OTC Bridging Supplements


Hey Bro's, wondering what kind of over the counter supplements for post cycle AAS/ph/ps y'all have tried and your experiences.
I'm almost a week into my 4 week first ph/ps cycle of 1t-pro. I will be using 6-oxo, fuzu, zma, extra efa, and eca (small and frequent) for my post cycle needs. Ill be sure to post how they work for me. 6-oxo seems be to getting some pretty good real world results. Hopefully we can make it even better by putting it in a transdermal. Anyone else?
Standard goods I know of OTC:

6-oxo, flax (or other efa), FUZU (or other trib for libido), ZMA. Some use vitex though as well. I gave up on ZMA though, never seems to do much for me.
Sorry, you did mean non Anti-e's? If not then we get into all the 6-oxo, formestat, viratase discussions. I've only used 6-oxo for an OTC anti-e, and it seemed to work well form what could be observed. Viratase seems to have taken a backseat lately, although Wardog has said he liked it. Formestane is up in the air so far, too new I guess for major reporting (and much fighting about it from the drama twins Bill and Pat).
jweave23 said:
Sorry, you did mean non Anti-e's? If not then we get into all the 6-oxo, formestat, viratase discussions. I've only used 6-oxo for an OTC anti-e, and it seemed to work well form what could be observed. Viratase seems to have taken a backseat lately, although Wardog has said he liked it. Formestane is up in the air so far, too new I guess for major reporting (and much fighting about it from the drama twins Bill and Pat).

I meant anything OTC that you have taken to help recover from a cycle. Would like to hear what you have tried and its effectiveness. Why you thought it worked/didn't work.
6-OXO worked very well when I tried it. Bridging is a whole other ballpark, and basically is BS.
Guess I should put what I have tried. Flax, ZMA, eca,tribulus fuel, and 6-OXO. To be honest with you I have never really had that hard of a time recovering. Probably b/c I have only done fairly light(both in length and dosage)cycles of ph/ps. Or maybe the post cycle supps worked.

I only have one comment to make about any of these supps. The 6-OXO made me depressed. I mean really depressed. The good thing was when I stopped, I felt better almost immediately.
labrad said:

I only have one comment to make about any of these supps. The 6-OXO made me depressed. I mean really depressed. The good thing was when I stopped, I felt better almost immediately.

Anti-E's have a tendency to do that, especially Clomid.
YellowJacket said:
Bromo combats the Clomid PMSing nicely.

No it doesn't......

Ok, fine, it does. :D
Also you might want to try a mild ECA. For some its seems it works as an anti-depressent, present company included. Plus its anti-catabolic.
Bobo, guess I should have called this thread OTC post cycle supplements.

YJ, i know I'll take a ribbing for this, but what is bromo?
check the post over in the steriod section about bromo posted by YJ


I noticed that 6-oxo did make me depressed also...
labrad said:
Bobo, guess I should have called this thread OTC post cycle supplements.

YJ, i know I'll take a ribbing for this, but what is bromo?

Yeah, bridging is whole different thing. Usually involves D-bol, Winny, etc... in low dosages. Its also shown to be BS.
I haven't tried 6 oxo yet, but have used Viratase and Biotest M. They work well, and I never experienced any depression.
Bobo, you better emphasize MILD eca, because when I first get on the stronger ones, like Xenadrine or Thermadrene, I get terribly depressed and anxiety riddled.
John Benz said:

Bobo, you better emphasize MILD eca, because when I first get on the stronger ones, like Xenadrine or Thermadrene, I get terribly depressed and anxiety riddled.

Thats because your nuts to begin with :D

I think my body is immune now....I can take 3 Ripped Fuel extreme and feel fine ;)