jweave23 said:Sorry, you did mean non Anti-e's? If not then we get into all the 6-oxo, formestat, viratase discussions. I've only used 6-oxo for an OTC anti-e, and it seemed to work well form what could be observed. Viratase seems to have taken a backseat lately, although Wardog has said he liked it. Formestane is up in the air so far, too new I guess for major reporting (and much fighting about it from the drama twins Bill and Pat).
labrad said:
I only have one comment to make about any of these supps. The 6-OXO made me depressed. I mean really depressed. The good thing was when I stopped, I felt better almost immediately.
YellowJacket said:Bromo combats the Clomid PMSing nicely.
labrad said:Bobo, guess I should have called this thread OTC post cycle supplements.
YJ, i know I'll take a ribbing for this, but what is bromo?
John Benz said:
Bobo, you better emphasize MILD eca, because when I first get on the stronger ones, like Xenadrine or Thermadrene, I get terribly depressed and anxiety riddled.