops per application.
How long do they last?

Pheromones hold up much longer than normal cologne, but if you apply them to the body, quite a bit is washed away or broken down in the first 4-6 hours. Actual breakdown time depends VERY much on body heat, sweating, and personal body chemistry; so in the winter on your wrists the scent might last much longer, and if it gets onto your clothing, it can last for days or weeks! The Edge can be applied to clothing directly and will last for weeks or until washed out.
What is all this I hear about mixing two or more products together?

Take a look at our live user Pheromone Forum and you will quickly notice that experienced pheromone users often mix two or more products together in order to achieve synergistic effects greater than can be had with a single product. This type of mixing requires some skill and practice to perform successfully, but guidance can be found in the Pheromone Forum and the Pheromone Cookbook both of which can be accessed via the Love Scent Reference Library located at:
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How do I make the most of pheromones?

Remember that pheromones are tools. It takes a little practice to learn to work with them.

Men: Be the "good guy"! Pheromones give you an aura of power, but that can be scary for shy women if you look grumpy or like a "lone wolf". Always look for opportunities to be helpful and supportive of women. Let them know that your power will be used to protect rather than exploit.

Women: Be approachable! If you suffer from the "ice maiden" syndrome, pheromones are only going to push you further out of reach, even to guys you would love to get to know. You don't necessarily have to make the first move, but be ready to come up with a warm smile and maybe even a cheerful "hello" if you happen to make eye contact with a guy.

Everybody: Practice makes perfect. Don't wait for Mr. or Ms. perfect to come along before you start acting like a friendly sensual human being. Start now. Be friendly; be helpful; be funny. Don't be like the crazy old man shouting at his wood stove: "Damn it ! I'll give you some wood as soon as you give me some heat!" People love to be loved. People love to be with folks who look like they are having a good time. Women in particular are often looking for someone whose life is headed in a positive direction. Chemistry is only half the picture you give to folks. Humans are more complex/social/spiritual than other animals. It takes more than a spray of pheromones to get where you are heading.
How and where do I apply pheromones?

For starters, try all the normal perfume spots: wrists, behind the ears, throat, and chest. Next level: inside of elbows and knees if exposed. Women report success with ankles and thighs. Requiring more caution but reportedly very effective for pheromones in the right amounts are: arm pits, hair and pubis. Unscented sprays are often applied to clothing collars and cuffs for long term use. Watch out for over-application and staining of fine material.
Can I mix phero's with my own cologne or perfume?

Yes, mixing pheromones with cologne or perfume is a great way to use pheromones. We usually recommend you use an unscented pheromone to mix with your current cologne or perfume. Cologne fragrances are generally very complex and adding one scented product to another can lead to unexpected results. Be careful or leave that to the pros.
How do I mix and use pheromones?

Pheromone Colognes (dab-on oils)** (Passion Pheromone Attractant, Passion Copulin Concentrate, and Pheromol Factor) These products can be dabbed on like normal oil-base colognes. Let your nose be your guide for the amount. You may notice the initial fragrance transforming into the more musky residual pheromone smell underneath as time passes.

Scented Concentrates (scented Edge, scented Primal Instinct, Alter Ego, scented Attraction) These are extremely concentrated products that have a simple organic fragrance added to help mask the underlying musky smell of the pheromones, which on their own and in large amounts can be offensive. As with the colognes, your nose can be your guide to the optimal application amount but more caution is advised than with the above colognes.

Unscented Concentrates (unscented Edge, unscented Primal Instinct, unscented Attraction and Andro 4.2) These products are extremely concentrated and present the possibility of "pheromone OD" (overdose), as they contain no added fragrance to mask the portion of the pheromone "scent" which can be consciously detected with the nose. In extreme cases this smell has been compared to "body odor", so some caution is advised. Since about 25% of US males are unable to detect the smell of their own predominant pheromone (androstenone) and presumably another portion are somewhat impaired in that ability, the nose is not always a dependable guide in determining how much is too much. Furthermore, the environment, setting and personal preferences of the intended target are all going to play a major role in determining the optimal amount so a LOT of experimentation is recommended. There is often a fine line between "Damn! this guy makes me horny!" and "Damn! this dude needs a shower!" and the old adage of "One man's (or woman's) medicine is another's poison" was never more appropriate than in the use of pheromones. A good cologne is also highly recommended with these products. Dosage? Start with one spray (Edge and Attraction) or 1-2 drops (Primal) and work your way up. Especially when used with a good cologne, larger amounts of these products have been found to be very effective depending on the environment. Just be careful; experiment a lot and don't allow the occasional "OD disaster" to throw you off the path to success.

Additive Products (New Pheromone Additive NPA, Androstenone Fragrance Additive AFA) These are extremely concentrated formulae which are designed to be added to your own cologne. You should receive a separate instruction sheet with these products. Please refer to that for details on mixing. A pocket sized atomizer available at or your local pharmacy is very handy for mixing up small batches and keeping them ready for use "in the field." Plastic (no needle) syringes, also available at your local pharmacy may prove useful for extracting controlled amounts from the Additive bottles. New Pheromone Additive has a plastic dropper top which many customers find useful, but it can also be easily removed for pouring or to allow the insertion of a glass eye-dropper or measuring syringe.

Super Primal Essential Oils These oils come in a handy dropper bottle and are reputed to contain some androstenol, but their primary use is to add fragrance to the powerful unscented (though often "stinky") pheromone products like Edge, Andro 4.2, and Primal Instinct. For this task they are very well suited. If you have a spare empty atomizer fill it half way with Edge or Andro and squirt in a dropper-full of SP e-oil. Give it a shake and see what you get. Carefully add more, testing as you go along, until you get something that smells good after it has been applied and dried for a few minutes. You can also trying adding the SP e-oil directly into the Edge or Andro bottle, if you think you have a good idea what ratio you are looking for. With the oil-base Primal Instinct, you may want to try the reverse, adding the Primal directly into the SP e-oil bottle. An empty roll-top bottle is handy for quick application and safe packing in pocket or purse.

Un-rated pheromone colognes (Yes, Lure, IR colognes, APC) These are pheromone containing colognes for which we have no clear data on the pheromone content, or as is the case with APC, we have the data, but it is not that impressive. Nevertheless, customers keep coming back for them all even as stand-alone products; they smell great; and they can be effectively spiked with potent additive products like NPA or AFA. APC is still a major force as a fragrance base for mixing products.

The Kit (Pheromone chemistry sets) These are only for seasoned phero-gurus. Some basic information comes with the set, but they are very new and mainly for experimental purposes. The first few owners of them doubtlessly know more about them already than we do. Check the forum for the latest news.
Is it better to apply to the skin or to clothing?

Both skin and clothing applications are effective in their own way. Due to body heat pheromones applied to the skin evaporate very fast putting them into "effect" very quickly. This may be what you want in some cases, but it also means the active ingredients get used up very quickly. In addition, pheromones applied to the skin also get washed away by sweat and broken down by bacteria on the skin. Unscented spray products like Edge are easily applied to clothing. Just keep in mind that the "scent" will be on there for a LONG time, and may take several washings to come off completely. You may want to be careful of delicate fabric too.
What kind of expectations can I have?

You can expect a lot from high quality concentrated Phero products like Primal Instinct, AFA, SOE and The Edge etc. It just takes a little while to get good at "using" them. Some companies say you begin to see results slowly over time. I think that may be true, but the reason is that pheromones are more of a tool than a magic wand. You have to learn to work with them. What you have there is a top of the line tennis racket. It takes practice to make the most of it.

Tips for men: First of all keep in mind what a high-end andro product does. It makes you more attractive in a male sort of a way, more manly, studly or whatever. That is a good thing for attracting most women, but keep in mind that generally you have to look friendly. You have to temper the stud thing with Mr. helpful or you are going to have a hard time breaking the ice with most women. Primal makes you seem more powerful but I can tell you from experience that women have to get the feeling that you are going to use that power to protect them and not control or exploit them. Weak and helpful is a loser, but tough and mean also loses. If you walk into a convenience store looking like Clint Eastwood, you aren't going to get anybody approaching you.

Tips for women: Be mysterious, be seductive but be approachable. Fear is your worst enemy, both in yourself and in the guys you would like to meet. Help make the "ice" easily broken; be generous with your warm smile and "hello"; then just let the chemistry take its course.
I have tried using various amount and product, but I did not got any response, what is wrong, or what can I do?

A. When in doubt, cut back on the pheros; start light and work up slowly; just one spray of strong spray products like the Edge is often plenty. Less is often more and your own personal body chemistry dictates what works for you; not the type and amount of pheros that works so well for your roommate.

B. Beware of the "BO" effect. Androstenone-heavy products like Primal and Edge have a musky though elusive smell, which many women depending on culture, upbringing, relationship status and "time of the month" perceive as dirty or invasive. As many as 25% of all US males can not detect this smell at all, so be careful! Most women can smell it very well. If you are having trouble, try one small spray (or dab) of such products on each wrist and apply some cologne over the top. Then rub your wrists together. I do that during the day for business situations, and it seems to work well.

C. Next, it is VERY important to look approachable/safe. Men in particular have to watch out for the CEE (Clint Eastwood Effect) with the androstenone-heavy products. Make sure you don't look scary or like a "lone wolf". If you have a history of that problem, this type of product is only going to intensify the situation. Be friendly and helpful without putting pressure on people, and never be afraid to smile at someone. It is a very powerful force.

D. Once you have the stage set for romance, there is still the matter of simply "rolling the dice". It doesn't always come up 7, but the pheros will improve your odds. Just relax and enjoy the ride. Everyone wants to be friends with someone who looks like he/she is having a good time. So, "don't worry, be happy."

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Re: Pheromone Additive Use?

Also, I personally wouldn't use NPA only... the high `none content can cause problems if not balanced out by some `nol and `rone. The unscented SOE works well, and you might want to consider unscented "The Edge" for an easier time controlling the dose of `none that you apply.

Don't spend so much for pheromone cologne!!!

Everyone appreciates information, but sometimes we just have to pull the trigger. Thanks for the insight!

I have found that pheromone cologne is sometimes way too expensive for what you get. From the research done online from avid purchasers, it seems like the price point of around $20-$30 us just fine, otherwise buyers are just purchasing affiliate costs.

Came across a couple that work just fine and won't charge $30+ for the same ingredients and effect!



Any other suggestions??