Pheromones that WORK?!?!?

You pretty much answer everything for your fellow men. However again from a woman perspective, if you treat yourself with respect...a woman would do the same thing, so vise versa.

and confidence. but keep in mind there's a big difference between confidence and ****iness and it is a fine line to be sure. most women like and are attracted to confidence. there's a few rules that i like to go by and these define how i treat the woman I'm with.

1. treat them like a woman. pull their chair out, open the door (both car and entrance), just basically have some manners for Christ sakes. watch most any movie from the 20's to the 50's and watch how men treat they're women (for the most part)

2. do your best to be honest. i know it will not happen all the time but make an effort, they know when we're lying anyway.

3. i shouldn't even have to mention this, but don't cheat on your GF, wife or whatever. here's how i look at cheating, if i want to sleep with someone else and am seriosly considering it, then the relationship is all ready over between us.

now, there's a few things i would like to explain about what i just wrote. if at any point you being a nice guy means that she thinks she can walk all over you then at that point you need to make it clear that just because you do nice things for her, all that can be undone in a minute if it's not appreciated or if being nice is confused with being weak. and the things i outlined above, i will be the first to admit that i don't do them all perfectly sometimes and will still fail in the future. I've done something recently that I'm not to proud of (there's a thread about it here) but i made a small mistake and am not going to do it again. a hard part about being a nice guy is doing it for the long haul and not just when the relationship is new. some women like nice guys and some don't so choose wisely who you treat well, some women are just not worth it. and do yourself a favor, don't listen to small minded people who say things like "dude your whipped" or similar crap like that, just because they are a douche and jump from one woman to the next doesn't mean you have to. now keep in mind I'm 33 not 23 so my out look on life and relationships has changed over the last 10 years, if you're young or if you're old and still want to run around then go for it, theres nothing wrong with that but you can have a little respect for them while you're doing that. if you think all woman are whores and you treat them that way then two things are certain, you will die alone or with someone who could not do better and you will never attract a woman who is stable and happy with her self and willing to treat you well......

just my rambling......
Studies on pure wolverine urine look promising. Making sure you are getting high quality product is the most difficult part.
Testim gel. Rub it on and watch the women flock.
WTH. 2 year bump for the hump?

Sex Panther
60% of the time it works every time.
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I've been using pheromones for a couple years now, on and off, well there is a quite good brands out there.

At this moment I have 3 brands
1st is from haxpheromones
1 bottle X22 and 1 bottle of C4 and no that is not the C4 from pre-workout that I also use ahahah

2nd fromalpha-dream
1-bottle License to Kill

3rd from pureguilt
1- botttle Classic Man & 1- bottle of Mr. CEO

Some of them i use on a daily bassis.
Pheromones have made a big difference with my mental issues and help to make me feel better and not so sad and hopeless. I use Pherazone.
The marketers and promoters of different pheromone brands are widely spread in the Web. I can't get truly opinion about the effectiveness of this. The one way to prove or disapprove it is to try it by yourself.
I think I might try that Baphomet stuff from Hax. See if my wife treats me any different. That’s the real test. Hah, I can see it now, “You stink.” she’ll say.
Pheromones? You’re better off with rubbing some androhard/stanogen/ultra hard on your neck…Then shooting a spray or two of a good cologne over it
I read recently that some women are rubbing their vaginal juices on themselves like perfume to attract men. It's called "vabbing". I guess the male equivalent would be ball sweat?
I've tried a few pheromone colognes throughout my time and the thing that actually worked the best was Ultra Hard - I swear, everytime I'm running Ultra Hard women know it! That androsterone and epiandrosterone combo and increased DHT really does get them going. I do notice I'm more musky when i use it, but women seem to just go crazy.

I have a gf now and she's always all over me when I'm running it. But, in the single days...I had more female attention. I go to a lot of concerts/music festivals and I went to one two weeks ago in LA. been running UH most of October and I had a group of sorority girls swarm me - I went solo and these early 20's girls were all over me.
I've tried a few pheromone colognes throughout my time and the thing that actually worked the best was Ultra Hard - I swear, everytime I'm running Ultra Hard women know it! That androsterone and epiandrosterone combo and increased DHT really does get them going. I do notice I'm more musky when i use it, but women seem to just go crazy.

I have a gf now and she's always all over me when I'm running it. But, in the single days...I had more female attention. I go to a lot of concerts/music festivals and I went to one two weeks ago in LA. been running UH most of October and I had a group of sorority girls swarm me - I went solo and these early 20's girls were all over me.
This wouldn't be a sales pitch would it? lol! If it is, I'm sold!

Still there has to be something; I've seen some very attractive women with dog sh*t looking dudes. Not just in looks but in attitude too and these girls (many of them very sweet and nice) are with these turds. The only explanation is that the guys have musky vapors and maybe horse sized c*cks.
I've tried a few pheromone colognes throughout my time and the thing that actually worked the best was Ultra Hard - I swear, everytime I'm running Ultra Hard women know it! That androsterone and epiandrosterone combo and increased DHT really does get them going. I do notice I'm more musky when i use it, but women seem to just go crazy.

I have a gf now and she's always all over me when I'm running it. But, in the single days...I had more female attention. I go to a lot of concerts/music festivals and I went to one two weeks ago in LA. been running UH most of October and I had a group of sorority girls swarm me - I went solo and these early 20's girls were all over me.

Is this a pheromone or is it the transdermal cream?
This wouldn't be a sales pitch would it? lol! If it is, I'm sold!

Still there has to be something; I've seen some very attractive women with dog sh*t looking dudes. Not just in looks but in attitude too and these girls (many of them very sweet and nice) are with these turds. The only explanation is that the guys have musky vapors and maybe horse sized c*cks.
I see couples like this and it makes me have to reevaluate everything I thought I knew about the universe. Rare you see an attractive woman w a short guy. They will climb on top of an ugly dude if he is 6’plus. Being 5’6” is lady repellent. Lucky for me, my better half has a Lollipop Guild fetish from the Wizard of Oz. 🤣🤣🤣🫠
I've tried a few pheromone colognes throughout my time and the thing that actually worked the best was Ultra Hard - I swear, everytime I'm running Ultra Hard women know it! That androsterone and epiandrosterone combo and increased DHT really does get them going. I do notice I'm more musky when i use it, but women seem to just go crazy.

I have a gf now and she's always all over me when I'm running it. But, in the single days...I had more female attention. I go to a lot of concerts/music festivals and I went to one two weeks ago in LA. been running UH most of October and I had a group of sorority girls swarm me - I went solo and these early 20's girls were all over me.
This is hilarious , gonna try it