Origins of AnabolicMinds


New member
I’ve been following AM for many years. In fact, so long that I can’t even remember all the early years. Was AM started by a guy that called himself Bobo? And i vaguely remember a moderator that went by the handle ManBeast and his goal was “to get a damn six pack!”
I’m probably dating myself but just curious if anyone recalls those days.
I've been here since 2005 and remember a lot of people from back then.

I remember when Par Deus and a few others were so ahead of their time on the level of scientific info that they provided back then.
What I love about the community. Most give honest advice and are truly out to help. So many great people have passed through the community and helped a lot.
I've been here since 2005 and remember a lot of people from back then.

I remember when Par Deus and a few others were so ahead of their time on the level of scientific info that they provided back then.

Avant labs? Long time ago.
Avant labs? Long time ago.

Yes, it was. I'm not sure if you knew, but Par is the chief science advisor for Xtreme Performance Gels.