I tought that lemons increase acidity!!!meathead1987 said:Lemons are also excellent for this.
meathead, do you know of any other foods that help with pH shift to alkaline ?meathead1987 said:Fruit would be the only high(ish) GI food that I would keep in my diet(no dex/malto) for a variety of reasons. Watermelon is especially good as not only is it high in citrulline(especially in the rind) but also shifts the pH of the body to the alkaline side. As BBers it is important we do this and both protein and carbs increase acidity. Lemons are also excellent for this. Jminis, have you ever tried the watermelon pre workout, ~30mins before working out? The NO effects are even better that way.
meathead1987 said:Fruit would be the only high(ish) GI food that I would keep in my diet(no dex/malto) for a variety of reasons. Watermelon is especially good as not only is it high in citrulline(especially in the rind) but also shifts the pH of the body to the alkaline side. As BBers it is important we do this and both protein and carbs increase acidity. Lemons are also excellent for this. Jminis, have you ever tried the watermelon pre workout, ~30mins before working out? The NO effects are even better that way.
I would assume that too, but I was told by a nutritionalist that it has the opposite effect. he said it already is acidic, so needs to be neutralised to be digested, hence more alkaline conditions are promoted.djsasiccio said:I tought that lemons increase acidity!!!
meathead1987 said:I would assume that too, but I was told by a nutritionalist that it has the opposite effect. he said it already is acidic, so needs to be neutralised to be digested, hence more alkaline conditions are promoted.
And as for other foods that are alkalike:
any friut/vegetable
millet(the only alkalike carb source, others all shift the pH to acidic)
almonds(the only alkaline nut)
Apple cider vinegar(I use 30ml 3x a day)
Unfortunately all decent protein sources are acidic.
Yeah I eat it everyday all day bro, I love the stuff. It seems to keep my muscles full all day when I eat it on a regular basis and the pumps in the gym are an added bonus. :dance: You know its funny. Whenever I get my supps from natural sources instead of manufactured powders the effects are always 10x better. Hrmm makes you thinkmeathead1987 said:Fruit would be the only high(ish) GI food that I would keep in my diet(no dex/malto) for a variety of reasons. Watermelon is especially good as not only is it high in citrulline(especially in the rind) but also shifts the pH of the body to the alkaline side. As BBers it is important we do this and both protein and carbs increase acidity. Lemons are also excellent for this. Jminis, have you ever tried the watermelon pre workout, ~30mins before working out? The NO effects are even better that way.
I have engaged in discussion regarding this before. For some, an endo like myself, I believe, and have seen (anecdotal) that it does not really matter that much, as far as I can tell, as long as my daily protein is requirement is met. The reasons I try to use a slower digesting protein before bed is that I train very early in the AM and have nothing more than a shake pre w/o. I am trying to optimize my nutrient timing, in this case slow(er) digesting protein before bed. I tend to use whole foods as opposed to powders to further slow the digetsion. I am not worried about being catabolic or less anabolic during my sleep, when I cannot consume, because I rarely get enough sleep to miss a meal or become catabolic :whiner:TheUnlikelyToad said:Here's a novel question.
If nutrient timing isn't that important and it doesn't matter much when you get your protein in, so long as tha net is relatively tha same on a day to day basis, why does it matter if you use a slower digesting protein such as micellar before bed? Seems like a waste unless one is dieting, even still I'm not sure as to its actually benefit.
The only problem is that watermelon is seasonal, and hard to find in my area when not in.SJA said:I love to do watermelon pre/post workout. The other good thing is that the high GI load value is low. So you get a quick spike...it does it's deed...then it's gone.
Cuffs said:The only problem is that watermelon is seasonal, and hard to find in my area when not in.
Hey SJA, or anyone else in the know, how's pineapple post w/o? I was told to eat this for the spike and did it for about 6 months. Not too sure how it rates though.
Nice linkage there... Also, the chic in your avatar has a nice stomach...mab904 said:Here's a good link to a GI and GL index and info. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the info mab. Appreciate it. Oh, and nice link also.mab904 said:Pineapple has a glycemic load of 7 and a Gycemic Index of 59. Watermelon a GL of 4 and a GI of 72. Making them both relatively low GL. Pineapple a medium GI verses Watermelon high GI.
Pineapple would still be good post workout, just not as much spike as the watermelon. Also pineapple contains protein digesting enzymes, so if protein is consumed as well post workout, pineapple would help the breakdown and absorption of the protein.
Bump on the grinder. When I get my box of oats it has two bags in it. I grind up one bags worth and put it in a large glass decanter and put the other bag of whole oats in the other decanter.cable626 said:hey magickk, grind up the oats in a coffee grinder, and put it in a shaker bottle. add in a scoop of protein powder for flavor and then when you are ready to drink just add water/milk and shake.
takes about 5 min cuz its a little chunky.
seems to be more filling and satisfying until I eat my next whole food meal ~45-60 mins later. I have done it ground both pre and post...just a preference.cable626 said:do you drink whole oats PWO? if so, why do you have whole oats post and not ground--i find ground oats are much easier to drink.
Bump that. I do the same thing.cable626 said:hey magickk, grind up the oats in a coffee grinder, and put it in a shaker bottle. add in a scoop of protein powder for flavor and then when you are ready to drink just add water/milk and shake.
takes about 5 min cuz its a little chunky.